Thursday, May 20, 2021

More 80's Musical Filler

rob's been posting musical reminiscences lately so I run up on his corner because Spotify just served up some 3rd Bass and we shouldn't forget about them.


  1. beasties sample! 3rd bass keepin' it cauc.

  2. things i learned today: pete nice is a baseball historian and member of sabr. also possibly a fraudster in the memorabilia game. bygones.

  3. Fun facts about Pete Nice:
    - He went to Columbia University
    - He used to carry a cane that contained a hidden sword
    - He owned a memorabilia shop in Cooperstown, New York
    - He admitted to selling fraudulent memorabilia, and later plead guilty to misdemeanor tax fraud

    (You're moist) fearing the voice of the rhyme fiend
    Scene is zipped, Pete Nice is your worst dream
    Fulfilled your illed I thrilled (I heard a LOUD scream)
    - Steppin’ To The A.M.

  4. you added more pieces of flair

  5. Pete Nice owns a bar in Boston. I learned this years after I left Boston. I deserve a few demerits for that.

  6. If you haven’t cranked Brooklyn Queen recently, you’re doing yourself a disservice.


  8. I ordered an LP of Low End Theory from ATCQ store awhile back and it arrived this week. It's nice, but some of the tracks are edited to omit the F word, while others are not.

  9. Do you want the fucks or do you prefer to give no fucks at all?

  10. My three year old dropped her first F bomb today. When asked by mom to confirm somewhat she said, she promptly tossed dad under the bus as the source of her new vocabulary.

  11. rite of passage, marls. you're a great fucking dad.

  12. If used properly and with appropriate context, Tim, that's all you can ask. Salute.

  13. Aww, lil C-Marls is already a force.

  14. She used it properly and in correct context. The tri state area part of me is proud.

    Now she just needs to lean how to order italian deli meats.

  15. I can't believe it took three years for her to hear you drop an f bomb.

    Gabbagool and soapasaad! Just don't let her put mayo on an Italian sub, or heat it up.

  16. I remember when Dave said the same thing about mayo on an Italian sub. And he called it hen cum.

  17. My kid took a bunch of vanilla pudding to school in a dukes Mayo jar today, so he could gross people out eating it with a spoon.
