Sunday, September 13, 2020

Excellent Animal Tricks

Our local public pool hosted its annual season-ending dog swim this morning, and we took our pup for her first-ever trip to the mass canine pandemonium party. I spent an hour laughing and smiling at all the good dogs splashing around, chasing tennis balls and each other. It was good for the soul. 

Here's a video of our dog JoJo not quite ready to get all the way in the water. She's the black lab mix that never quite makes it past her ankles.

And here's a bonus video of JoJo spinning out as she bolts from the water. Stupid little awesome doggo.

We don't deserve dogs.


  1. Jets managed four “three and outs” in the first quarter today. Impressive futility.

  2. And dogs are the shit. Been a real benefit to my family’s collective mental health. Our guy isdumb and friendly and soaks up affection.

  3. I’ve got dog fever, but my wife is resistant. Sorry to all of the people out walking their pups who think I’m ogling them when I cycle by. I’m probably just checking out your dog.

  4. Jets had 23 total yards and 55 yards in penalties. They give up a TD to go down 21-0. They have a delay of game on the first play. On the next play, their 1st round LT gives up a sack.

  5. 4th play is an awfully thrown INT. Twitter already calling for Flacco.

  6. Best part of COVID has to be that the Washington stands aren’t full of green-garbed drunk Philly fans talking shit to the hometown‘s dedicated losers as the Eagles embarrass Washington yet again.

  7. Our home is a zoo. Four cats and a dog. And I love it.

  8. We had two pit bulls that died within months of each other. A few months later we bought and English Bulldog. She is completely ridiculous and a pain in the ass but she’s made our lives exponentially more enjoyable. Dogs rule.

  9. 69 yd TD for the Jets. Nice.

  10. Jamison Crowder 69 yards niiiiiiiice

  11. A neighbor of mine got a Bull Mastif. Dog is 90 pounds, on his way to 120. They took him to the vet when the dog was not feeling well. They found out the dog has kidney failure and very little time left. Dog is less than a year old. Breeder claiming no responsibility. Awful for that family.

  12. One of zcats was a feral stray but is now remarkably domesticated. She still tries to put herself through our glass sliding door to get at squirrels and rabbits though.

  13. We have a MaineCoon. Nearly 20 pounds. She sucks. Even for a cat, she’s an asshole.

    Nearly time for the Brady/Bucs debut. My Bucs history tells me to be extremely skeptical but I’m more excited than I should be.

  14. So the best part of COVID, according to my earlier comment, was rendered moot. Fitting, but I’ll take it.

  15. dogs are the best. especially my dog.

    in case you missed it, i'm trying to get another post to go viral on medium. it's about the two reason i'll never get a vasectomy:

  16. This is not a hot take, but Carrie Underwood is a fine looking lady.

  17. These new Rams uniforms are meh to quite meh.

  18. All of the boring elements of the older ones, but with kitschy graphic blandishments to dispatch with the ‘timeless appeal’ of the classic unis.
