Tuesday, May 18, 2021

20's Musical Filler

Your GTB co-house band (proudly sharing the stage with Greasetruck and Rootstone) has another single hitting the airwaves this week.

Summer's almost here. Fishing Trip is 2 months away.

More coming soon -- full album release in the fall. Just for kicks, anyone know how to get homegrown music on vinyl?


  1. les coole, the poet laureate of the greater jockey's ridge metroplex. love it.

  2. the troubadour of the tidewater, the bard of the bridge-tunnel, the oracle of the orf

  3. There's a man who will pay you money to sing into a can which cuts the music into a record.

  4. when is g:tmf? (gheorghe: the music festival)

  5. the glee club of the ghent

  6. the springsteen of the shipyards

  7. The minstrel of the Mermaid City. The roadie of Hampton Roads. The diva of SEVA.

  8. shifting slight up I-64...the troubadour of toana? the night king of norge?

  9. The lounge lizard of lightfoot

  10. I thought Bruce Rader was the the oracle of the orf

  11. The lounge lizard wasn't from Lightfoot, I think she lived in Dupont.

  12. The chanteur of coastal virginia.

  13. the song slinger of shucks

  14. The Mike Love of the East Coast.

  15. All the other ones are great, though.

  16. the johnny cash of the mount of trash

  17. How about we combine on a Gheorghe collaborative song?

    We write some lyrics about the man, the blog, the group of lunatics we have assembled. Rootsy and Dave throw some chords forth. I’ll play host and collect instrumental and vocal tracks from everyone. Even if it’s a phone recording. Guitar and percussion and singing and spoken word (monologue from Dave) and banjo and jug and washboard and doesn’t Juan Carlos play bass? And rob used to play drums-ish.

    Just a thought. It’s actually ridiculously easy.

  18. It’ll be We Are the Gheorghe plus Ain’t Gonna Play Gheorghe City plus Northern Lights on Gheorghe plus Do You Know It’s Gheorghe

  19. I’m game. I’m finally on the precipice of having discretionary time again.

  20. i can’t carry a tune in a bucket. sounds perfect.

  21. anyone got any fun wagers on the pga? i’ve small stakes action on hovland and schauffele top 5 finishes and schwartzel, casey, and palmer top 10s.

  22. You guys are keeping busy w/o me. Sad to hear about Rob’s daughter keeling over. Glad it was a non-event. My 13 y/o will get his first shot on Saturday. I have to wait until August for my second guy to become eligible.

  23. And in unrelated news, I finally found one of my favorite comedy videos. This is 11 minutes of outtakes from some show many years ago when Zach Galifianakis plays his imaginary brother Seth. It is improvised, preposterous and hysterical.


  24. Well, that was 11 minutes of me laughing really hard. Nice work, TR.

  25. First cut of the collaborative tune is called "Me So Gheorghie," by the by. And mind cannot go to that mash-up.

  26. The Count of Monte Fisto?

  27. Thanks for soiling it, Marls

  28. cicadas are popping here in the 'burg

  29. A stab:

    Millions of words/
    Well read and heard/
    Some are better than others.
    Topics varied in choice/
    In no particular voice/
    From an absurd band of brothers.

  30. I just mistakenly clicked on an album review of a record I don’t care about by an artist I no longer can appreciate from an a publication with who I do not see eye to eye by an author I now believe to be a moron. Don’t click on The National Review’s take on Van Morrison’s newest pile. It’s politically charged musical content that serves as pied pipings to TNR’s vitriol and hate-filled take on anything, musical or otherwise. They bash Springsteen, anoint Van the Man as a prophet for his visionary take on why masks are dumb and the science is fake and the government is bad, so very bad. They also name-check Morrissey twice, which is a sad reflection of what has happened to that guy. If you like hardcore right wing politics short on factual accuracy but heavy on angry hatred thinly veiled as a music review (of all things)... go for it.

  31. On the armchair music critic tip, I just heard an infuriating song on our local low power FM.

    The arrangements were good, musicianship excellent, and the vocals were very good and earnest, with great harmonies. The song, however, was a steaming pile of guano. I figured it was a regional celtic-folk group with a large production budget. It was The Decembrists. Blech.

  32. National Review on music is like going to Nebraska for seafood.

  33. Not a lot of Caps talk round here

  34. Kluber!!! Fuck to the yeah.
