Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Assignment Desk

I very much appreciated the plentifold suggestions Whit offered to help me figure out what to do with my time over the next several months. I plan to even do some of them - I do love a good haiku, after all. And I come here today with both a promise and a request.

The promise first: I intend to be a content machine around these parts. It'll be a disappointing week for me if I can't crank out at least five days worth of posts. A majority of those will be filler, obvs, but I hope to tackle a few meaty topics. 

And the request: assign me some shit, y'all. Gimme some writing prompts. Send me out into the (virtual) world to do some research and report back. Challenge me. I'll repay you with some tossed-off crap, mostly. 

To get your juices flowing, here are several topics I intend to weigh in on:

  • 2022 Men's World Cup preview (duh)
  • My favorite footballers (also probably duh)
  • Election fuckery
  • My progress in completing my kids' book
  • A theory of the future of digital identity (it's a scorcher)
  • Recommendations for streaming programs (watching Billy Corben's "God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty" this evening)
  • Podcasting! 
  • Wrenball!
  • A recounting of my quest to play soccer until I'm 60 and the various injuries that have resulted
  • All the Gheorghasbords the market can handle
  • Several of the Twelve Days of Gheorgemas
  • And so much more!
Get at me, Gheorghies!


  1. These are exciting times!

    G:TB is on the verge of a milestone number. Maybe a Greatest Hits album is worth thinking about.

    Also, as you all have marked on your calendars, G:TB's birthday (G:TBday) is coming up next week. I hope you have all prepared!

  2. gheorghe: the book rises from the ashes like a gawky phoenix!

  3. the corben doc on the falwells is in-sane. i kept saying 'holy shit!' must watch.

  4. Ready for some hard-line college editorializing? Don't be. But here's what the kids are doing back in the 'Burg these days.

    It definitely takes me back to the silly games we played on the freshman dorm. But we were the opposite of singular in our sporting antics. I suppose there's a blogpost therein.

    Worst line of this article: "Whether it was just thirty minutes or an hour (or some days, many hours), spike ball and Taylor Swift carried us all through days that seemed overwhelmingly endless."

  5. According to sources, Daniel Snyder has decided to sell the team. Not jinxing anything yet with celebration.

  6. i smell a post ranking the worst sports team owners of all-time. the redmanders may well have more than one.

  7. I want a recurring series on the fitness routine that keeps you on the pitch until 60. I recommend deadlifts, if you're not already doing them.

  8. soccer is my fitness routine, with a little yoga and peleton thrown in. i guess i should find something more.

  9. Content that is a request for content inspiration. Brilliantly meta.

  10. if i do this correctly, you'll all be falling over one another to post stuff that i can read

  11. Gheorghe: The Podcast…or Oddcast

  12. We could do a podcast to critique Dave’s podcast

  13. I love Dave's podcast! I have now made it through 9 of them, including the most recent. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss 40 minutes goodbye.

  14. Speaking of Dave, I just caught a WaPo headline that reads

    Why daylight saving time is worse for your body than standard time

  15. zdaughter said she wanted Annie's bunny mac'n cheese for dinner last night but after I made it she changed her mind so rather than throw it all out I fed some to zwoman's dog. She loves it but apparently it gives her bunny mac'n cheese farts which she has been ripping in my office all day long. I will not do this again.

  16. If you let a dog rip mac'n cheese farts in your office, it's officially your dog.

  17. Wife and I watched the Falwell doc over the past two nights. It's even more crazy/insane than I anticipated.

  18. So what say y'all on the combined no-hitter last night in the World Series. Meh? Or Terrific/Fabulous? I thought the Astros starting pitcher was really great!

  19. Donna, I was surprised by the lack of chatter here on that. Lots of people are fairly indifferent on this Series. The Astros never really inspired all that many people, and they're best known most recently for the sign-stealing scandal. And then there are the Phillies, whose fan base infuriates most everyone. But last night was more than newsworthy.

    Hope they can keep it up. Sending 43,000 Phildelphians home last night without witnessing a single hit was awesome.

  20. This does amuse me...

  21. “She said she wasn't sure what started it all, though she suspected alcohol played a role.”

  22. That could be the opening line to many a biography.

  23. last night was really cool. i'm completely ambivalent about the outcome. but this story is pretty neat:

  24. W&M’s Todd Boehly named as a possible Commanders buyer

  25. RIP Ray Guy. Best punter of the 70’s and 80’s.

  26. boehly plans to rename the team ‘the tribe’, after atcq. no feathers. circle of life.

  27. Echoing Whit, there doesn't appear to be much rooting interest outside fan bases of each team. Yep, Astros catch a lot of gas for sign stealing scandal, and Phillies fan base makes it dyspeptic to root for them.

    But Astros roster turnover and distance since then might mitigate angst. Or not. Baseball fans hold grudges like ex-spouses.

    And yeah, last night's combined no-hitter was pretty cool deal.

  28. pour some out for dave butz. loved that square dude.

  29. my team is feting me with a roast to send me off into temporary retirement. it means i have to commence drinking at 3:30. i suppose i could get used to this.

  30. also, the new open mike eagle is dope. dude has unique flow.
