Thursday, July 04, 2024

Hey Baby


Mark said...

Happy 4th to all who reside here. I woke up earlier than I wanted but that means my workout is over and I get to cook meat and lay in my pool for most of the day. As the Founding Fathers intended.

Professor G. Truck said...

lie in your pool. the founding fathers were sticklers for grammar . . .

rootsminer said...

I hope all the Gheorghies who wish to can lie pipe tonight, for America!

Whitney said...

hi gheorghies

Danimal said...

Happy post 4th everyone. A tame one here it was and with no damaged or lost digits. Started early and ended early. Hotter than a mother effer, go figure.

Whitney said...

Just saw a cheerios commercial with people from The Office. Angela is now plumper than Phyllis.

rob said...

apparently solomon ball came to a party my kid had at our house last night while we’re out of town. so that’s jeopardy answer for me.

Mark said...

Happy 5th Gheorghies. I’ve done next to nothing all day save for a beach run. I’ve also napped and watched soccer. So maybe I’ve done a lot?

Also, I need those Portugal shorts.

Donna said...

Hey - have any of you had shoulder injuries/pain? I saw ortho doc who specializes in shoulders on Wed because I've got this awful shoulder pain that has been persistent for 6 weeks. Can't point to specific injury, but it's horrible. Hard time sleeping, mobility, etc. He diagnosed bursitis, gave me a cortisone shot, and ordered PT. But this hurts like hell! It's the worst. Any suggestions or expectations for when it will get better, if any of you have had such?

Danimal said...

Hey Donna, you might ask your doc about PRP shots, Platelet Rich Plasma. Had a slight tear, hardly detectable, in both my labrum and rotator cuff. After a year or so if occasional cortisone or similar shots, pt, intermittent relief, in a last ditch effort to avoid surgery I went this route and am glad I did. It’s elective and this not cheap, but was well worth it in my case. Three shots over 3 months with PT interlaced and post facto for a couple weeks. I’m at 90-95%. Talk to your doc!

Danimal said...


rob said...

have a day, caitlin clark

Mark said...

Copa America has a problem. The ref situation is a joke and the level of physical play is bad boys Pistons-ish and it’s being rewarded. This isn’t sustainable imo.

OBX dave said...

I don't pretend to understand soccer, tactically, but I agree with Mark on excessive physical play. Uruguay-Brazil was beyond chippy, and fouls are called inconsistently at best.

Don't know the remedy. Should refs hand out cards like sidewalk vendors hand out leaflets? Can governing body suspend guys for future matches after video review? Will 'knock off this crap' proclamations carry any weight?

Marls said...

TIC…this is CONMEBOL. It’s almost always a rock fight with the South American teams truly disliking one another. I think the federation likes it this way and I’m not sure that it’s ever going to change that much. I agree that the ref situation has been a problem and VAR does not seem to be helping.

OBX dave said...

Wondered about what you say, Tim, after I posted. If it's not a bug but a feature, a South American "neighborhood" thing to permit that style of play.

Don't recall if SA teams clean it up for world stage play -- World Cup, Olympics, friendlies. Strikes me that if they played that way on larger stages, their teams would routinely be 10 or 9 vs. 11, cuz int'l refs wouldn't tolerate.

Donna said...

Thanks, Dan. I will. So far not great results from shot. Trying to be patient. (I’m not great at that.)

Marls said...

You have to go back to the 1962 to find a CONMEBOL team other than Brazil or Argentina making the final 4 in the WC. Many of those years the Brazilians/Argentines had arguably the best player in the world. I do think that you are right that the other members of the federation struggle to make the transition to the way the game is played/officiated in global events. Alternatively, maybe because the talent level has been so high for Argentina and Brazil that those nations had no choice but to muck it up to compete. Either way, Mark is right. These games feel like the 90’s Knicks vs Pistons.

rob said...

we're at a bit of an inflection point for conmebol. colombia and uruguay are arguably the best two teams in the confederation, and definitely have the brightest prospects in the run-up to the 2026 world cup, given their relative youth compared to argentina and brazil. is this a passing of the torch? is it full of sound and fury signifying nothing? are the referees playing the iago role, bent on destroying everything beautiful and pure? have i listened to too much augury recently? possibly.