Sunday, December 20, 2020

Scraping the Archives (aka TR's Picks, Vol 1): Freddy Mercury Sure Liked Hats With Horns on 'Em

Hi folks! Gheorghemas will be back soon. In the interim, I decided to dive into the deep end of the G:TB post history. I saw that we had 247 draft posts that never made the light of day (versus 4,700+ posts that went live on the web). I decided to review the drafts that I started to see what (if any) deserved to be finished. 

Turns out there were lots of turd sandwiches! Posts I started that did not make the cut included: 1) a post I did in early 2015 opining on the Warriors' ability to set the single-season NBA wins record, and 2) a post where I tried to create a love song "battle" b/w Jack & Diane and Brenda & Eddie (Scenes From an Italian Restaurant). Heady concept, but I struggled with the delivery. And I hate Billy Joel. Other drafts were of even lesser quality. 

But there were a couple posts worth resuscitating, if only for the cause of "filler" and/or "post count." Let's start with Queen. I have no memory of starting this post in 2015, but re-reading it made me laugh. Apparently, I came across an old "video" for Another One Bites the Dust. I noticed that Freddy was into hats with horns during the video. REALLY INTO THEM. I watched the video and recorded each of the nine (!) hat changes he has during the video. I'm sure there's a horns/penis joke in there somewhere. I'll leave that part to you wordsmiths. 

Anyhoo, the video is below and the hat change time stamps are below that. Enjoy the song. And the hats. 

[Side note: Another One Bites the Dust was one of my first favorite rock tunes. My mom had the album and it was on the FM dial all the time. I used to think the title was "Another One Bites the Doctor." I was six. Cut me some slack. At least I was hip enough to dig that funky bass line.]

1:50 – purple cap w/ yellow horns
1:58 – white cap w/ purple horns
2:04 – yellow cap w/ yellow horns
2:06 – back to white w/ purple horns
2:11 – full-blown buffalo hat
2:22 – back to purple w/ yellow horns
2:26 – back to white w/ purple horns
3:06 – back to purple w/ yellow horns
3:10 – back to white w/ purple horns


  1. I dig that bass line, and I hate Billy Joel.

  2. corona blog cleanout, full circle:

  3. I too remember hearing (and loving) this on our AM radio. It doesn't match the genius of Fat Bottomed Girls but really, what does?

  4. I enjoy FBG, and think it’s always a winner on a jukebox. But there is something about AOBtD that makes it an automatic “turn it up as loud as I can tolerate” vibe. Different types of greatness, I guess.

    On the topic of English men, Jamie Vardy is a bad, bad man. He’s about to turn 34, but is still in top form.

  5. “Another One Bites the Dust” was also one of my first favorite rock tunes. I had been given a cassette player for my 11th birthday. I was given Journey’s Escape and Foreigner with it. I took my money and immediately bought The Game. Loved it.

    AOBtD remains the topper, but The Game and Crazy Little Thing Called Love were big hits. And Sail Away Sweet Sister and the wicked Dragon Attack were deep cut good stuff.

  6. Things Wikipedia taught me

    - In the early 80s, "Another One Bites the Dust" was one of many popular rock songs that Christian evangelists alleged contained subliminal messages through a technique called backmasking. It was claimed that the chorus, when played in reverse, can be heard as "Decide to smoke marijuana", “It's fun to smoke marijuana", or "Start to smoke marijuana".

    - AOBtD was the 4th single released from the album. And mainly done so because Michael Jackson suggested to the band that the song was a winner.

    - "Another One Bites the Dust" was used in a study to train medical professionals to provide the correct number of chest compressions per minute while performing CPR. The bassline has close to 110 beats per minute, and 100–120 chest compressions per minute are recommended by the British Heart Foundation, and endorsed by the Resuscitation Council (UK).

  7. the game was one of the first two cassettes i purchased with my own money, as well. (the other being survivor’s ‘eye of the tiger’.) one of those purchases held up well. dragon attack is a killer tune.

  8. Fuck off, Notre Dame. Bama will crush you. Selectors chose TV ratings over deserving teams.

  9. A&M should be pissed off but I can’t stand Jimbo so fuck him. The SEC screwed up. If they’d followed the Acc’s leaf and given Florida and Bama a bye last week they’d have two teams in the playoffs.

    As I stated earlier this weekend, I’m in Jacksonville Beach for the weekend. The only game on local TV is the abominable Ravens-Jags game. Not sure how you live this life, Danimal. Luckily I have Redzone going on my iPad via YouTube TV.

  10. Last year my kid wanted a skateboard for Xmas. I built her custom one at a shop in Jacksonville Beach (Sunrise). We did a lot of skating in our neighborhood this year and she went to skate camp at the local skate park for three weeks this summer. Learned to drop in and some other shit. We regularly skate around the hood. It’s a really fun way to talk and spend time together.

    She has hers and I have a mini long skate. We talked about getting each new boards a few months ago. I’d get a traditional one and she’d get a long skate. She walked in to our friends house this afternoon with a brand new board she built for me at Sunrise. It’s fucking awesome. She picked everything out herself and my wife said the guys at the shop were super impressed with her selections.

    Parenting can be pretty damn cool sometimes.

  11. That’s cool. Sunrise is my boy’s surf shop. It rocks.
    Thank god for red zone Mark, especially as a Jags fan.
    I understand the hate that will be turned up as result of ND selection. I wish they hadn’t gotten in, but if the decision was between tam and Nd, there wasn’t much of a choice.
    Until there is a 6 or 8 game playoff, the Cinci’s of the world willl never get in. History has confirmed that. if Cincinnati played any of the 4 teams, it isn’t a contest.

  12. Watching that Jets games was perplexing. Not sure how I feel right now.

  13. The Jags fans I was around were hyped. I’m drinking a local Jacksonville Beach beer called Karate in the Garage. The name is great. The beer is better.

  14. Zman has been eerily quiet about the Bills this year
