Monday, November 07, 2022

Happy G:TBday, gheorghies!

So Gheorghe: The Blog turns 19 today. 19!

Eschewing the Paul Hardcastle song (n-n-n-nineteen) and going for the Old 97's tune, natch...

Take just a minute to reflect where you were on this day in 2003, how life is different now, and how the presence of Gheorghe Muresan and his namesake blog have bettered your lives.

"This space will celebrate those in sports and elsewhere that live with Gheorgheness, and skewer those that think they are more important than the game - be it sports or life."

Amen, robbie.


  1. I had a five month old at the time, and didn't learn of G:TB's existence until Lumpy told me of it nine or ten year later, shortly after the mini summit with the big fella himself.

  2. gtbday! i had a two year-old and one on the way. they're both in college now. zoinks.

  3. Did anyone start their day with their wife screaming at them that her "car is all fucked up and so is the garage and I can't get it out and it's all fucked up and you fucked up the car and the garage and it's all fucked up!!!" and then look in the garage and see that the reason things are all fucked up is because she bumped into the shelf while trying to back out, which knocked stuff off and somehow knocked your son's bike over, tangling the handlebars in the spokes of the wheels of the car, wedging the front wheel of the bike against the cinderblock wall? Or was that just me?

    I pulled the car forward two inches, removed the front wheel from the bike, untangled the handlebars, and pulled the car out. This is still all my fault.

  4. Nineteen years ago I was a first-year law student and a miserably unhappily married man. Now I am a grizzled veteran lawyer and happily married, this morning's donnybrook notwithstanding.

  5. glad i’ve kept my schedule open, seeing as how the colts seem to be willing to be creative with their head coach role.

  6. I was living in Tampa and working as a low level sales/marketing guy for the Lightning. I knew nothing of G:TB but I'd soon be introduced to it due to Jerry's Wheelhouse.

  7. Like rob, I had a couple of tots in diapers when Gheorghe: The Blog commenced. They're now in college, and I'm a few years away from diapers. (Hopefully I'm kidding.)

    I was living in DC, working for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, playing softball with rob and Teej, and frequently drinking at the Dubliner and Irish Times. I'm not doing any of those things any more, for better or for worse.

  8. Gracias for permitting an ex-newspaper keyboard jockey to tag along.

  9. Tribe hoops! Rob, what’s with no Wrenball preview?

  10. 37 of the tribe’s 50 points at the second half u12 have been scored by players who weren’t on the team last year. that’s a wrenball preview preview.

  11. losing by 15 to navy also a preview preview

  12. As is not scoring a point for the final 3:45 or being outscored 24-9 to finish the contest. Same ol’ Tribe.

  13. lady wrens beat navy by 15, so it’s all even

  14. A fucking hurricane in November? WTF? Oh, and it's coming directly at me at this time. Fun times. School just got cancelled for Wednesday and Thursday. Time to hit the liquor store.

  15. Jesus, Mark. Hope you remain safe.

  16. i hope you fuckers voted. at least once.

  17. I did! My three demarcations weren’t worth much. A US congressman who runs nearly unopposed and whom I like fairly well. A city councilwoman who’s reasonably appreciated. A school board member that… I should know more about.

    But I voted, dammit.

  18. i'm not looking forward to the barrage of fuckery over the next few weeks as votes get counted.

  19. A willful suspension of interest and connectivity helps.

  20. What kind of fuckery is this? You made me miss the Slick Rick gig.

  21. if walker and oz win, i may well renounce all things political and go live in the woods

  22. I echo Mark's hurricane tied sentiments.
    19 years ago, the Daminal years. Youngish, single, footloose.
    I did get my vote on today and watching Kornecki now. He is the best on election day. Just the facts, Jack, and lots of 'em.
    Whit, no Cowboy Cafe?

  23. The squirrel returns to the woods. Delicious.

  24. I too voted. Even though it’s damn near a lost cause for people of my ilk in my state and county. Still always a privilege worth exercising.

  25. home this evening after a lovely few days at the delaware shore. tomorrow i start my new routine. i guess you people want some content?

  26. some mixed results electorally so far (as mark notes, dems can write florida off for the foreseeable future), but looks like it's not gonna be a bloodbath. the georgia senate race looks like it'll make all the difference.

  27. I hadn't considered suggesting Rob take a long hike during his sabbatical, but it's not a bad way to kill a few months. Your calves and beard will never be healthier.
