Friday, April 16, 2021

The Decision

Hi guys and gals. I've been AWOL for a while. Life has come at me hard. I will try to keep this post to a reasonable length. It is a surprisingly fitting follow-up to The Teej's post yesterday on the arbitrary ranking of states (which makes me look smart in this post). 

Where to begin? We'll start with the pandemic. As some of you know, I left my last Wall Street job at the start of the pandemic (for non-pandemic reasons). I spent much of the last fourteen months being unenthusiastically underemployed as a fractional CFO for growth companies. I also spent a lot of that time looking for a new gig. I was done with a soulless existence on Wall Street. Better said, Wall Street was done with me. After escaping NJ with the family in May 2020 and riding out some of the pandemic in Hilton Head (three weeks) and the Outer Banks (one week), my wife and I realized we never wanted to go back to NJ. 

But we did return to NJ. That's where our all our stuff was! I began to focus on jobs out of the NYC area. In the middle of the pandemic, I decided to pursue a career pivot to another line of work in another city. Even my Polish grandmother would have shaken her head at the futility of that initiative. My list of acceptable cities was eclectic, but not random: Atlanta, Charlotte, Tampa, Austin or Denver. We wanted a better quality of life and/or lower cost of living. Warm weather was a nice kicker, but not a requirement. We began to gravitate to Charlotte. Lots of corporate gigs, lots of financial services gigs, two hours to Asheville, three hours to the beach, lots of pro sports options, cheap-as-hell housing, mild weather and a great state college system. We planned to head there in late March and start inculcating our kids into the prestige of UNC Chapel Hill.

But something else came together in March. I got back in touch with an old friend from my MBA days in February (Never underestimate the power of a good professional network, my friends).  I accepted a job offer via that friend in March. I started that job in April. I put my house on the market two weeks ago. I accepted an offer one week ago. I got out of attorney review yesterday. No turning back. 

I'm moving to the Denver in July. Come visit. It's tough to leave an area where my wife and I have so many friends, and Zman and Juan Carlos are each a world class mensch. But the opportunity to experience something new, while selling my house at an inflated price, is too good to pass up. As I told my wife, whose heart is set on retiring in Hilton Head, this will be the next chapter, but not the last chapter, in our lives, and we will be empty nesters in less than eight years. Go Nuggets. 


  1. nice, tr. that's a big move - good on you. and i really hope you purchased those hats just for this post. real commitment to the bit, that.

  2. You will be missed. And in case anyone is wondering, I’m still eating my Easter ham leftovers.

  3. That is big news TR....congratulations and well done. As we say in our Winc crew....proudaya

  4. Did you sell the house to a former denizen of Unit M? Isn’t that a requirement?

  5. Congrats, TR - very happy for you and the fam.

  6. Congratulation TR. Go easy on the edibles.

  7. Nice, TR. Congratulations.

    By my count that’s 5 W&M buds (pun intended) in Colorado. 4 Pi Lams and Cricket. Not bad. Definitely trip worthy.

  8. And had you made your Denver decision based solely on that Charlotte cap, you couldn’t have been blamed.

  9. Congratulations indeed. You should get a mini-season pack of Nuggets tickets. Getting to watch Jokic in person is worth the cost alone.

    Never been to Denver but we have friends out there and they love it. Still wondering how Tampa made your list though...

  10. I've been sobbing myself to sleep for a while about this, but now I have even more incentive to travel out west. I assume Tampa made the list because (1) no income tax, (2) Bern's Steakhouse, and (3) lively noodie bar scene. We will have to schedule some sort of bon voyage party but not like the Bon Voyage PIKA party.

  11. i'm going to be in denver/boulder the last week of june on a family vacation/college visit. i'll check to make sure the coast is clear, tr.

  12. Always tough when a good buddy leaves the fold for far-off lands. You can wish them well sincerely and yet lament their departure. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friends that left the neighborhood.

    Like when rob left the DC area for Leesburg.

  13. That reminds me of the time TR crawled through 500 yards of whaleshit to freedom.

  14. congrats! i'm in for a snowboarding jaunt! you're living my dream . . . i'm so sick of new england ice-death-sleet snowboarding

  15. I just got done working for the day/week and I don’t even really care that much. I’m mad at myself that I stayed at my old job/career for as long as I did though.

  16. Thanks for the kind words, all. We are excited for a change.

    And to be clear, my son is a Hornets fan. He owns (and wears) that atrocious hat. I bought a Nuggets hat when I knew we were gonna move. I’ve been an orphan NBA fan for 12 years after I divorced myself from the Knicks. Happy to root for a very likable Nugs team.

    Juan’s ham experience warrants a post. I love pork in all forms.

  17. Exciting! Moving across the country sounds super adventurous and stressful - hope it's more of the former, less of the latter. I'm sure it will be - Colorado is so beautiful. Enjoy ~

  18. played soccer for the first time in six months today. there's a lot of rust on the chassis, but the engine is in pretty good shape. and my knee held up, so that's a plus. baby steps.

  19. i am skipping pick-up soccer tomorrow to build a shed. not sure which is more dangerous.

  20. Just got my first vaccine. Fuck. Yeah.

  21. In my area we’ve recently gotten to point where anyone 16+ can show up and get one. Was at grocery store the other day and they were offering pfizer brand vaccine on the pa in typical supermarket fashion. We’re hoping our fifteen year old can get it soonish, as he’s due to spend July in Charlotte for a baller intensive.
