Saturday, October 09, 2004

Moose, who's butt did you kiss to get in here anyway?

Now that was a fantastic W tonight. Bring on the "band of idiots". Mini-Rob, I hope to see you over on Gheorghe this week (I know, height jokes are played out, but hell, it's gonna happen).

Stop, Lima Time... Every time you see me, The Lima's just so hype, I'm dope on the mound and I'm magic on the mic...

OK, so I meant to write this last week, but once again Marshall Mathers has a huge hit on his hand. Let's ignore huge Eminem fan Corey Simspon's dislike for the track and recognize that "Just Lose It" will again be a smash. I mean, seriously, this guy samples Pee Wee Herman's laugh as his hook, and it's gonna be a bonafide smash. Extremely impressive.

Finally, Happy Birthday today to my BetterHalf. I mean, you would think dating me is a gift onto itself, but just in case, we'll be SuperSizing it tonight. Seacrest out.

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