Thursday, November 05, 2020

Thursday Zen, Featuring Cannons

Join me, Gheorghies. Take a deep breath. Okay, now take another one. We are about to start an epic Indian summer here in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. The worst case scenario we envisioned on Tuesday night seems unlikely. And Jim Carrey has finally figured out how to do Biden (sorta). 

So don't fixate on the ifs and whens and hows as the next messy two months play out across our political landscape. Fixate instead on Cannons. I randomly stumbled on this band on satellite radio. Their sound makes me think of the 80's, of the musical score accompanying Stranger Things, and of sultry times with special ladies. I love love love this tune, and after watching the video, I am quite smitten with the lead singer. The tune is called Fire For You, from the 2019 album Shadows. The video is fantastic, even if you get distracted by the bassist's resemblance to Horatio Sanz. 

Cannons' website describes its music as a "unique blend of 70's grooves and 80's electro-funk." They also (perhaps liberally) describe themselves as "nu disco" and "future boogie." All of those phrases appeal to me, except for the word nu, which makes me think of nu metal. I hope Cannons appeals to you and your lovers. 


  1. I am now down with Cannons. The bassist definitely has a Sanz vibe but also a Shirley vibe. The video gave me flashbacks to the diner in Baby Driver and the roadhouse in Twin Peaks.

  2. Cannons, ahoy. Guitar and Bass sounds a little like a slowed down version of 'Get Lucky' by Draft Punk. Not a bad thing.

  3. Horatio Sanz with a bolo tie! Love it.

    Anytime Sanz gets mentioned a chuckle recalling Whit’s MLC casting of the 1986 Mets movie with Sanz as Sid Fernandez.

  4. this tune is getting a lot of run on siriusxmu at the moment. i dig it muchly.

  5. So, wait... Horatio Sanz the bassist is peeing on the Weber grill of burning photographs while the singer and the guitarist watch?

  6. And that Sanz as Sid reference is here. Thanks for reminding me, Timmy.

  7. Sanz is peeing on the BBQ while guitarist points to him and says,”Hey, I’m checking out your package.”

  8. I heard tell that GA has 55,000 ballots left to count and numbnuts is winning by fewer than 15,000. Georgia... oh, Georgia. Come on, baby.

  9. Headline: "William & Mary reinstates all eliminated sports"

    You're welcome, people.

  10. It was pretty much do that, or have hundreds of students/faculty/alumni calling for your head and digging into everything you have done to date in an effort to discredit you.

    Smart move for Rowe. And a really nice outcome for the affected students (and the alum athletes in those sports). They really pushed hard and made a valid case for the sports to remain.

  11. And to Whit's prior point, the votes would have to come in 64% for Joey Bides to overturn things (35K to 20K). The math is hard.

    Nevada is sure making me nervous. Would be nice if we had GA or PA in the bag to make NV moot. Doesn't appear to be the case.

  12. anyone else afraid to write the press statement congratulating a new president on behalf of your association/industry for fear of jinxing the whole god damn thing? just me?

  13. shit, i've deleted some *tweets* for the same reason. also, i insist you use the phrase "this is a big fucking deal" in the statement.

  14. As for the W&M announcement, at first blush it reads like a stay of execution. Cutting sports remains on the table. Admin tells those affected to continue to raise money.

    The old newspaper cynic in me believes that the admin will spend part of interim period polishing arguments for cutting sports. They'll say, you didn't raise enough money and aren't self-sustaining. If programs do raise a f*ckton of money, admin will fall back on Title IX non-compliance and say their hands are tied and no alternative.

  15. If you like this song, try "Home" by Vita and Woolf.

  16. What is simultaneously funny and saddening is these judge's responses in dismissing the Trump election lawsuits. They are effectively saying "You need to have facts and be prepared to speak to details." Alas, if that had been a daily requirement for the last 4 years.

  17. ATL mail-in vote! Clearly 2 Chainz's endorsement paid off.

  18. PA down to 79K. Walls may be closing in.

  19. Trump will continue to throw the hissy fit of all hissy fits and his mindless lackeys will cry all over FB. And then they’ll all tucker themselves out like an overeager puppy. If our country wasn’t such a shit show of idiots who are easily manipulated this would all be quite amusing.

  20. I'm watching his remarks just hoping he gets to the brink of completely losing his shit and then his nemesis Jim Acosta asks him a COVID question.

  21. I mean, I can't even watch this. This is Kim Jong Il and his 18 holes in one X 1000.

  22. Frump just said that poll watchers were having to use binoculars to observe the vote. Good fucking God.

  23. So is Trump planning on inciting a Civil War over the weekend? This is the most irresponsible, embarrassing, pathetic thing I've ever seen.

  24.'s second to...Battlefield Earth.

  25. You should’ve seen TR’s pledge auction performance.

  26. My zebra-striped briefs were LIT.

  27. Shep Smith is en fuego on CNBC. He interrupted Trump’s presser, saying “we need to stop showing this because everything he is saying is not true.” He then refuted many things on the spot w/ his trademark deadpan delivery. Shep’s a killer.

    Spicer refuted Trump’s claims this morning. We need to see more “legit” Rs speak up.

  28. Legit Rs needed to speak up weeks ago. W should’ve helped swing Texas, Jeb should’ve helped in Florida. Mattis and Kelly and McMaster and Bolton should’ve done more.

  29. legit r's should've spoken up four years ago. i'm not impressed at this point. party is a dead husk of conservatism now standing for not much more than white grievance. not that i have strong feelings.

    but clemson dropping track and field is interesting. dabo could save them by giving up 10% of his compensation, but that doesn't seem likely.

  30. Yes. “Legit” Rs should’ve spoken up LONG ago. But they’re spinelessly party over country until it suits them. Anyone expecting anything more from them. Not sure what they’ve been watching. Trump took over the Republican Party. They all bowed to him. Now they’ll all pretend they had to play nice to get things done.

    The Democratic Party is pathetic and toothless. The Republican Party is power hungry and ruthless. Say what you want but one is much better at American politics in 2020.

  31. oh, that's a fact. dems are feckless, gormless, toothless, worthless, and other lesses. only that party could get beaten by trump, and in this election, beaten down ballot by a party that's literally got no platform. there must be a reckoning. after we squash trump.

  32. Squeaky isn’t gormless. A 1900 vote margin in GA. SCOTUS will end up deciding who wins there.

  33. squeaky is full of gorm. gormful. almost gormley.

  34. The involvement of the SCOTUS is worrisome based on how it’s changed in the last 4 years to be sure. And you know, also worrisome for the next 30-40 years.

  35. I'm staying up until GA flips - CNN on one screen, Tremors Island Fury on the other. Right now we look on track to have Biden be several states' worth of electoral votes over 270, making any challenge harder (and harder to demonstrate prejudice).

  36. jambo, are you a loco resident?

  37. I work from home on Friday which can lead to an extra drink. This election is not helping.

  38. Rob - Yep. I'm on the south side of Leesburg, almost Aldie.

  39. This is nuts. GA and PA making for a late night. I hope the final tallies are comfortable enough to support a recount.

    I think I held off on betting Green Bay b/c the line moved to -7 from -5.5. Bad move, TR.

    This phrase is noteworthy: “ dabo could save them by giving up 10% of his compensation, but that doesn't seem likely.” Dick move by Clemson, which would spend $500K on a new football weight room tmrw if Dabo told them to.

  40. Sounds like outstanding votes in Allegheny (PA) and Gwinnett (GA) counties will not be counted/released tonight. GA is currently on a trajectory to change to Biden tonight, but PA may be longer. But it's looking more and more likely - Biden should win PA by 30-40K votes.

  41. all the cool kids are moving to loudoun. south side of leesburg is marls country, jambo. i'm a northsider. sounds like we need a mini-summit.

  42. Having an invisible fence for the dog is a great thing on a day like today. 60's outside and letting him roam around with my office door open to the yard. Not bad for a NE fall morning.

    Hoping that Jammy is right and Biden will be 30-40K votes up by the end of the day, less wriggle room for the drumpster but a bigger scorched earth tantrum that follows that news.

  43. I haven’t rooted this hard for Philly to come through since Doc and the Sixers in ‘83.

    Come on, COBL. Take PA away from that bastard.

  44. Can we just call him The Jammy? You can aim it at the sky and/or use it to kill the poonanny, even if you don't got the permit.

  45. fuck it, I'm gonna write that press statement now

  46. i pulled out the jammy, he thought it was a joke
    the trigger, I pulled his face, the yolk
    reached in his pocket, took all his cash
    left my man standing with the egg mustache

  47. For the few of you who didn’t hear Anderson Cooper:

    “That is the President of the United States, that is the most powerful person in the world, and we see him like an obese turtle on his back, flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over, but he just hasn't accepted it and he wants to take everybody down with him, including this country."

  48. K-I-N-G-A-D whammy
    All the fly ladies are on my jammy

  49. nbc has biden in the lead in pennsylvania. come on.

  50. Pennsylvania!
    Poetic justice that at 5 am John Lewis’ county put Biden ahead in GA!! Stacey Abrams deserves our RESPECT!

  51. The Fox News morning trio struggled. I watched for a bit when they announced Biden took the lead in PA. They are all-in on the potential of the military votes swinging things back. And they are talking about Trump's rant gingerly, while noting the facts to support his claims have not come out yet. They look uncomfortable doing this, which I suppose is a textbook definition of schadenfreude.

  52. Unrelated: Drove my kid to school this morning. My wife, who thinks the satellite radio universe consists only of 70's on 7, 80's on 8 and The Bridge, had 80's on 8 playing when I got in the car. I heard Asia's Only Time Will Tell and Fogerty's Rock and Roll Girls back-to-back. I had totally forgotten both songs existed. Enjoyed them both a lot, probably more than I should have. Was a perfect, low-key way to start the day. From here on out today, everything else is cream cheese.

  53. Heat of the Moment gets all the action but that’s a good one. Sole Survivor ain’t bad, either.

  54. folks, they need to call this. I don't know how many more tweets I have in me

  55. Teej - new dump of PA votes expected any minute. I'm not sure how big but if it follows the pattern of previous 80-20 ratio, they might be able call it.

    They need to call this today. We can't go over the weekend with no result.

  56. i'm gonna drink heavily if they haven't called it by this evening.

    'course, i'm gonna drink heavily if they do. sounds like i'm winning.

  57. Someone called, Decision Desk HQ, called PA for Biden. No idea who/they are and if legitimate. Smoke'em if you got'em.

  58. I'd bet we'll hear something by 5. AZ leaking in Trump's direction (probably more cheating and stealing). Everything else looks like it's not in favor of the bad guy.

  59. Geez. You guys are tense around here. I've been following, but haven't watched a second of election tv coverage.

    It will happen eventually, and maybe some of the less hardcore hotheads will get bored and tune out. Plus, ratings.

  60. i don't know. i listened to sean hannity yesterday on the drive home from nyc. that guy can talk and he's got some ugly talking points that coincide exactly with trump's misinformation. i think we'll hear about ballot and poll worker corruption for the next four years.

    beats policy!

  61. I too take some time in the car to see what's on the AM dial, which in my area is limited to Fox Sports Radio, True Oldies, Local Gospel, and THREE right wing talk stations.

    There is all kinds of well coordinated bluster making the rounds. The king of the gasbags today had a schtick about how this election was about the triumph of hate over love, because drumpf's supporters love him with true devotion, while the other guy got votes because his voters hate poor donnie.

    Dave - did you catch the intro music to hannity's radio show? it's epically bad.

  62. hey guys! oh, big gulps, huh? welp, see ya later!

  63. Rob and TJ have been good follows on the Tweet machine all week. They make quite the odd couple and compliment themselves well, like fava beans and a nice Chianti.

    One of the best thing I did in the last couple months was curate my Twitter feed to managed the content.

  64. we're working on a podcast/multimedia deal post-election. got a couple of bites from emerging media powerhouses. much excite.

  65. If you need to chill out I recommend Nightmares On Wax. And a some Medicinal.
