Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Corona Files: People Are (Sometimes) Awesome (Or At Least Pretty Cool)

Humans are an ingenious lot, when we're not defying common sense in the name of tribal allegiance or killing people misfortunate enough to have different levels of melanin than ours. Nick Parker seems to be one of the good ones.

Parker is a musician from Glastonbury, in the southwest of England. During the time of the coronavirus, he reached out to musician friends all over the globe, sending them songs to learn and record and not letting the individual artists know what other artists were participating in the same project. He called the effort Stranger Tunes, and his tastes intersect nicely with ours, as you'll see from the selections we've curated for your listening enjoyment.


  1. Great stuff.

    Been recording a song with my high school chums who live in NOLA, WV, and Virginia Beach. All through Dropbox and our respective home recording set-ups. It's not as fun as getting together and making music, but it will do for now... and we are far more efficient, adding tracks and bits when we have spare time.

  2. this used to be my playground

  3. In other news, Ford is revealing the new Bronco on July 9th. Interesting choice of date. Happy early b-day, OJ.

  4. You're like a new jack version of Postal Service.

  5. this used to be a parking lot

  6. We've started The Wonder Years w our 11 year old. He loves it. This show needs to be put in a time capsule.

  7. Screech sighting in this episode. Zach a few episodes ago. Must have been Saved by the Bell proving ground.

  8. Wonder Years or Freaks and Geeks would be a good next show for us. We are limping to the finish w/ Arrested Development. Season 4 has been weak and we have a Season 5 after that.

    We were thinking 30 Rock next, but a change in tone to WY or F&G might work.

  9. Pour some (syrup) out for Aunt Jemima.

    Mrs Butterworth must be feeling uneasy right now.

  10. Got an email the Hoodoo Gurus show to which I have tickets is now postponed from this November to Oct 2021. Not shocking, just a bummer.

  11. Happy OJ Bronco Chase-versary

  12. One of the flagship offerings of Roanoke's best local microbrewery is White Bronco IPA.

  13. I would buy some of these if they were half the price:


  14. Pony up Z. It has a filter. Get the one with the Wu-Tang logo and pot leafs on it, then pair it with this shirt . People will know that Zman ain't nothing to fuck with.

  15. Our kids LOVE Wonder Years! Have seen it all the way through once and close to twice. Some episodes are huge favorites. We got Disney+ recently and we’re on Star Wars overload around here. All versions, all the different spin-off series, etc! Good Lord! Husband and I watched movie “Airplane” the other night, too. Hadn’t seen it in years. Funny still.
