Saturday, November 07, 2020

Happy Birthday, Gheorghe: The Blog! You can go to R-rated movies!

November 7, 2003 was a Friday. In the Year of the Goat. 6,192 days ago.

And Gheorghe: The Blog was born. In a manger. Or in a mangy corner of the blogosphere on the world wide web (WWW). You decide.

Gheorghe: The Blog shares a birthday with Joni Mitchell (1943), King Kong Bundy (1957), Dana Plato (1964), and Jason and Jeremy London (1972).

On this day in 2003, the films Elf and Love Actually were released in theaters. The Shins' Chutes Too Narrow, the Strokes' second album were newly out. The Black Album was about to be.

Johnny Cash, Warren Zevon, Robert Palmer, and Elliott Smith had just recently died. Art Carney had 2 days to live. We needed something like G:TB as a salve. 

Gheorghe: The Blog is a Scorpio, of course. With a birthstone of Topaz.

Enjoy G:TBday!


  1. Looks like today is gonna be a good day.

  2. my little rock and roll queen

  3. it's fascinating to go and read the early posts on this here website

  4. When I think of Scorpio I think of this:

  5. TJ’s July 16, 2004 take over is where this place really began to come of age. Whit’s first guesty is later that month. Teej is decidedly un-PC back during Dubs’ first term.

  6. am I about to get cancelled?

  7. Michael Jack had the first non viagra related comment!

  8. I think you will survive, Teej. If you could avoid getting hit by “Akbar” the night you first met Gheorghe, you can dodge this.

  9. I woke up this morning immediately nervous/excited for Florida-Georgia. Slightly comforting to care about something other than this election for a brief moment.

  10. I’m in Columbia this weekend seeing my daughter for the first time since early Aug — the longest amount of time without her since her birth. So nice to be with her again. And she seems to be digging the hell out of USC, pandemic be damned.

    We’re going to watch the Gamecocks probably get thrashed by A&M somewhere downtown this evening, and I’m excited to be a part of it.

  11. Mask up, Cowboy. Richland Co. had 1,100 cases between Oct. 23 and Nov. 5.

  12. Oh yes. My girl has already acknowledged this and determined we are going to one of the safe spots and not one of the packed bars where people take their masks off.

  13. CNN has called the election for Joe Biden.

  14. there's a lot to be happy about right now, but vice president-elect kamala harris has a kind of a holy shit ring to it.

  15. i'm listening to wwoz out of new orleans, and they're playing some happy-ass zydeco fun.

  16. Trump tweeted this an hour ago:


    Sounds like Don Don does not want to go gently into that good night.

  17. He’s a sewage stain on this country’s history, and we can’t move on from his ceaseless geyser of outright bullshit fast enough

  18. So given all the historical meaning of this moment, I should probably be feeling bigger or more complex feelings, but I'm largely just relieved.

    For my entire adult life and up until a few years before trump, I identified as an R. I still identify as fiscally conservative. But for several years I've observed a lot of individuals doing what I've perceived as turning a blind eye to larger societal and moral implications in the name of furthering their interests on a single issue or narrow set of issues. I'm hopeful this outcome will move us away and forward from that.

    Biden seems to understand that he has an enormous undertaking here in comforting and leading the nation (and he will likely not have a lot of help from Yutzo).

    For the past few years, numerous folks/groups have felt marginalized or dismissed - that their opinions don't matter or aren't being heard, that they are just complaining too much, or that their feelings are unreasonable. From here, there is going to be a not insignificant subset of 70.3+ Million people that will be feeling similarly marginalized, scared, angry. It's Biden's job (and really all of ours) to find a way to do better than what's transpired during this thankfully sunsetting administration. To express our opinions in a way that doesn't devalue others'. To assume people who disagree with us are reasonable and well intentioned until they prove otherwise. To listen.

    In furtherance of these lofty goals, social media should probably be banned for a few months (aside from this blog of course).

  19. Just saw the UGA WR’s leg injury. That’s some Thiesman-like gruesomeness. Awful to see.

  20. It. Was. Awful. And CBS showed way too many times.

    My nerves can’t handle this game.

  21. That was a dirty hit on Pitts.

  22. Hard to get enthused about all these CFB games where teams score 100 points and there is no D at all. I know it's a strange year, but it's hit a tipping point with me, now that we see it in every conference.

  23. Florida has only given up 14 points on defense.

  24. Today's cub scout den meeting involved various outdoor skills including how to make a fire without a match. It turns out that zson has tremendous natural talent for making fires using random shit you find outside. While it's great that he has an innate ability, I can think of nothing less comforting than this particular proficiency.

  25. intellectually, i knew biden was going to win by wednesday. so i was surprised how emotional i felt when it was actually called today. it's a good day. lots of work to do. but it's a very good day.

  26. I already hate Tony Dungy as the color commentator for Clemson-ND. He’s just narrating replays.

    No shit, Tony. I have eyeballs too.

  27. Dungy, like Clemson, has settled in. Clemson very lucky the game is still tight. Their D is young and is getting outplayed.

    And yes, I have money on Clemson covering.

  28. I've been pretty convinced of eventual election result since wednesday too, but didn't realize the extent to which my wife would be overwhelmed by the media calling the result. It's awesome that the first woman to ascend to that office in this country lets all of our little girls imagine their possibilities, not just the white ones.

    I hope zson takes caution with his newfound talent.

  29. I have a little on Clemson too. I also can’t express what’s it’s like to have QB and offense like Florida does now after so many years of ineptitude. Id say it’s pretty fucking great. But, it’s better.

  30. Clemson gets ball first in second half. They need a TD in worst way b/c ND is moving the ball way too easily.

  31. We landed at an outdoor bar for the USC-A&M game. My girls hung with me for a quarter and a half before splitting for better social options. They enjoyed my gag that South Carolina has probably dodged COVID for the most part because they can’t catch anything. And off they went.

  32. Too bad that they'll not be with you for the epic comeback.

  33. Pure disaster for Notre Dame

  34. The good thing with being an nd fan in these types of games is that expectations are nil. Bk is incapable of beating teams like this in games like this.

  35. Fair point, Danimal. ND couldn’t handle the adjustments Clemson made in the second half. Really good playcalling by Clemson’s OC.

  36. The picking up of the p.i. flag. Wow

  37. If that’s a makeup call, it’s not a good one

  38. The refs have been hot garbage on instant replay all night.

  39. ND has not gotten the benefit of the doubt tonight. Fun game nonetheless.

  40. Snl folks in for a long wait.

  41. Ian Fucking Book, wow

    hate to be that guy, but I can't imagine that superspreader celebration on the field after they won is gonna turn out great

  42. trebek goes out shortly after connery. what is irony, snl-style?

  43. Chapelle’s SNL monologue last night was fantastic. Watched it w/ my kids. Hope they don’t recycle some of the phrases at school this week.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. My kid has two friends over (sisters). Due to being under a tropical storm watch school was just canceled for tomorrow. I informed them and there was much rejoicing.

  46. The Cowboys are showing a ton of heart today against Pittsburgh, especially on special teams. Thanks to them for giving me an interesting game in the 415 PM slot.

  47. Dolphins- Cardinals was a fun game. Tua and Kyler both provided some excitement.

  48. Have you seen the projected track of this Tropical Storm? It’s the drunkest storm of all time.

  49. Holy hell the Bucs look fucking awful tonight.
