Thursday, February 23, 2023

Peaches, from the President of the USA

With the lights about to go out in Gheorghia, at least for President Jimmy Carter, there seems to be a lot of nice things being said about the man. Appropriately.

Hospice is about palliative care, making someone feel good with the time they have left. Do you all want to feel pretty good? Watch this.

During my music documentary marathon, I checked this one off along the way. It's worth a return trip. 


  1. I’ll have to check it out. I hope jimmy is gliding off the earthly plain in good spirits.

  2. He took a lot of heat back when, but time and perspective have been kind to the man. Plus, tons of Allmans and Dylan and Willie.

  3. jimmy is a righteous dude. would that we all contribute as much to our communities as he did to our nation.

    also, tribe wins! likely, though not certain to avoid pillowfight friday.

  4. Who doesn’t love a good pillow fight?

    Jimmy also got Doc Watson and Bill Monroe play at the White House, and that’s pretty damn cool.

  5. I just got around to reading the Sally Jenkins piece. A rather brutal assessment.

  6. big one tonight for the lady wrens at home against a mediocre elon team. win gets the green and gold to 10-5 on the conference season.

  7. OK Rob, I'll be the bad guy - this obsession with wrenball can't be healthy. I say this only because I care!

  8. rootsy, i have many obsessions. it's what *keeps* me healthy.

  9. If you say so, Rob.

    Speaking of health, there’s a dude at my gym right now wearing track pants (normal), topped with a leather eagle/american flag vest, a felt Stetson hat and a surgical mask. Fashion is still dumb.

  10. i was walking my dog this afternoon and a woman - roughly my age - smiled at us and said, 'what a cutie!' to which i responded, 'aww, thank you. and the dog's pretty, too'. she laughed. pretty pleased with myself, if i'm being honest.

  11. Suddenly, Rob’s sabbatical got a little saucy

  12. Spittin' game at the dog park!

    There's a single dad at my wife's school who pursues ladies in the carpool line. Questionable enough, but now he's dating a middle school teacher who likes to flirt with him at the head of the line in full view of his jilted ex, who's a few cars back waiting for dismissal to start.

    That's middle school as it could possibly be, but it's not exactly what you want from a teacher at that level....

  13. I know exactly what you want from a teacher at that level.
