Tuesday, May 05, 2020

It's Report Card Time Again... Again

What with the mixed up, muddled up, shook up world in which we're living, and the abbreviated / tossed-on-its-ear school year, it's Report Card Time again!

How'd we do so far in 2020?

Not bad. Not bad at all. For reference, in 2019, we posted on 53% of every day of the year. This year, thus far, it's 66%. Two out of every three days, you get new G:TB content. We can live with that.

Here's the report card from this time a year ago.

Of other statistical note, in 2019 Rob was responsible for 57% of all Gheorghe posts. This year, he's at 34% -- technically even less now. As of this posting, he's at exactly 1/3. Gotta keep the founder from burning out, people.

Now is the time, quarantine and all, for these numbers to continue surging. There will be a tailing off once everyone can go back to work, spend all day outdoors in the park, and drink in public places once more.  Keep it rolling. 

We are currently on pace for our best year of Postcount since 2015. Those were, by many standards, better days. Hey. Ho. Let's go.


  1. he's zman the butcher bringing tr the meat.

  2. and coffee is for closers, which means i don't deserve any. i need to write a post in 2020.

  3. You can use it to plug your main blog, if you have one.

  4. I trust everyone’s working on a new post. Nice work.

  5. Finished binging Parks and Rec w/ the fam tonight. Great show, but not great finale.

    We are now on go Arrested Development. Only 2 episodes in on my second viewing, but still sooo good. I think I originally binged it when Netflix was mailing DVDs.

  6. Did Rob just make a Dave Hamelburg reference?

  7. I did Arrested Development DVDs as well. And it’s just the best.

  8. Marls - that is a joke for 2 or 3 at most. And a good one. Unfortunately, not every W&M student had the experience of hanging with a Korean immigrant to Boston who loved to smoke weed and talk like Spicoli.

  9. kids wanted to watch the last jedi, so watch we did. i see a lot more star wars saga in my near future.

  10. I got the Hamelburg ref, though I don't remember him for anything other than his "faack dude" catchphrase.

    I rewatched original seasons of Arrested Development with my fam, but they all bailed when we got to reboot. I'm slowly making my way through those.

  11. Fack dog, why you bit my facking face?!?

  12. I, too, got a chuckle out of the Hamelburg deep cut

  13. Was the dog’s name “Tokie”?

  14. i have no idea who hamelburg is. i was just letting out some stress. up to my eyeballs in alligators over here.

  15. Hey Whit, and all you sandy travelers, Outer Banks re-opens for visitors May 16 at 12:01 a.m.


  16. Toki, which is Korean for rabbit. Because it was a dog.

  17. Dave, that’s good for me... so long as it’s good for public health. Either way, I figure that looks good for me to be there in early July.

  18. High of 47 in NJ on Saturday. That is...suboptimal.
