Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Fling and a Prayer

James Conrad dropped a short putt to win the 2021 Professional Disc Golf World Championship in a playoff over Paul McBeth. The dagger before he, though, came on the last hole of regulation play. Conrad trailed by a stroke (stroke? fling? fuck if I know) before he did this:

Back in the day, when we made a habit of playing frisbee golf around the W&M campus, we didn't know we could do it professionally. That might've changed some things. Out, out, brief candle.


  1. All of my best frisbee golf action happened on Capitol Hill with my first job post college. We'd have nearly an entire Thursday to kill while our students were visiting their congressional offices. If I wasn't listening to old records in the Library of Congress, I was probably playing makeshift disc golf in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol.

  2. I played quite a bit of frisbee golf with the elders of GTB. Never like that, or anything close. But it was fun and beat going to class.

  3. Used to play disc golf with a HS buddy at Burke Lake Park during my Senior year. My last three class blocks were study halls, so we'd pick up a 12 pack of beer, drink beers and fling the disc around the 18 hole course.

  4. My kids learned ultimate at summer camp. They love it and may do it in Colorado. It’s a cool sport, even more so after you remove all the negative preconceptions you may have built up in the 90’s.

  5. We used to play ultimate in the Sunken Garden freshman year. The W&M president is a big ultimate player. It is pretty cool after all.

  6. What do we make of Dan Snyder hiring his wife as co-CEO? It reeks mightily of posturing.

  7. Well…that’s really shitty. His knee buckled so bad.

  8. last team standing wins.

    and i literally laughed out loud when i heard the snyder news.

  9. Yeah, the Giannis news is potentially super-shitty. The last replay they showed was close to being “grotesque” (the media’s only adjective to describe serious on-field injuries).
