Sunday, April 09, 2023

Travelogue Filler, Part Deux: Planes, Ferries, and Catamarans

In a span of 24 hours last weekend, Petite Pump Room Bar & Restaurant in Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI hosted two different Gheorghies and their parties. Whit and his group of salty dogs were on their way back to the airport on Saturday, while my wife and I were just beginning our journey on Sunday, grabbing lunch and a couple of Painkillers at the Charlotte Amalie ferry terminal while waiting for our ride to St. John. 

The ownership has ordered the plaque commemorating the historical moment. Look for it next time you're there.

In the spirit of Whit's travelogue chronicling the Caribbean portion of his recent globe-trotting, here's my contribution as a first-timer to the region.

The view from breakfast at Estate Lindholm
Homebase: Cruz Bay, St. John

In particular, Estate Lindholm, a family-run inn with spectacular views of the bay, and exceptional hospitality. The innkeeper, Brion Morissette, was born and raised on the island before going to Woodberry Forest for boarding school, graduating from the University of Colorado and then getting a J.D. at Ole Miss. He returned to the islands to practice law while building the inn on property owned by his parents. We know all these things because he made a practice of joining his guests at breakfast and is exactly the kid of people-loving raconteur you might find in a Hemingway tale. Just a lovely dude, with more stories than we had time.

Where Else: Honeymoon Bay, Hansen Bay, Trunk Bay, Maho Bay, The Beach Bar

I could kill a ton of pixels waxing rhapsodic about the beauty of St. John's beaches, but that'd be like dancing about architecture - you kinda have to see it for yourself. I did learn to snorkel passably, and saw some squid at Hansen Bay that Dave would've enjoyed. Followed a juvenile turtle at Maho Bay for a while, too. 

Also noteworthy, and unknown to me until we got there, drivers in St. John operate on the left side of the road. And the road from Cruz Bay on the island's westernmost point to Hansen Bay nearly all the way east is all kinds of treacherous - switchbacks and hills and blind corners and donkeys, oh my. Didn't hit a single thing in my maiden wrong-sided driving experience.

The Beach Bar is aptly named

Trunk Bay


The aforementioned snorkeling, for sure. I started an early-morning hike up the Caneel Spur to see the views, but a rare island thunderstorm chased me back to the inn, wetter than squirrel caught in a rainstorm. A fun meal at Skinny Legs in Coral Bay - exactly the kind of ramshackle beachside bar one would hope to find in the islands. Multiple trips to Cruz Bay's legendary Beach Bar. Killer meals at ZoZo's, Morgan's Mango, and Lime Inn, all of which were pricey and all of which we'd do again in a hot minute. Got some reading in, as well - finished Colson Whitehead's Nickel Boys (the plot twist at the end blew my damn mind), Philip K Dick's The Man in the High Castle, and Elizabeth Kolbert's The Sixth Extinction (rarely, in my experience, do ostensibly science books use the phrase "handjobs for crows", but this one does).

My favorite afternoon of the trip was spent aboard the Kekoa, a catamaran charter run by the Witbeck family. Theirs is a particularly cool and unique story. The Cliff's Notes version: two brothers built a boat to sell, the buyer ditched her in a storm, the brothers salvaged her, then nearly lost her in another storm, and now sail her around the islands with their kids and crew. Yeti did a really excellent video on the operation:

We got to sail with Jamison Witbeck (his teenaged son Sully was a more than capable first-mate), and the winds were up just enough to allow us some serious giddyup. We snorkeled at Mingo Island, where we saw a shipwreck, and at Little St. James, where the reef had recovered really nicely from recent trauma. Free rum drinks and beers, a perfect island soundtrack, a fun group of fellow passengers all served to blunt the momentary pain I experienced when I lost my favorite 17th Street Surf Shop hat in the breeze on the return back to Cruz Bay. Rookie mistake. Bygones.

  • Time spent with the people you love is a blessing. That time spent in a place of immense natural beauty is so much the more so.
  • St. John is a brilliant place. Literally didn't hear anyone utter a cross word to anyone else. I'm sure it happens, 'cause humans, but the vibe on the island did nothing to dispel the popular perception of the place.
  • Make sure you read your itinerary before you head on vacation. We booked our trip in December, and I didn't remember until we got to the airport in St. Thomas on our way home that we were flying home to a different airport (DCA) than the one we flew out of (IAD). Little hiccup, that.
  • If you're gonna get the tasting menu at Lime Inn, wear your big boy pants, and maybe let out the waist a bit.
  • Donkeys do not understand the concept of right of way.
  • I'd love to do that trip again with a group of Gheorghies, so if anyone's got any ideas...


  1. I had a great trip, maybe even better than rob, because I got to Augusta National in person for the first time, which was almost as cool as seeing Danimal in person for the first time. My old friend made a very befuddled face when I told him "Dan and I met on the internet."

  2. It's bonkers that rob and I were in the same tropical bar less than a day apart.
    And that Danimal and Zman got to hang at the Masters.

    Such things often travel in 3's... what crazy GTB confluence is next?

  3. I find it impressive that a couple of internet friends managed to coordinate a meetup at a crowded place where cell phones aren't permitted. I also didn't have Zman going to Augusta on my bingo card.

    My brother lucked into last minute Sunday passes for the 2014 Masters (Bubba Watson's second win there). While we were watching from the grandstand at the 14th tee, my brother went to the pro shop and bought some gear. He gave me a red hat. Within a few short years, I could no longer wear it.

  4. Same with my Cleveland brownshirt back in the 30's

  5. Our meeting was arranged 1990s style--we met at an agreed-upon place at an agreed-upon time without any real-time updates. It wasn't as hard as it sounds once you adjust your expectations.

    rootsy, Keith's cousin won a lottery and has two passes for life. He's exceedingly generous with them (and everything else, he fed us dinner twice).

  6. twice in as many weeks, professor truck and i mention the same author without coordination. last time, mark leyner. this time, he mentions philip k dick in his newest podcast. i don't know what to make of this.

  7. lots of good drama for the producers of 'welcome to wrexham' this week.

  8. I love the idea of a 90s style meetup. How would our children fare if given such an assignment?

    This cousin of Keith guy sounds alright.

  9. that is weird-- nice reading list: "man in the high castle" is better than the show and the sixth extinction is required for denizens of planet earth. and you went snorkeling and saw a squid! how big? giant-ish? sounds like an awesome trip . . .

  10. My children fail all assignments.

    Also at cousin of Keith's house were cousin of Keith's stepson and stepgrandson from Arkansas. They went on Thursday and Sunday and ate dinner with us on Thursday and Saturday nights. We talked golf, fishing, and bourbon, then tried to one-up each other with stories about stupid things we did after drinking too much bourbon. We concluded that drinking Booker's is always a bad idea.

  11. I read "Man in the High Castle" and tried to watch the show but couldn't. The book is indeed way better (I couldn't watch more than a handful of episodes), but I'm not too proud to admit that I had to read some literary criticism to fully understand the ending.

  12. finally recorded my first win of my jv coaching career. went out to winchester to play millbrook, who have a gnarly grass field. dominated most of the match, but only scored 1 in the first 60 minutes and gave up a scrappy equalizer. scored within a minute to resume the natural order of things. closed it out after that. baby steps.

  13. coach prime met ralphie today. the video is excellent. prime was more than a little bit intimidated by her.

  14. My wife is trying to book a Caribbean vacation in June. Please send destination and hotel recommendations
