Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Game On Wayne...Game On Garth

It's less than 12 hours away. I don't think I can make it through this long miserable work day. This is gonna be fantastic (or horrific, I'll get back to you tomorrow).

In totally unrelated news, perhaps Opie and Anthony have morphed "Sex for Sam" into "Sex for Santa Anna"?
SAN ANTONIO -- Tourists at the Alamo saw something besides historical exhibits at the shrine of Texas independence. A couple who witnesses say were having sex Sunday at the downtown mission landed in jail, according to police.
An Alamo security officer caught the two having sexual intercourse near a public viewing area about 5:30 p.m., a police report stated.

Not that you care, but come on, Ken Caminiti's death from a "heart attack" is about as accurate as Rick James' death from "natural causes."

OK, Superman is dead, and I've been debating how to go about this. Who knew that hairy beast Robin Williams would provide the answer - "Williams was one of the few who could joke about Reeves tragic injuries in public. 'Bid 5,000 dollars and see him move his leg!' Williams once said at a fundraising event in 2002 for Reeve's foundation for the paralysed."
Well, if uber-comic Robin Williams can do it, why can't a no-talent hack like myself? (And yes, I do indeed have my ticket to Hell already purchased, and I fully expect to be struck by lightning, or a bus, or both, on my way out of work today)
Q: What's black and sits on top of the stairs?
A: Christopher Reeve after a fire.
I will go await God's wrath.

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