Friday, October 08, 2004

Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been missing it, Bob

If someone brought their dog to work, you would think that person insane, yes? A dog, at your place of work. And we're not talking about Ray Charles here people, sight is not an issue. I say bringing your dog to work is absolutely ridiculous, however not all disagree. Discuss.

Milton Bradley apparently called a reporter "Uncle Tom" in the clubhouse the other day. Which begs the question, when did Ahmad Rashad become a beat writer for the Dodgers?

Jamal Lewis would not be serving time for facilitating a drug deal if he had my Sprint PCS phone. That call would've been dropped 4 or 5 times. Osama Bin Laden gets better service in his cave.


  1. Eh...who has the energy to care any more... Bring your dog, your daughter, your life coach and whomever else. Just stop telling me inane stories about any of them and we've got ourselves a deal.

  2. I failed to mention that the dog came to a 2 hour meeting. And it was more well beahved than I was. 2 hour meetings = death.

  3. you can barely pay attention to a tv show for more than five minutes. how can you possibly sit in a meeting for 2 hours? are drugs involved? were you heavily sedated?

    was the person who brought the dog to work a woman? b/c no self-respecting man would bring a pet to work. unless he was a member of the Green party.

  4. This website is messing with me. I thought I just posted that, oh yeah, it was a female, an older lady. Dogs in meetings, bizarre.
