Friday, September 01, 2023

In Praise of the Journeyman

This afternoon in Flushing Meadows, Queens, 25 year-old American Michael Mmoh beat countryman John Isner in a five-set battle to advance to the third round of the 2023 U.S. Open. Mmoh won the match by taking a final-set tiebreaker, 10-7.

That breaker must've felt like a millisecond and an eternity all at once for Isner. 

An eternity, because the 38 year-old announced before the tournament that this Open would be his last professional tournament. One can imagine that Isner spent the 17 points in the tiebreak against Mmoh replaying his entire career on a reel that passed before his eyes. If one's a romantic. And this one is.

A millisecond, because Isner won the longest match in the history of professional tennis way back in 2010, and those 17 points represent a mere 1.7% of the 980 points in that epic. The 6'10" Greensboro native and Georgia Bulldog was the 23rd seed at Wimbledon that year, and took on French qualified Nicolas Mahut in the first round in London. The match started at 6:13 pm local time on a Tuesday.

The pair split the first two sets, each breaking the other once. Those breaks would be the last until the final game of the match. Mahut won the third set in a tiebreaker (9-7), then Isner returned serve by winning the fourth set, 7-3 in a tiebreak. The match was halted due to darkness.

At the time, Wimbledon did not play tiebreakers in the fifth set, meaning that the players competed until one led by two games. I vividly remember the 1980 Wimbledon final between John McEnroe and Bjorn Borg, where Johnny Mac took the fourth set with an 18-16 tiebreaker win before the Swede won the fifth and deciding set, 8-6. I thought that was a grueling match.

Isner and Mahut whaled away on each other for a good portion of that next day, with the American holding his serve each time and forcing the Frenchman to do the same to stay alive. Isner had four match points (at 10-9, 33-32 (twice), and 59-58), and Mahut fought them all off. The match official suspended play for the evening with the match square at 59.

The players returned to the court on Thursday, June 24, two days after the match started. They each won nine more games before Isner finally, finally broke Mahut and won the deciding set, 70-68. The match took a total of 11 hours and five minutes, nearly five hours longer than the second-longest tournament match in history (which also featured Isner, who lost in five sets over six hours and 36 minutes to South African Kevin Anderson in the 2018 Wimbledon semis - this one only went 26-24 in the final set). For the record, there were two Davis Cup matches that lasted longer than the Isner/Anderson match, but that's nitpicking.

In the years since Isner's win over Mahut, all four majors changed their rules, with all now deciding the fifth set (third for women) in a first-to-ten-point tiebreaker. We'll never see another match like Isner/Mahut.

And after today, we'll never see John Isner in a professional tennis match. At first a curiosity because of his height, he fashioned an outstanding career far below the radar of the casual sports fan. Isner won 16 professional singles tournaments over his career adding another eight doubles titles. He reached the 2018 semifinals at Wimbledon (reaching a career-best ranking of #8 in the world after that event) and a pair of U.S. Open quarterfinals. I called him a journeyman in the headling of this post before I started researching his career more deeply, but the dude won more than $22 million in prize money, ranking him 21st all time in that category.

John Isner was far more than a journeyman. May the wind be at his back, and the ice be upon his heavily-taxed right shoulder.


  1. Rock my Adidas. Never rock Fila.

    Very cool story. One for the opposite of Bite Me Randy Newman.

  2. my wife generally couldn't give two shits about sports. but she's all in on the coach prime and the buffs, to the point where we're going to watch the game at a local bar tomorrow at her urging. brave new world for me.

  3. Hope the game goes better for you than mine did last night. Florida pissed away a very winnable game with a mixture of sloppiness, carelessness, and softness. Not great, Bob.

  4. that isner match was very emotional-- love that dude, I watched a shitload of that 11 hour match back 2010 . . .

  5. also, mmoh's girlfriend is ridiculously hot . . .

  6. I can't fathom what losing an 11+ hour match would feel like.

  7. The guy typing this comment might be getting a new used minivan tomorrow. Look out!

  8. a professional tennis player with an attractive partner? unpossible!

  9. If you watch Isner/Mahut and listen closely, you can hear the chair umpire saying "Back to hell!" on the changeovers in the fifth.

    I eagerly await an update on the new used minivan. Is an 8-track player involved?

  10. Sadly, this one doesn’t even have a cassette deck.

  11. isner won due to the quality of his deep knee bennnnnds

  12. No cassette deck? Deal breaker.

  13. It’s got an aux, so i can connect a Walkman.

  14. The Millennium Funkwagon

    RIP Jimmy Buffett.

  15. I was not aware that The Millennium Funkwagon was a buffett nickname.

  16. Really odd… for the past few days I have inexplicably had the Buffett tune “Incommunicado” in my head. It popped in there randomly and then I played CocoTel all the way through. And the verse that kept going in my head was the one about John Wayne. With a last line of…

    “Can’t believe the old man’s gone.”

    Now I know why. Life is weird.

  17. some of it’s magic, some of it’s tragic, but i had a good life all the way.

    heard a guy sing that once.

  18. My old chum Ned is getting condolence calls from dozens of people about Buffett’s passing. Our 4th grade teacher checked in on him. Amusing outpouring.

  19. I hope everyone besides Rob & Mrs. Rob are watching this CO/TCU game. It's a barnburner!

  20. Some of us had *vans* to procure, Danimal. I did catch the audio of the end of the game. Deion wasn't going to squander the weekend cfb has to itself, was he?

    *sexy ass white 2011 odyssey with 94k,sunroof, tan leather seats, and all the major maintenance done*

  21. What about the minor maintenance? A stitch in time saves nine.

  22. Rob, you and the missus go to a bar for Coach Prime's debut, and Buffs improbably win. Looks like you must view all future Colorado games at a pub, lest you tempt fate. I don't make the rules.

  23. my wife tested positive for covid this morning, so i went to the bar by myself and met fogtb gus and his wife. watched the first half there and then came home to watch the second half. will definitely head back to the bar next weekend, but probably don't want my wife to stay sick.

  24. She’s gotta do what it takes

  25. here’s a bonkers stat for you: colorado had four receivers with more than 100 receiving yards today. they had two players exceed 100 yards in any game for the entirety of last season.

  26. Gamecocks looking mostly unimpressive but it’s still a game

  27. Well crap, that sucks, Rob. Sorry to hear about the missus. Hope you avoid the crud and figure a way to adhere to Buffs superstition.
