Thursday, September 24, 2020

Let Us Now Praise Genius Women

We introduced our readership to the cringily raunchy and outrageously funny Big Mouth way back in January 2019. In that post, we mentioned several of the voice actors, but we probably underplayed the funniest and most uniquely conceived character and performance in the whole ensemble.

Maya Rudolph garnered Big Mouth's first Emmy this week for her portrayal of Connie the Hormone Monstress. I can't really describe Connie, so here's a video of her greatest hits.

Rudolph also won an Emmy for her work as Kamala Harris in this season of Saturday Night Live.

All of which had me thinking that she's criminally underrated. Her SNL work with Fred Armisen alone is probably worth a series of posts. She's almost too good at inhabiting roles for us to remember how funny she is. Salud, Maya Rudolph, and long live Connie.


  1. I love love love that show. I know a few folks who have a "meh" reaction to it and I don't get it. It's raunchy and has a lot of heart. And jism.

  2. special kind of awkward mirth when you watch big mouth with your teen daughters. i find it hysterical.

  3. It seems like the candy Nerds is just what they collected near/off the machines that were making candy in the factory. They reduced their waste expense and made a whole new product line. Genius.

  4. isn’t there a ‘cocktail’ that uses a similar technique?

  5. Or just Natty Light, the Bud Light runoff.

  6. 169 minutes of people yelling at W&M AD Huge:

    Can we get one of the G:TB interns to transcribe and summarize the audio?

  7. scheduled for 90 minutes. went for 169. that can't be good for the folks in charge.
