Thursday, April 06, 2023

Guys and Dolls

Some of you played with dolls when you were a kid. I did. It was cool! I mean it.

Mine looked like this, if memory serves.

Guess I should have hung onto them.

My mom even built me a "Batcave" out of a cardboard box with a hole in the top and a pole that Batman and Robin would use to get to it. It was awesome. My friends thought it was pretty boss -- not available in stores!

Later on, for lads, "dolls" were renamed "action figures" somewhere in the mix. I never had a G.I. Joe doll with that mangy hairlike substance all over his head and face, but some friends did. G.I. Joe would not like being called a "doll," punks. By the time the little G.I. Joe plastic hairless numbers came out in the 1980's, they were "action figures" for sure. Alongside my Luke Skywalker and his Landspeeder. 

My sister played with a ton of dolls. Baby dolls and Cabbage Patch Kids and what-not. I don't think she had Betsy Wetsy.

But she definitely had Barbie.

And the dream house and the pink Corvette. Multiple Barbies, including Malibu Barbie. And Skipper. And Ken. 

My daughters did the Barbie thing as well. I will never forget staying up all night putting together hearing about how Santa put together the Barbie dream house one Christmas Eve. They spent years collecting and playing and scenario-scripting and, yeah, fighting over Barbies.

And there were Barbie books and toys and cartoons and TV shows.

But this... this is something else.

I'm bizarrely intrigued by this. I'm sure my daughters and sister will be even more so.


  1. did have the hairy gi joe. also had a steve grogan action figure. that was the shit.

  2. Did the Grogan action figure come with the enormous neck brace?

  3. Mark’s comment gave me a good chuckle

  4. Mark, I’m 90% in for FL/SC this fall. And since good ol’ FOGTB’s Tinsley and Marston will have kids there, should be a mini-summit throwdown of fairly colossal proportions.

  5. breaking news:

    john mulaney stole my bit!

  6. wow-- didn't see previous comment but tinsley is prominent in my sentence. weird.

  7. whit will have to jog my memory, but tinsley did the same thing to spurrier after an engagement party in virginia beach - we never did find the cd. then spurrier drove us to hot tuna, and my wife confessed later that she was certain we were gonna die. maybe we let tins run the music from now on.

  8. Just don't let Coby run the music ever again.

  9. He nearly killed Spurrier. Who was so drunk he kept dropping beer bottles in that nice beach house so we took to calling him Spillier.

  10. Whit- great news on FL/SC. I'm almost positive that Vitas will be joining Greg, Schmitt and myself as well this time around. Not even sure this will count as a mini-summit at that point.

  11. Excellent, Mark. I’m driving by South of the Border right now en route to Columbia. Hola, Pedro.

  12. Hello Friends, on a cold and damp Saturday from Richmond County, Georgia. Z & I are proud to announce that the first ever GTB mini-summit took place on the hallowed grounds of the Augusta National Golf Club yesterday afternoon. It was also the first ever meeting between Z-dawg & the Danimal. It unfortunately didn't last very long due to schedule but hey, we'll take it. I'll look forward to the next one. Enjoy your Masters Sunday everybody!

  13. trees never fell on the course during a masters until team gtb shows up. strong effort, boys.

    currently sitting on the runway at logan preparing for the final air leg of a long journey home from st. john. that place is dope.

  14. Danimal & Z, that is awesome. Well done. Greetings from the heart of South Cackalacky. Shrimp and grits and martinis and beers. I have grown to love this town.

  15. 14-hour day of travel. woof.

  16. And now sitting w Buck drinking burrbin

  17. if you missed it last night, i commend to your attention bowen yang’s weekend update appearance as jafar from aladdin. that dude is hi-larious.
