Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Time Passages

In the summer of 2005, on an overcast day in Brewster, MA, my wife took a picture of me walking down the beach with my kids, then 4 and 15 months. We recreated the image in Myrtle Beach in 2015. And this week, we went back to the original scene of the crime to update it once more (kids are now 20 and 22, and the little one's best friend, a photography major at the Pratt Institute, took the photo). Some things have definitely changed (notably, the amount of gray in my hair), but the joy this ritual brings me hasn't diminished in the least. Watch this space in 2034.


rootsminer said...

And the seasons, go round and round, and the painted ponies go up and down...

Lovely photo.

Whitney said...

That stuff always gets me right behind the old ball-point.

And it got me thinking less Joni Mitchell and more They Might Be Giants.

rob said...

peep the tag for this one, whit

Mark said...

That's pretty great.

Answering the question from OBX Dave re: my Italy hate from yesterday. Yes, my wife's family is Italian. Very Italian. My father in law's name is Guisseppe Mazzella. I don't actually hate Italy or Italians. I do enjoy talking a lot of shit about them though. Italian soccer though - yeah that's something I always root against.

OBX dave said...

Rob, those pics are a treasure. Cherish that stuff.

Mark, good to hear you can give your in-laws some gas without them giving you the malocchio.

Professor G. Truck said...

you were a fat piece of shit in 2005. nice "glow up"!

rob said...

it was a baggy sweatshirt!

rob said...

and windy!

Mark said...

These Belgium kits are awful.

rob said...

good lord. that's haberdasheric malpractice.

rob said...

i really dislike what adidas has done with the shorts in this kit cycle. they look like old-school hoops shorts with the slashes of color running top to bottom. i like my shorts clean.

Whitney said...

Who doesn't, rob? But that's not how it always works out, now does it?

rob said...

sometimes you gamble and lose

rob said...

gtb legal scholars: on a scale of 1 to teapot dome, how fucked up is today's scotus ruling on snyder?

T.J. said...

is this our nba draft live thread? or do i need to toss up some filler pre-8pm tonight?

Whitney said...


rob said...

post cooooouuuuuuuuunnnnnnnt! (sung to the tune of ‘hump daaaaaay’)

T.J. said...

open thread is live...