Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Don't Go In The Water

Several of us are getting together this weekend to catch the Cocaine Bear documentary in a local theater. It's been a long time coming - we first mentioned cocaine bear here in January 2011 in a post by Mark about the college football national championship game. It's immensely gratifying to see our hard work and dedication pay off.

Now that we've taken the bear to the masses, it seems we've got a new mission.

In early February, authorities in New Zealand seized more than three tons of cocaine wrapped in water-tight bales and floating in the Pacific Ocean. Shortly thereafter, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resigned. Coincidence? Almost certainly. 

The coke was meant to be picked up by distributors and smuggled into the country. With an estimated street value of $315m (U.S.), the volume was enough to supply Australia for a year (and New Zealand for three decades - the Kiwis need to up their blow game).

In and of itself, the bust is noteworthy, but I wouldn't be writing about it here without something else causing me to sit up and take notice.

A couple of years ago, Mexican authorities found a ton of cocaine stuffed into frozen shark carcasses.

At first glance, these two law enforcement actions don't seem particularly connected. Until I came upon this genius bit of filmmaking.

Bears are scary enough. But friends, be very wary the next time you head to the ocean. We're talking fucking cocaine sharks! Cocaine. Sharks. I don't even wanna know what kind of carnage will follow.


  1. this week's augury is epic - one of my favorites. it's got writing insight, teaching wisdom, and dave revealing the awfulness of his person four times. three on purpose, and one when he kept calling a kid a 'cripple'.

  2. I can’t wait for Cocaine Bear — join Rob and me if you can. We’ve seen worse movies in the theater together, on opening night even. I think.

  3. sally jenkins eviscerated the liv tour and handed greg norman its entrails. gracious:

  4. I was planning to see Cocaine Bear on Saturday with a friend but thew wife's out of town on a girls trip. Stupid happy marriage.

  5. Stay out of the ocean!

  6. thanks for the plug! i feel like i had to record some of those stories for posterity. also, as george carlin pointed out, cripple is a word in a the bible. jesus healed the cripples. and so did i!

    my students are very interested in cocaine bear . . .

  7. “In a the Bible” is how they say it in Rome.

  8. and in north brunswick.

    has anyone watched the show "South side"? really funny

  9. while we weren't paying attention, georgetown went to indianapolis and beat butler. 2-34 in their last 36 big east games. progress!

  10. third and final day of tryouts for the high school kids i coach. lots of talented freshmen with potential to contribute to a team that finished runner-up in the state last year. head varsity coach was down to two kids that he couldn't decide between, so he asked one of them if she would rather be on varsity and likely play limited minutes or be on jv and play a ton. kid didn't bat an eye - 'i want to play jv. that'll help me build a foundation.' no way i was that mature at 14.

    and selfishly, now i get to start the season with a varsity-quality center back.

  11. New season of Rob Lasso coming soon? Can your squad be nicknamed the narco-sharks?

  12. my attorney has advised me that rob lasso probably wasn't a great idea. too bad, that.

  13. I always presumed it was fiction, no?

  14. names were changed to protect the innocent, at least.

  15. your wrenmen are 1.5-point favorites at home against elon this evening. really a must-win game if the good guys want to ensure they'll avoid the dismal fate of playing in the 12/13 matchup in the caa tournament.

  16. Dane Fischer will be filling out the same DOL forms as Hubert Davis this April

  17. if only i was a wash post subscriber i could read the jenkins liv article. anyone watching "full swing" on netflix, golf's answer to the F1 docuseries? it's pretty good, worth trying, golf fan or not.

    the tribe have just two opportunities left to get off of the 5-win conference hump? please pass the popcorn!

  18. Danimal - I'll send you a gift link to the Post article if you want to read. Is the caddie master email still good?

  19. Nevermind the email q. It lets me make a link, so here 'tis :

  20. Danimal, this GTB comment must have slipped by you...

    Whitney said...
    Eagerly awaiting Danimal’s GTB review post for “Full Swing.”
    9:02 AM, February 16, 2023

  21. Thank you kindly, Rootsy!
    Whitney - I did indeed miss that comment. I'll get on that!

  22. I also enjoyed the latest We Defy Augury. His second lesson therein is especially helpful if, like Dave, you are lousy at “reading the room.”
