Friday, June 18, 2021

Return to Live Music Filler

Since y'all apparently can't be trusted to keep this train on the tracks while I go away for a few days, here's a little something to tide you over. 

The last time I saw live music, I was with a murder of Gheorghies and friends at Tally Ho Theater in Leesburg, VA watching Carbon Leaf. Here's a sampling:

The next time I see live music, it'll be at one of America's legendary venues. Sunday evening, the whole fam is heading to Red Rocks Amphitheatre to see Umphrey's McGee. I don't know much about the band, but it's a) live music, and b) fucking Red Rocks. Here's a taste of what we're gonna hear and see (smell and touch, too - let's get all the senses in the game):


  1. Red Rocks is (like most of us, I assume) among the highest ranked venues on my list. I’ve heard the steps are steep. Pace yourself, my friend.

  2. You will have a blast, Rob. Curious just how liberal you and your kids will get at the show.

    I think/hope my next live music experience will be Spoon in Boulder Theater on 9/7. Spoon is so underrated, IMO, and I’m long overdue to see them.

    Somewhat related - I will be hearing any minute on the status of our third bidding effort on a CO home. Stressful.

  3. Had the opportunity to do Red Rocks for a beer festival/night of music in fall 2019… was fucking amazing. And those stairs are indeed no joke. Also, there’s a cool ass museum under the stairs, even if you just quickly walk through while drinking it’s worth it

  4. The Terrence Mann game?? Well, I mean, yeah...sure.

  5. Good to know Cole Beasley is a dildo.

  6. I think his rap song from a few years back offered glimpses.

    Enjoy Red Rocks Rob. Take it slow on the edibles.

  7. I regret investing in zson's Cole Beasley jersey.

  8. Why I restrict my jersey purchases to long retired players. Even then it’s a risk. Lenny Dykstra, as an example.

  9. learned today from the tire guy that my axle has some sort of damage. in unrelated news, anyone in the market for a new daughter?

  10. Some/most of you know that my in laws own multiple Italian restaurants. My brother in law runs one of them and while he’s a fantastic chef, he struggles with HR issues at times. All that said to let you know that they lost two servers this week and were packed with reservations tonight. They didn’t have enough servers to handle the crowd. So my wife, who hasn’t waited a table in close to 20 years, was asked to dust off her apron and work tonight. I wasn’t pleased but I’m not going to be the guy who tells his in laws they can’t open their restaurant.

    Anyway, life is a funny thing. My kid and I hung out all day. Ended up spending the afternoon at the beach bodysurfing and searching for sand fleas. Then we got take out from one of our favorite spots. Then we finished it off watching the new movie from Pixar, Luca. Thoroughly enjoyable. Happy Father’s Day to me.

  11. Watching the Bucks play offense is painful. Giannis needs a jumphook and a 10 bank shot.

  12. What a shit shot for Durant. He played great but you have to get something better than that. That was a prayer.

  13. I missed the game tonight, as I was in my bass player's back yard playing, and listening to live music. In addition to discovering that my little group can still pull it off cold after 18+ months layoff, I saw some legitimately great players up close. Pretty cool stuff, that music.

  14. Rob - I feel your pain. My daughter pesters me and my wife to use our newer car despite having a completely serviceable Honda Accord at her complete disposal.

    Last night at 11:15 pm she wakes us up asking to use our car to pick a friend up because it’s blocking the Honda in the driveway. Annoyed and unwilling to argue, we say yes.

    An hour later she calls my wife explaining that she “hit the curb” and after she got out to see if there was damage, locked herself out of the car and needed someone to pick her up.

    We have two months of this nonsense before she goes to school.

  15. Mark- that sounds like a very nice pre-Father’s Day interaction. Happy Father’s Day to all the gheorghie dads out there.

  16. And letting these kids operate motor vehicles has been terrifying since Day 1. Especially on Day 15 or so of my oldest behind the wheel when she turned too sharply around a parked car and smashed/scraped up our Highlander from front to back, then back to front as she put it in reverse to try to undo it, culminating in her bumper popping off and lying in the street. Egads.

    Never seen her cry so hard as she did that day. I had to talk her off a serious ledge before she called her mom for the wrath. It’s been an interesting reversal of roles over a decade and a half; I went from the strict disciplinarian in early formative years while my wife said things like “I only get to see them 2 hours a day and I’m not going to spend that time yelling at them” (which incensed me then) to now my ex-wife being the far stricter one and me shrugging things off with “we’ll get through this” and “we’ll do the best we can here.” Maybe I realized that in divorce you only get to see them for a fraction of their lives and I’m not going to spend that time yelling at them. Huh.

    Anyway, here’s to these kids that we protect and discipline and teach and worry about and love, and here’s to their dads. Once again, HFD.

  17. My oldest takes his driving test next week. He's a pretty good driver, but I'm sure I'll join the 'kid fucked up the car' club soon enough. I'm back off to Shenandoah National Park to help my old friend get a little further up the trail. Happy Fathers Day to all.
