Saturday, July 18, 2015

Urbont Live!

I don't have an update on Jack Urbont's appeal, but I do have an update on Urbont himself. In the video below he performs each of his Marvel songs with a brief preface explaining the back story.

I love how he cannily notes that he wrote these songs on spec (as opposed to works for hire). His interpretation of the Iron Man song (starting around 1:55) is a bit jazzier than the version from the show. He seems like a nice guy, but clearly he's nothing to fuck with.


  1. Zman- Huth is down here with a bunch of elder Lammies. They came by the house one night. You should be here.

  2. He will jam me tomorrow night.

  3. I'm enjoying the serenity of the western Maine woods from a campsite at rangely lake state park. There is a really loud domineering dad across the way who is trying to reason with an insolent three year old. Not exactly what I drove 15 hours for, but I have some baxter brewing stowaway IPA. 6.9% and 69 IBU. Really.

  4. Action Bronson is in Russia now and eating like a King. Fuck that's delicious.

  5. Fishing trip recovery day. Not much to say from several of us.

  6. eric devendorf got ejected from a game in the tournament today. that's fun.

  7. You deal with pimps you get pimpish results.
