Friday, December 18, 2020

Gheorghemas Interlude (NOW WITH MORE INTERLUDE)

There's nothing our demographic clamors more for than Patton Oswalt short films about suicidal priests. And today, you're in luck, courtesy of our man in the OBX. I haven't watched it yet, but I already know it's going to entertain. 

THE PRIEST from Michael Vukadinovich on Vimeo.


Courtesy of zman, this very much encapsulates my worldview, and aligns with my previous commentary about liberals' need to embrace the fuck.


  1. Cool movie. Just watched it. Only 17 mins!

  2. I wish I had 17 minutes to spare today. Looks intriguing.

  3. It's really 16.9 minutes if you don't count the credits.

  4. So I slept funny and got a nasty crick in my neck and shoulder. It spread down my spine and wrapped around a nerve so I couldn't raise my right arm over my head, and there was a persistent pain between my right shoulder blade and my spine. I couldn't find a comfortable sitting or sleeping position for days. As a result, I got my first massage ever. The guy absolutely resolved the worst of the problem, but I'm a little beat up from the work. The creepiest part was when he manipulated my scapula through my arm, because it involved gripping me by the shoulder so that his thumb was in my armpit. Put another way, dude stuck his thumb in my armpit. No one ever did that to me before. I lost my armpit virginity today. I assume he's just as bummed out as I am, what with all the sweat and hair and deodorant in there.

  5. there are things that people don't necessarily need to know. but i do have a story about my most recent prostate exam if you...oh. right.

  6. Are you saying your rectum and my armpit are analogous?

  7. This AMCC money laundering operation is pretty spectacular, even for shithead sociopaths like the Trumps. Over $880 MM passed through that LLC since 2019, most of which while Lara Trump and Pence's nephew led it. That's a lot of grease for the corrpution engine.

  8. I guess we know some of the upcoming pardons will be.

  9. tribe's first home game tomorrow against 1-4 high point. w&m favored by 4.5, while the o/u is 144.5, despite the fact that both teams average over 76 points per game and allow over 79 per game. hmmm.

  10. Like and subscribe to his weekly newsletter at

  11. Just went on a run in Jacksonville Beach. Nice houses around this area. The run will make me feel better about myself as I embark on roughly 12 hours of watching college basketball and football today.

  12. Yeah, I already warned my wife that it’s a football day/night. I’m clear for taking over the TV all day after I indulged her with a family movie last night (Hidden Numbers). It’s a good option for those of you w/ kids - real story and some context on the Civil Rights movement. I was distracted whenever Janelle Monae was on the screen. She is a fine-looking lady.

    We also finished the Pistorius doc. It ends strongly. Crazy story.

  13. this fu 2020 stuff is a dangerous mentality (perhaps a delusion) as 2020 might just be the ribbon-cutting for a new normal: more pandemics, more polarization, more nutty weather due to global warming, more extinction, more economic tumult, etc. etc. years are human constructs and mean nothing.

    2021, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

  14. also: zman got a massage from a guy? that's insane.

  15. Rooting for Arsenal is tough. And as I type that, they concede a goal. Sweet.

  16. It takes a big strong lad to massage zarmpits.

  17. Z is clearly more secure in his manhood than Dave.

    I’m also intrigued by the idea that just because something is a human construct that it means nothing. Should we feel free to ignore all human constructs, Dave, or just the ones you don’t like?

  18. armpits are a human construct

  19. 15 points and 12 turnovers for the tribe in the first half lead to a 16-point deficit. not very good.

  20. It moved! The knot by my shoulder blade is resolved but I still have pain in my shoulder and down my arm. I went to the doctor and he gave me some stuff and a prescription for Valtrex in case it's shingles. This, of course, reminds me of the time my father got chickenpox in his 60s (they don't have it in Hungary I guess) and it was really bad so he had to take Valtrex. He walked up to the pharmacy counter and the pharmacist was like "Hi zfather, good to see you! How can I help you?" and he looked down at his prescription for herpes medicine and walked out, drove to a mom-and-pop pharmacy three towns over, and got his Valtrex there so his regular place has no record of his herpetic issues.

  21. I followed Mark's lead and did a basement workout and a quick run outside. Was my first run in a long time, following a couple calf strains and broken toes. Probably not a good sign that I am already sore, immediately after. Instead of stretching, I drove to the liquor store. I'll be a mess tmrw. Good thing we never go anywhere or see anybody anymore.

  22. A bit of a disappointing day of sports so far. Would love to say that the SEC Championship game will change that buuuuut, I’m not brimming with confidence.

  23. Notre Dame BARELY beat Clemson when their backup QB was playing. They will lose by 40 today. They don't deserve to make the playoffs. Not that I'm bullish on Texas A&M, but I like hating on the Irish.

  24. I am desperately trying not to be invested in this Florida-Bama game. I’m doing a very poor job.

  25. The blowout factor in big cfb games makes highly anticipated matchups turn quickly into snoozefests. I’m opting for tulsa-cincy, and watching the tide wash away the gators during commercials.

    Mark- I’d start looking for moral victories.

  26. Indeed. First half TD hat trick. Danielson was spot-on about Florida leaving too much time on the clock.

  27. Florida had a legit shot to make this a game. They pissed it away with a combination of unforced errors, missed opportunities and poor game management. Fun times.

  28. Does Trevor win the heisman now? Tulsa has a dude named Jaxon Player.

  29. Sucks that Florida lost. Can’t say I didn’t expect it though. That said, thebsecond half was team that cares, believes and wants to build a program. I'm bummed at the missed opportunities but proud of the fight Florida showed.
