Thursday, August 18, 2022

Where's Johnny?

In honor of our long-lost friend Johnny G, Dave and I dusted off our old band Random Idiots.

Here's what we created before the Fishing Trip.

Dave nitpicks and points out the flaws, but I'd say we did okay for whipping off a quick single from New Jersey and Virginia, respectively.

We performed and recorded a live version whilst on the trip... very Random Idiots. Messy but fun.

Stay tuned for more Idiocy coming your way before long...


  1. the guitar's got a serious late 80s/early 90s college rock thing going. dig it. appreciate you, boys. and i miss johnny.

  2. well done there men. the talent!
    just one rec - a couple of female backups during the chorus would take it over the top.

  3. I'm not sure Random Idiots ever had female backup singers. Who would have wanted to be one??

    Thanks, guys.

  4. As Ellis Boyd Redding said, “I just miss my friend.”

  5. I listened to this yesterday when you posted it to Facebook, and let me just say it got a bit dusty in the living room. Job well done, Idiots of Random

  6. I missed the live version at OBFT, but echoes of this version rang in my head as I drove the first few hours home in silence.

    I just listened from desk on headphones, and I still like it. A nice tribute, Random Idiots.

  7. I would also note that this song is 10x better than El DeBarge’s tribute song.

  8. Where's El DeBarge?
    Where did he go?
    He's probably grooming his mustachio.

  9. I can write stupid parody lyrics all day. Born too late to be a Random Idiot, though.

  10. Nice tribute to the incomparable Johnny G!

    Different topic (question) for the lawyers in the crowd if I may (and sorry, it’s not the usual dipshittery): If a criminal defendant has a private, lawyer and a good one, but can’t afford him as the process continues on probably to trial, does that attorney withdraw from case and a public defender is assigned? Thanks.

  11. big win for my fulham over dave's bees in the west london derby. heck of a match.

  12. I guess Leeds are on the rise. Radio commentator just told Todd Boehly to get out his checkbook.

  13. I’ve spent the Lions share of my weekend on soccer fields. Back to back 5:45 wake ups for days filled with multiple games. Finals on tap for 12:30 today. Followed immediately by a fantasy football draft. I may die tonight.

  14. why didn't we get some female back-up singers? i remember going to see "the commitments" with jason, and still we didn't think of that. why not?

    and we still need to redo the vocals on that track . . . they're a bit off kilter

  15. dammit! the bees lost? i didn't even know they were playing!
