Sunday, September 03, 2023

Caribbean Appreciation, GTB-Style

I've heard a lot of Jimmy Buffett in my day. Perhaps not quite as much as Whit, but my consumption of the late bard of the boat drink was considerable in my younger years. And yet, through all of that sippin' and singin', I never heard this one, which hits right where G:TB loves it:

Sail on, Jimmy. 


  1. I approve. Love the muppet on steel drums.

  2. Buffett’s cause of death was a rare form of skin cancer. Get yourselves checked out. I especially need to.

  3. I do too.

    In better news, Ben Shelton!

  4. buffs are favored by 2.5 over nebraska. i know we've got a small sample size, but based on both teams' openers, and the fact that it'll be the first home game of the prime era, that number seems odd. am i smoking the good stuff, or do y'all agree?

  5. Rob, number indeed appears small by itself, but is part of massive shift. Colo-Nebraska was already available to bet beforehand. Huskers were favored by 8-10 Saturday morning.

    After Saturday results, Buffs by 1.5-2.5, depending where you look -- 10-12 point swing in a matter of hours. Likely to be bigger spread as week progresses and Buffs money comes in.

  6. yeah, saw that. and i'm not hip to all the ways the linemakers try to balance the flows of cash. i have heard that vegas is pretty exposed at the moment when it comes to the buffs, which seems to me reason to want more money in on nebraska.

  7. Get hip, get hip, don’t slip, you knucklehead

  8. jmu favored by seven over uva next weekend. that’s both a testament to the dukes’ preparation to move up and an indictment of the hoos’ program.

  9. what's swami rob's pick of the week for the krug bowl?

  10. i'm not sure anyone wants my gambling advice. but i think uva is really poop.

  11. Don’t worry - I won’t use it.

  12. Mini-rant from the site's Media Grump: first, much respect to Deion Sanders and the Buffs; helluva performance, bordering on revelatory. However, his postgame mantra to reporters -- Do you believe? -- is part of a troubling trend. Access journalism and the notion that beat reporters should be somehow "on board" with the local team. 'If you're not with us, you're against us' kind of thinking.

    The correct response is: No, I don't believe. Journalists research, ask questions, report what they see and what they're told. Belief shouldn't factor into the equation. A scuffling Power 5 program brings in a guy with limited head coaching experience, turns over 80 percent of the roster, opens on the road against a playoff team. Skepticism is appropriate in many instances, damn near mandatory in this one.

    And Colorado wins. One of the beauties of sports. Maybe the Buffs have an excellent season, maybe they go 6-6. No way to know. It's a compelling story, regardless. Just tell it. Belief rests with those in the football building and fans. Deion is smart enough to know how to deliver a message, and 'nobody believed' and 'everybody doubted us' are proven winners with the faithful. Reporters need to be more discerning.

  13. I’m with you Dave, but I fear we’re too far gone for some type of ‘access journalism’ to be the norm.

    The types of outlets that would adhere to these principles, especially in a sports context, are either withering (a la the local print news)or becoming content mills for the whales (like the nyt acquisition of the athletic).

    I’d almost rather everyone wear a nascar type jumpsuit with all their allegiances displayed. I’ve certainly learned to account for music reviews by knowing a reviewer’s biases.

  14. dabo lost to duke? you hate to see it. unless you're not an asshole, in which case you're still laughing with schadenfreudeish glee.
