Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Which Dave Is Right?

 You be the judge.



  1. john fetterman comfortably won the democratic nomination for senate in pennsylvania. let's get it done, keystoners.

    and that douchewhistle madison cawthorn lost his primary race. he'll now go on to make a shitload of money as an online talking gibbon, but he won't be in congress.

  2. Fetterman won despite recently having a stroke. Tough guy.

  3. Happy "I Love Reese's Day."

    In 2010, Hershey sponsored an online petition to declare May 18 as I Love Reese's Day, and it was signed by 40,000 fans. May was chosen as the time because the holiday would then be sandwiched between National Peanut Butter Lover's Day in March, and Chocolate Day in July.

  4. Enough with the corporate schilling of these national days. We need a day to celebrate dipshittery!

  5. That would be Election Day

  6. Isn't it time we had a national "conscious decoupling" of politics and dipshittery?

    Or would that leave too big an opening for the religious zealots?

  7. I’ll fill that opening.

  8. The music for the top gun/ applebees commercial could be something other than aerosmith, but why would it?
