Monday, April 24, 2023

Movin' On Up

That's a Jumbo Shrimp!
It's a natural human tendency to identify with local institutions, entirely keeping with the tribal nature of our species. When it comes to sports, we've got a broad range of hometown teams to celebrate. Whit's got the Norfolk Tides. Danimal reps the Jacksonville Jaguars (when he's not at 121 Financial Ballpark backing the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp). I have it on good authority that the late(ish) lamented TR is a Colorado Rockies fan. The Teej is all in on the Wizards, though they don't deserve him.

I've got my own local rooting interests, and after a few bleak seasons, both of them are having seasons to be proud of. 

Segra Field was opened in Leesburg, VA in 2019. It's 3.5 miles from my house, and hard by the facility my soccer club owns. It's nothing fancy - modular construction, 5,000 seats, still using converted cargo containers as bathrooms - but it's ours. 

The facility was initially built to be the home venue for Loudoun United, which plays in the United Soccer League (USL) Championship, the second tier of American soccer. You may recall that I attended United's first-ever match at Segra, back in August 2019. For several years, NWSL side Washington Spirit played some of their home games in Leesburg (they've since departed for Audi Field in D.C. proper, and good for them - they deserve big-time digs). And since 2021, Major League Rugby's Old Glory DC have called Segra home.

It's been unquestionably cool to get to see reasonably high level sports played in my backyard. But until recently, the novelty of seeing Loudoun mentioned with cities like Memphis, Phoenix, Louisville, Seattle, etc. in the sporting press was about all we had to sustain us. After a decent start to their USL Championship run (the team went 11-17-6 in its inaugural campaign), Loudoun United has suffered from the same financial woes that plague their parent club, D.C. United. The local 11 has posted a combined record of 13-56-10 over the previous three seasons, with nary a sniff of the playoffs.

Meanwhile, OGDC have fared a bit better, but only just that bit. In their two seasons at Segra prior to this one, the local lads have managed a 9-1-22 mark, failing to qualify for the playoffs in either campaign.

The times, they seem to be changin'. When I opened the paper this morning and looked at the USL and MLR standings, Loudoun's own were in rarified (relatively speaking) air. Loudoun United drilled Oakland Roots, 3-0, this week to move into fourth place in the USL Championship on 10 points. They trail second place Birmingham Legion by just three points and have a game in hand and a better goal differential. Admittedly, it's early days, but there's reason for optimism.

Loudoun United's next home match is on Wednesday, where they play a third-round U.S. Open Cup match against Flower City Union, a third-tier side from Rochester. A win (and the locals are favored) would get United into the Round of 32. Heady stuff, indeed.

Old Glory are holding up their end of the bargain, currently sitting in second place in MLR's Eastern Conference having played nine of 16 regular season matches. The standings are a logjam in the East, which is the inferior of the league's two divisions - OGDC has the same record as New York Ironworkers, NOLA Gold, and Rugby ATL, but lead on points. The top three teams in each conference make the playoffs.

We'll keep you posted on the locals. If you need playoff tix, I know a guy who knows a guy. Vamos Loudoun!


  1. I own a Jacksonville Humbo Shrimp hat. It’s awesome.

    I’m also at an Old Fashion competition tonight because the head bartender at my wife’s restaurant is participating. Going to be a little hungover on a Tuesday, I reckon.

  2. i learned today that my wife's friend's husband thinks i'm in the c.i.a. because i'm generally vague about my (ex-) job, because i travel to places like scotland without her, and because my linkedin profile is somewhat nondescript. he's convinced i'll announce that i have a new "job" as soon as my "severance" period ends. hard to disprove a negative. guess i'll have to be comfortable being an international man of mystery, at least in his presence.

  3. Fuggin Jack Ryan oveh heyeh. The

  4. jimmy butler would appear to be that dude

  5. Curious to hear the gheorgherati's take on JoJo Bides' announcement.

  6. i'm resigned to the idea that there's no other dem that can beat trump at the moment. and uncle joe's actually got a really strong record of achievement. i very much do not love the fact that he'd be 82 when inaugurated - he's clearly lost his fastball. but he's surrounded himself with competent people, so i suppose i can get past that.

  7. RIP Harry Belafonte, Joe Biden's old classmate

  8. Not as hungover as I thought I'd be today. Though I did skip the gym this morning so I could sleep in a bit. Guess I'll take a long lunch and sweat some of this bourbon out.

    And yeah, Jimmy Butler is fucking monster.

  9. heads up from the management: nobody post anything for a few days. we're working on a thing and it needs to be the next post.

  10. I can post nothing for sure.

  11. Status quo for these slack bastards

  12. I wish Joe had the courage not to run. And even to resign. It’d really be something if he set forth an executive order that no one over 84 can serve as elected official. Ha! Before the ink could dry, he’d be tarred and feathered publicly.

    Can I share news going on at my house: turns out, our daughter has significant scoliosis and is having posterior spinal fusion surgery on May 9th. It’s a major surgery, 4-6 hours, in hospital 3-4 days, recovering at home 2-3 weeks. Could be longer but that’s the norm. Her spine has a S curve that is terrible! I’ll be with her at hospital and off for her recovery time. We feel good about doc and CHKD here in the region. They’re the best of the best! But it’s a bit daunting for us parents. She’s ready. She turns 16 two days before surgery. Appreciate any good thoughts you’ve got! Thanks ~

  13. Geez, Donna, that sounds like a lot -- best of luck, and yes, you know CHKD is the best!

    Many positive vibes coming your way.

  14. gracious, donna. daunting for the parents is right. wishing her good doctors and a quick and complete recovery, and peace and calm nerves for mom and dad. for what it's worth, chkd took excellent care of my kid after she split her head open at whitney's apartment (a mere block or two away at the time) - it's a heck of a story.

  15. There’s a girl I grew up with who was an All American soccer player. Went to UNC at the peak of their powers and was an All American in Chapel Hill as well. She had two kids: older son, younger daughter. Both are absolute studs on the pitch. The daughter is my kids classmate. Also a great kid. Her husband/Kids Dad got diagnosed with cancer a couple months ago. He died today.

    I’m gutted for those kids and her. Fuck. Hold your people tight.

  16. Donna - I'm sending the most positive vibes through the universe your way. We went through the exact same procedure with our oldest Ally at approx the same age. She's 24 now and all good. I'm happy to share our experience with you. I'm sure the guys can link us up if you have interest. All the best to your daughter - KT

  17. Mark —so sorry for your friends and you. It’s so awfully sad. As far as we’ve come with some cancers, it still devastates far too often!
    Thanks for good thoughts/vibes, etc…and thank you for sharing you’ve been through this, KT. We feel better when we learn of those who have and are doing well years later. That’s so great that’s happened for your daughter! If I need more info, I’ll definitely ask.

  18. Donna--sending you and your daughter prayers & good vibes

  19. Very sorry, Mark. Crushing.

  20. If GTB has taught me anything, it's that it's ok to support a mediocre (or worse) sportsball team.

    Best of luck to Donna's youngster. I've been running the medical gauntlet with my 17 year old ballet dancer, who is experiencing shoulder issues. Fortunately it looks like something that can hopefully be fixed with PT. Our journey from sports med dr> shoulder surgeon > PT was unusual in that each provider in the chain has suggested less intrusive treatment. I wasn't great with the idea of operating on his left sternum-clavicle junction. Lots of important stuff there.

  21. Also, I finally listened to the most recent We Defy Augury. While Zman may have been fluffing Dave a wee bit, it was a very good listen.

  22. Positivity coming your way from north Florida, Donna. And am sorry to hear about your loss Mark - jeezus that's awful. I can't imagine.

    I have a Jumbo Shrimp shirt, but not the lid. I'll correct that at a May 10 afternoon game our team here is attending as a group. Will send pics, maybe even post something! Who am I kidding?

    Lots of time between now & next naming of Pres nominees. I know Trump is, yet again, seemingly in the driver seat but I don't think he ends up being the R nominee. Yes, I know...I know jacksh*t and am probably wrong but that's my hunch and I'm sticking to it. And sorry, but if it's a reasonable conservative that is the candidate, that person is most likely going to get my vote before Biden does. FTR, Biden did get my vote last go around not that it's any of your business.

  23. I fail to see how a reasonable conservative has even a slim chance at winning the gop nom.

    There's a newly unemployed media member who could conceivably demagogue his way into contention, but I don't really want to ponder that shitshow.

  24. I intend to hold up inside here for the next 18 months and avoid all of that mess. Just tell me what happens.

  25. i think a lot of folks would vote for a reasonable conservative, danimal. but a) like rootsy, i don't think one can win the nomination, and b) i don't think one could govern the current coalition of freaks that make up the modern institutional gop. the nation would be much, much better off with a vibrant, serious conservative party. i wish we had one. we don't.

  26. my squadron dominated bar trivia this evening to clinch a place in the finals. one of the questions was the name of philo beddoe's orangutan pal in 'every which way but loose'. wheelhouse for this child of the 70s who's father loved that dude. wheel. house.

  27. Played in my weekly pickup game last night for a solid two hours. It's remarkable what that two hour stretch does for me mentally, even if I feel it physically far more than I once did.

  28. Can you throw a chair in heaven? Jerry Springer, if he's lucky, will soon know.

  29. There's a Cracker song ripe for a parody version that asks that very question.

  30. update: loudoun united handled flower city union, 5-0, last night to book a round of 32 match at home against columbus crew. vamos!

  31. Donna, keeping a good thought for your daughter. Mark, so sorry to hear about your friend's family. Be supportive, take nothing for granted.

  32. I hate to say it, but GTB's football draft coverage has really fallen off this year.

  33. patience, rootsy. patience.

  34. It doesn't bother me, as my level of interest in the draft is low.

    I remember years past where the comments mostly recapped the sartorial choices of the draftees.

  35. I was unaware until last night that double breasted suits were popular again. Not going to age well for many of the newly minted millionaires.

    It was actually a pretty fun, lively night I thought but I've been a dork for the NFL Draft since I was a kid. I used to take SI Mock Draft and mark it up with all the changes to the predicted picks.

  36. 1.4 inches of rain and counting in my hood today. fucking gross.

  37. gtb spring break is almost over. i promise.

  38. My friends just reported that Drake, Beyonce, JZ, Rihanna, and Snoop spotted in the Cavalier and Marriott in VB today while Something in the Water is goin' on. The 757 is pretty cool this weekend, I guess!

  39. We got four inches overnight and my 100 year old house took a little bit in the basement. I’m gradually taking measures to bend the water away from the house. Hopefully I’ll finish the job or move before I’m too old to mess with that shit.

  40. those last two comments encapsulate the entirety of the gtb experience. i couldn't be prouder.

  41. We've had hail 2 of the last 3 days. Possibly more today. Luckily nothing major in my hood. Other areas have looked like it snowed.

  42. Just wait for the locusts. Disney told DeSantis not to fuck with them.
