Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Triumphant Return of "Fashion is Dumb"

What, and I cannot stress this enough, in the ever-loving fuck are these fits? This is like when Sandler let the kid dress himself in "Big Daddy". 0/10 do not recommend.


  1. Anyone else have their cat bring a live bird in their house this morning? Not what I was expecting when I let in her in before sitting down with my second cup of coffee. I thought it was a stuffed animal until I heard chirping and flapping wings. It managed to fly out of a window, but not before leaving some blood and shit in my dining room.

  2. That's part of the joy of owning a cat, they bring you gifts.

  3. In other news, I suffered through a meeting where the presenter relied on a non-stop onslaught of business jargon to convey no substantive information, and consistently pronounced the word "across" as "acrost" and the phrase "et cetera" as "ex cetera." Fortunately, this person is the head of our communications function.

  4. I imagine there were "a myriad of" issues to circle back around on in that meeting

  5. my father in law left us $40 after a recent visit because he wanted to help out with meals we ordered out. the money’s been sitting on our front hall table for a few days. i told my 16 year-old that she could have it, and she said, ‘i don’t fuck with cash’. that’s a new one on me.

  6. Me thinks this is going to be one long, ugly night in many urban areas. And our demented Oompa Loompa in chief will embarrass himself once again.

  7. You can send the $40 to me. I fuck with cash all day.

  8. What's with these kids today? I don't always pay with cash, but I usually do with small merchants who probably pay a higher cc processing rate than a big box store.

    Also, do they buy weed with bitcoin?

  9. Nice Bills team doc for you, Zman.

  10. If you're talking about Tyrod Taylor's lung, it was the Chargers' doc that punctured him.

  11. Oh yeah. When I thought of Tyrod and incompetence, my brain immediately went to Buffalo, even though he hasn't played there in three years. Carry on.

  12. Rob needs to have his kid listen to some Wu Tang.

  13. she'd change the lyric to 'debit card rules everything around me/secret pin, secret pin, y'all'

  14. I did not have Tyler Herro dominating a conference finals game on my 2020 bingo card.

  15. Tyler Herro tiene cojones grandes.

  16. Brad Steven’s’ middle class white dad look is not strong. Khakis, white sneakers and a blue, tucked-in polo. Not strong. He’s gotta tighten that shit up.

  17. The W&M AD plagiarism scandal is somewhat amusing. Boehly needs to get her fired.
