Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Toy Shopping Land Mines

Now back to your regularly scheduled dipshittery.

I have a young niece and nephew. Looking for birthday gifts.  Things I won't be getting them include but are not limited to:

Only one of these is fake. The last one appears to be a new offering, which seems... short-sighted but perhaps astute, from a revenues perspective and accounting for the sociological state of human beings.

Any ideas for a 9-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl? My Uncle of the Year award is being etched as we speak.

(Editor Update: Had to add this)


  1. sensitive topic, land mines. or toys.

  2. Got in a really bad accident yesterday. Stopped at a red light on US 1. Speed limit in that area is 50. Car pulls up and stops behind me. I look down at my phone for a second and all of the sudden I get hit as hard as I’ve ever been hit. I look over to the passenger side and see a completely different car spinning to my side and ending up perpendicular to my car and blocking both southbound lanes.

    Long story short. The impact on the car behind me was so significant that it (likely) totaled my company car. Seemingly no major injures to the drivers involved. Both their cars were definitely totaled and the third driver was absolutely at fault and reckless.

    I had some pain in the neck and shoulder so with my past neck issues I played it safe and went to the ER to get checked out. They gave me some muscle relaxers and a shot of Toradol in the ass. Prescribed some meds too.

    Woke up today and felt better than expected. Hopefully that’s the case tomorrow. Going to get an MRI on Friday just to be on the safe side and on the advice of my friend/attorney.

    Not the best afternoon I’ve ever had.

  3. That sucks. Maybe it will cheer you up to hear that my son has developed an alter ego named Fud Fuxit. "Fuxit" is pronounced exactly how you wouldn't want it to be, if it were your 9-year-old son's alter ego.

  4. Mark, you need Lowell “the hammer” Stanley.

  5. Damn Mark. Glad all is ok. Probably be sore as a mf'r tomorrow tho if I had to guess. Rest up and enjoy the relaxers in the meantime.

  6. Sounds like some asshat was on their phone and not paying attention.

    Shitty news. Glad you are okay.

  7. definitely glad you're okay, mark. that's a shitty afternoon, indeed. seems like it might be whitney's fault.

  8. if you haven't seen dave chappelle's reaction to the george floyd killing, you really should:

    i wouldn't call it funny, but it's important. angry, raw, insightful. watch it.

  9. Holy shit. Glad to hear you are okay.

  10. Mark, terribly sorry to hear that. Here's hoping your neck and back are just fine.

    That's some scary shit. A few years back one of my mom's best friends from growing up was killed along with his wife in a town called Mary Esther, FL while they were sitting at a stoplight. Box truck wasn't paying attention and smashed into them from behind them. He was a cool MF -- he led the creative team that did the "Got Milk?" ads. Gone too soon.

    Glad this wasn't like that.

    Now back to YRSD.

  11. Upcoming documentary to be added to my list:

    Lester Bangs, Cameron Crowe Appear in New ‘Creem’ Magazine Documentary

  12. "The Major League Baseball Players Association has finalized a proposal to MLB for a season in the neighborhood of 70 games, sources tell me and @JesseRogersESPN."


    DO IT.

    DO. IT.

  13. I was thinking that the other day. The best chance the owners have to get some real concessions is to propose them in a plan that will generally be thought of as 'nice'.

    Also, healing wishes to Mark. Hope you feel normal soon.

  14. Changing the topic (if I may), the wife has asked what her and the boys (boys = sons, not breasts) can do for me on Father’s Day. Not sure what I should be requesting amid the virus. Part of me wants a free pass to tie one on w/ Zman and Juan Carlos on Sat night.

    I don’t want a gift and she can’t cook. Do I just tell her that every day with her is a gift and all that I could want?

  15. Sounds reasonable to me, but none of us here have to be your spouse when you stumble in drunk.

  16. yikes, mark. glad you are in one piece.

    which toy is fake?

    free pass is such an economical gift. perfect for these lean times!

  17. This Trump rally in Tulsa seems to be going swimmingly.

  18. I just threw down a 6 oz package of Blue Diamond Salt n Vinegar almonds in 6.9 minutes. Turns out that was 1,020 calories. But only 12g of net carbs. So I got that going for me. #keto
