Friday, June 28, 2024

Gheorghe Explains and Also Pees Himself

There has been a great disturbance in the force of late, exacerbated enormously and precipitously by Uncle Joe Biden's disastrous performance in last night's Presidential debate. Republicans gleefully pounced, mocking Biden's feeble mien and halting speech. As is their wont, Democrats gnashed their teeth, rent their garments, and whined. Some ostensibly sober members of the commentariat demanded that Biden step down as the Democrats' candidate in favor of a younger, sharper candidate. 

We don't come here today to make light of the debate and dismiss the very real concerns Biden's performance heightens. Rather, we offer some ballast, and a handful of suggestions for the Democratic Party, mostly things that are so obvious that their current absence calls into question the competence of the party's campaign apparatus.

Over at Bluesky, veteran journalist Radley Balko said this today, "Biden is too old. But he has surrounded himself with competent people and has had a conventional first term. Trump is authoritarian but inept. He has surrounded himself with people who he hopes will make him more effective at authoritarianism. Neither is ideal. But these are not similar problems."

And over at my phone, veteran Gheorghie Rob Russell said this to DJ-barrister-shoehorse-ladies man Z, "The campaign needs to lean hard on the uber-competence of his staff and agency leadership. The Biden Administration has quietly done a whole lot of good shit. The problem is the 'quietly' part. Good governance is rarely sexy."

In those two statements, we find a recommendation, if the Nervous Nellies in centrist Dem leadership can find it in themselves to stir up the appropriate level of righteous anger. Democrats and anyone who understands the peril that another Trump presidency would visit must do three things:
  1. Follow the advice of the the multi-hyphenate zman, who said to me: "Just hammer the felony conviction, the insurrection, hang Mike Pence, Covid, the civil rape conviction, and "you cheated on all three wives, why should the American people trust you?""
  2. Shout from the rooftops and every street corner the positive things that the Administration has done, from reducing college debt to lowering prescription drug prices to dramatically increasing the availability of renewable energy to supporting the UAW's successful action and labor more broadly, to advancing LGBTQ+ rights in a number of meaningful ways, among other things.
  3. Insist every American watch this segment from John Oliver and the Last Week Tonight team, which puts into stark relief the things that Trump's authoritarian fuckwhistles want to accomplish in a second administration:

I get the instinct to fear the worst. The consequences of another Trump presidency are disconcerting for all compassionate people. I have a trans kid and two children born female. Under the world Republicans want, their rights will be eroded and they'll be second-class citizens. That's fucking infuriating. And our friends in the media/entertainment complex will continue not to serve their audience because a horserace is good for ratings and repeatedly pointing out Trump's obvious and disqualifying flaws doesn't sell advertising.

But there's a long way to go, and time for Democrats to get their shit together. If last night was brutal, at the very least let's hope it serves as a wake up call.

If not, I'll be over here in the corner silently wetting myself, and/or rewatching this Jon Stewart rant on a loop.


OBX dave said...

Darn fine summation, Roberto, and the Oliver piece is indeed aces.

rob said...

got my first royalty check from amazon today. we goin' sizzler.

zman said...

Given the format of the debate, all Biden had to do was memorize a few talking points like some of the stuff rob attributed to me above and other things to remind everyone how bad it was four years ago. Unemployment at 14%; three thousand Americans dying from Covid every day; the Dow dropping 10k points over 3-4 weeks; rioters killing police; threatening phone calls to state governors demanding that they find votes. Instead he flailed around, unable to form coherent sentences.

Trump hit his marks. He didn't bother to answer the questions he was asked, instead holding himself together (by his standards) and unleashing a deluge of bullshit. Apparently the candidates knew there would be no fact-checking, so Biden should have been ready with counterbullshit. Clearly he was not.

I agree with rob in that the Democratic nominee should tout all the administration's accomplishments, but if we're touting the team and not the leader we need a different leader. Seems like Kamala Harris is the natural replacement but as my friend TR pointed out to me, she was the Border Czar ... so maybe not given how well the border went.

And SCOTUS is blowing shit up left and right today. That could be its own post. Reversing Chevron will be a fucking mess.

rob said...

there's a greater chance that elle mcpherson comes to my house and whisks me away to be her sex toy than there is biden stepping down in favor of harris or anyone else. that so many ostensibly 'serious' political pundits are suggesting biden do so is malpractice. that no pundits are lobbying elle on my behalf is equally problematic.

rob said...

and the chevron thing. looks like i picked the wrong day to stop sniffing superfund sites.

Marls said...

After last night, the only person Joe Biden would have a shot at beating is DJT. That is the one thing that will likely keep him on the ticket, it is also that false hope that will result in the Democrats losing the White House to a human shitstain like Trump.

Robbie, I love ya man, but you make some very sweeping generalizations about what Republicans “want”. This is the same line of bs that folks on the right use when they spin yarns about the bullshit that Democrats allegedly want. Are there folks on the far left and far right that generally want to blow up the system? Sure but that’s not what the vast majority of Americans want on either side of the aisle. Unfortunately, Trump’s cavalcade of clowns often falls into that camp so I understand the angst. The problem is that the other choice the American voter is being offered is a diminished old man with atrocious approval ratings. This election should be a layup for the Democrats but instead is likely a bloodbath the wrong way.

rob said...

i harbor no beef with the people who used to be what the republican party stood for, except that too many of them stood by idly while the circus hijacked their brand.

when i say 'republicans', i mean 'the people in power in the gop', and i know you know this. it's not a generalization. it's a specific critique. the trump team and the ideologues in their camp are not opaque about this. it's in the project 2025 manifesto.

rootsminer said...

We had a paper delivery guy in here today peacocking in his *rump 2024 hat, talking about how uncle joe will be replaced. It seems to be a popular theory among pundits and gasbags.

I didn't watch a second of the debate. No regertz.

rob said...

there is no project 2025 manifesto, for the record, but it sounded good when i wrote it. my point is that the policy proscriptions espoused by the group behind that project and the things they've said publicly, however, would have significant impacts on already-marginalized communities.

i watched soccer. i regret watching uruguay, because i know how good they are and how they're going to beat our brains in on monday.

rob said...

danimal, james wood makes his major league debut for the nats today. big moment for winchester.

zman said...

Elle MacPherson has never whisked me away but Kathy Ireland tried a few times so I'll lobby for you with her if that alternative is acceptable. Jennifer Garner stalked me when I was studying for the bar. True story.

rob said...

in what passes as good news, scotus took a break from scuttling the administrative state to deny steve bannon a reprieve from his jail sentence. i hope that fat bastard can find multiple prison jumpsuits with collars.

OBX dave said...

I rarely try to convince anyone of anything, so I accept people's political leanings as long as they're reached with thought and sincerity.

As a former newspaper hack and keyboard jockey familiar with the news biz, however, I'm pretty comfortable saying that CNN committed journalism malpractice last night. They did zero fact checking or callouts of lies and misrepresentations, and instead sacrificed integrity for a (relatively) clean TV broadcast. Knowing who they were dealing with makes the decision that much more egregious.

Marls said...

Dave - I hear you, but this wasn’t “journalism” per se. They were moderating a debate not grading the candidates. You would hope that a candidate that had prepped for the debate would be ready to call out the lies of their opponent - maybe even with a little humor. The rules shutting off the mic were created to allow that to happen and not have Trump just bluster over Biden’s response. Unfortunately, grandpa Joe put up no fight. I think that is my biggest frustration. Obama would have taken DJT out behind the woodshed.

Whitney said...

Obama is going to sweep in, hit Joe in the neck with a Dexter shot, and step into the fray to save the day. At least in my head.

Whitney said...

Squeaky and I are hitting the Chili Peppers tonight in Va Beach. With Squeakwoman and Squeakson and Whitwoman and Whitdaughter. Rock and roll.

Whitney said...

Overheard in my kitchen tonight:

“[Whitdaughter], you drink so fast!”

“I get it from my dad.”

Alrighty. Not bad.

rob said...

squeakson is gonna have impossibly high expectations for cool ladies.

Mark said...

I can vouch that the whitdaughters are hip, hip ladies.

Whitney said...

hi gheorghies

and thanks mark - love that

rootsminer said...

Mornin’ Gheorghies. Your man from the star city is attempting an absurd feat of guitar shopping this weekend.

Currently awaiting boarding for a flight to ohare, then driving to madison to see about a curvy 12 string.

With any luck I’ll pick her up, swing in to see slick 50 for a bit and head on to muncie, home of david letterman, and more importantly mine and z’s old pal juan moritz.

Wish me luck.

zman said...

I love this sort of absurdity. Good luck and say hi to Slick and Juan for me.

Whitney said...

Good luck with everything, Rootsy!

rob said...

up the swiss!

rob said...

rootsy should post a travelogue.

Professor G. Truck said...

that debate isn't changing anyone's mind. it was mind-numbingly boring. a chunk of that john oliver clip is an entertaining version of "the fifth risk" by Michael lewis-- which should be required reading for voters . . .

rootsminer said...

Travelogue update: made it Muncie late, had to bypass slick 50.

12 string procured, plus I got a sneak peek at Duff McKagan’s birthday gift to Slash. Really.