Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Kids Are Alright, Volume the Next

Kapil Dev is one of the most famous cricketers in history. That's irrelevant to this post. But I figured you should know who he is before I quote him.

The actual point of this post is to celebrate a couple of GTB:TNGers (TNG in this case meaning The Next Generation). Dev once said, “The next generation has always been and will be better than the previous one. If it is not, then the world would not be moving forward.” Speaking from my own experience, my kids and their friends are kinder, more compassionate, more tolerant than I. And I believe that my generation can say the same thing about our ancestors.

We have some visual evidence from GTB:TNG to show a little bit of that next generation's creative chops. For starters, AQ, daughter of KQ and Mr. KQ, made this video celebrating her grandfather for a class project in this the final semester of her college career. It's beautiful and heartfelt on top of being really well done. Bonus footage of KQ!

My own kidlet and her friends also had a class assignment that involved video production. Setting aside my questions about how this relates to the AP English curriculum standards, I enjoyed it because it features a lot of kids that I've known since they were toddlers. And there's one edit that stopped me cold - the kids did a great job creating drama in something that could've been trite. In my very humble and completely unbiased opinion.


  1. This is excellent and what we all would be incredibly honored by from our own progeny!

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed both videos.

    I’m incredibly encouraged by the potential of this next generation. And I’m going to celebrate two of my nieces graduations (FSU & USF) in a hour-ish. Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things.

  3. AT (not AQ!) graduation today. One of the best days of my life. Well done Ally!

  4. big happy for all the q’s and t’s. love y’all.

  5. I go to Boston for work on Tuesday. Kids wish this Game 7 was tomorrow. I’d have flown out a day early.

  6. These vids are fantastic. Great kids. Kudos to the 'rents. And Mr. Quinn. I had some inkling of the acting chops but not the extent. Very cool.

  7. Great time hanging with Zman last night in NYC.
    Doc Holliday’s… still the same dive of dives. Excellent core principles of him to Uber in and out of the city just to drink bourbon with me.

  8. That’s a night I wish I’d been a part of.

    Bucks-Celtics was a proper Game 7. Have to feel for the Bucks to get that close even without their second best player. Quite a no show at home by Phoenix so far. Embarrassing is not a harsh assessment.

  9. I met Whit for dinner and I woke up hungover with his name tattooed on my inner thigh. Not sure what happened in-between. I was also surprised by the stunning resemblance between him and his elder daughter.

  10. A number of us have been there, Z.

  11. Seems like a good time for the Marls and Zman post

  12. I can work on that this afternoon

  13. Not much better than a well-built pint of Guinness… on a sunny afternoon… inside a darkened Irish pub… on the clock at a work meeting with people you enjoy.

  14. Todd Rundgren and Daryl Hall are playing Roanoke on the Friday of OBFT this year. At least I have an excuse for not going..... to the concert.

    I discovered Guinness at a stop in at the Inn at Long Trail in Killington, VT. The AT used to pass right through it's parking lot. It's a charming old inn with an Irish Pub attached. As I recall I got there on a Friday evening. Before long I was sharing bong hits and mix tapes with the staff. Decided to extend my stay for Saturday as well. By Saturday night I felt right at home. I eventually commandeered the guitar player's guitar AND band for a song.

  15. the world does not necessarily move forward-- that's a silly paradigm-- the world could be moving sideways or backwards-- or it could just be decaying. our generation could be the pinnacle of everything (and paul's boutique could be the best album ever to be made). we just won't know until the end of time.

  16. I'm mostly an interloper on this here site, but I just want to commend Dave on going full contrarian. Onions. His take on Paul's Boutique, and elevating that over London Calling and Songs in Key of Life and What's Going On, among several others, may deserve its own post.
