Monday, July 20, 2015

Cauc Hop Revisited

It's been just over six years since G:TB's 1st Annual Caucasian Hip-Hop Artist Invitational. Perhaps unsurprisingly we never revisited this topic, and I'm too lazy to do so fully. But I posit that there are two artists who deserve to be seeded in the top half of the draw: Action Bronson and El-P.

Action Bronson continues to come up large. He's at the point where he even dominates his cameo appearances. He merely gets a "featuring" credit on "Driving Gloves," a new track from Gangrene (i.e., the Alchemist and Oh No) but it's pretty clear he's the star of the show.

If you made it to the end of that video you saw the reference to Meow the Jewels, a Run the Jewels spinoff project in which El-P remixed RTJ2 using only cat sounds. We've mentioned this lunacy here before and I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not. It appears to be real, based on the following from SoundCloud.

I'm not much of a prognosticator, but if these guys couldn't pull off at least 7 or 8 seeds then the legitimacy of the Cauc Hop undertaking has to be called into question.


  1. Phil just put a tee shot on the balcony of one of the hotel rooms.

  2. I just thought for a second what Action Bronson's beard might smell like, then threw up in my mouth. Probably a combo of stale cheese, bong water and hepatitis.

  3. we must protect the legitimacy of the cauc hop!

  4. This Spieth kid ain't so bad.

  5. Ghostface went after Action Bronson today. This is the rap section of GTB's worst nightmare.

  6. This has been brewing for a while and I hoped it would blow over. Now we need someone to step in and quash the beef before it gets uglier. GFK's home video shot live in Shaolin was not an impressive look.

  7. looks like bronsolini apologized for disrespecting gfk. beef quashed.

  8. I don't think that's the end of it. Action should hope so though.

    I did appreciate Ghost rocking out to Teddy P in the video.

  9. This Blake-Miranda news has really got me down in the dumps.
