Sunday, June 20, 2021

Shazams are Back Again

The shazams are back!  Here are some cool songs I Shazammed since my last post.  I hope they liven up your summer.

Be Thankful for What You've Got by William DeVaughan (N.W.A. sampled this)

Rosie by Figmore featuring Juicebox & 10.4 Rog (no idea who any of those acts are but this is a fun song)

Our Love Will Still Be There by Big Blood (this band made the last Shazams, this time covering the Troggs)

Living Room by David Holmes (give it a minute and it pays off)

runt på stranden by Shitkid (who doesn't love a Swedish all-girl punk rock act?)

The Evidence by Snapped Ankles (I suspect these guys like Devo)

Whipped Cream by Lorenzo Holden (no idea what this has to do with whipped cream but it swings)

Gudbuy T'Jane by Slade (I need to invest some energy into listening to these guys)

One World by Utopia (Todd Rungren is involved)

Happy Father's Day!


  1. my meditation on father's day . . .

  2. Happy Papa's Day men. Just engulfed a sous vide bone-in finished with hot cast iron n on egg....bathed in butter.
    Half an hour ago I would have bet on an epic Open finish w 5 studs in mix, and a possible 3 man playoff. Rahm the favorite but I don't see anyone winning with those nursing shoes, no disrespect to the nurses out there.

  3. good on you, dads. hiked the flatirons, had a couple of midday pops, headed to red rocks. pretty, pretty nice day.

  4. Sounds like a good'n Rob. Edibles with the kids tonight?

  5. 45-minute drive home from the venue, so that’s not likely in the offing

  6. Expense the round trip uber. Gtb nation will approve the expense.

  7. the red rocks contact high is a distinct possibility
