Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday Mood

 If two shithead parents in our town hadn't ruined the fun for everybody, my kids would be at a tackle football practice today. They would then play three baseball games total this afternoon/evening. But that's all out the window, even though we paid a lot of dough for equipment/cleats/uniforms/etc. 

So how am I doing, you may ask? It's somewhere between this....

And this.

At least my Islanders nutted up and really took it to the Lightning last night. So I got that going for me. 


  1. Seems like you’re dealing with it pretty well.

  2. Here here Z. He was supposed to be at FloydFest this summer. I even considered dragging my ass up the mountain to the festival for it. My patience for festival life is short, but I’d have committed to a day of it to see Toots.

  3. All good here. My anger has ebbed a bit after two strenuous hours of crape myrtle pruning. I was up 15 ft on a ladder to trim branches from power lines. No fall and no electrocution. Amazing, I know. Unfortunately, both now look like Charlie Brown Xmas trees. But they grow quick.

  4. I was supposed to see Toots and the Maytals years ago in Boston but the show fell through. I need to compile a list of acts I need to see and go see them, if live music ever comes back.

  5. liverpool/leeds match was something else. that was fun.

  6. my niece’s boyfriend makes his debut as a campbell fightin’ camel against georgia southern right about now. his name is c.j. smith and he wears number 8 (he’s a defensive back) if you’re jonesing for a reason to watch fcs football.

  7. My college basketball coach played at Campbell. Best midfield logo in CFB.

    Sun Belt Conference showing out today.

  8. Is the camel still named Elmo? And old buddy’s dad went there, and that’s my recollection. That, and the “hump ‘em hump ‘em hump ‘em” chant.

  9. FSU losing their 4th straight opener must be fun for Mark. James Blackman does not look like he should be a starting AB at a Power 5 conference. Except maybe Rice.

  10. There is some red hot action in Galveston right now at the Johnsonville ACL Cornhole Championship. It’s the best sports on the telly right now. It’s no Premier League Darts, but it’s close.

  11. I had some friends over and we had some drinks and played HORSE with the kids. Then I saw the FSU second half. Not a bad Saturday night!

  12. sorry TR. i hope the same doesn't happen to my season.

    new piece up on medium-- the two reasons i will never get a vasectomy. it's brilliant. check it out and clap it or whatever. i'm still waiting to go viral. i've made 34 cents so far . . .
