Sunday, May 03, 2020

I am Heat Miser. Heat Miser is Me. Dammit.

The second in what I hope is a long series of self-deprecating posts comes to you courtesy of my children, who profess to love me.

I don't think I've gone this long without a haircut (6-7 weeks, give or take) in my adult life. My hair starts to get a bit bushy if it gets much longer than it is right now, which is why I generally keep it on the shorter side.

My daughters think I look like this guy:

That's ridiculous. My hair isn't the least bit red.


  1. Hahahahaha. Maybe Patricia ain’t that bad. Good excuse to up your hair product game, Rob.

  2. Amanda Shaw I’m WWOZ now. We saw her onstage at the Fest 17 or 18 years ago, when she had come from finishing her 8th grade classes to play fiddle and sing and lead her band.

  3. This is the last day of this JazzFest in place, and there’s good stuff to be heard. Steel Pulse up soon, James Andrews (New Birth Brass Band, Trombone Shorty’s older brother), Springsteen, and the Nevilles from ‘94 to close it.

  4. Looking good rob. Gel that shit up.

    Just injoyed some sacraments. Now time to go for a road ride with steel pulse on WWOZ. Just started- gonna be irie.

  5. that look is with product, only at the end of a day spent running a hand through my hair. gonna let my daughter cut it soon. that’ll be nerve-wracking.

  6. better than being cold miser. that guy's do is a don't.

  7. Have spent the majority of the day most back around the pool. My quarantine experience is one that I’m grateful for.

  8. I have been loving the trip down memory lane w/ hip hop during the MJ doc. Maybe more for my kids than for me. They love Kool Moe Dee and Black Sheep. And they should.

  9. my dog is terrified of lightning and thunder. spent all of last night underneath the desk in my daughter's room because we had a little bit of a storm around 10:00. any of you dog owners got a remedy for that?

  10. My middle school kid has to watch the movie Flowers for Algernon and compare it to the book. Matthew Modine stars as a mentally challenged young man. Not exactly the same level as Full Metal Jacket. All I can think when I'm watching is "he went full retard."

  11. my old dog was petrified of thunder. he would shake. fireworks too. he liked it when we put blankets on him.

    new dog isn't scared of much of anything (except snowmen . . . she gets really freak out by snowmen. i have to walk over and kick them)

  12. i remember teaching "of mice and men" and "flowers for algernon" back to back to ninth graders. not a lot of jokes in those books.

  13. i got hammered yesterday afternoon while playing in an online poker tourney. 5 dollar buy in. low stakes. i somehow got myself into first place out of over a hundred people, with a 100,000 chip lead .. . i had 314,000 chips and the next person had 200,000. i was six beers in, tried to bully people with my chips (and beer muscles) and ended up finishing fifteenth. so stupid. made 20 dollars instead of 250. 4.5 hours of play. beer and online poker don't really mix in a long session. should have made coffee.

  14. That story seems unique in the history of gambling.

  15. Anyone else imagining a sitcom where Rob, Dave and Whitney are quarantined together?

  16. can we discuss Dave drop kicking snowmen to appease his dog?

  17. rootsy just described the 1989-90 school year.

  18. rootsy, No Exit is that sitcom.

  19. I’d rather come up with poker nicknames for Dave.

    Brunswick Swarth? Jersey Sweats?

  20. My poker nickname is greasetruck22. I am in a long line outside trader Joe's. We need blue cheese.

  21. The line is long but not dense. I wonder if I will get in. This is nuts.

  22. I am about to go to my local butcher. I predict a shitshow.

  23. If Lola gets all whacked out by a snowman, I go over and rough it up to assure her I am dominant. Over snowmen. I am cold miser

  24. I forgot my headphones. So stupid. Thought I would be in and out.

  25. They locked dave out of Trade Joes or they ran out of food?

  26. I am at register. Wasn't that bad. Just weird

  27. Local butcher was fully stocked. I respectfully texted Zman and Juan Carlos to tell them. Zman responded with a dick joke.

  28. I made two dick jokes. If you're going to text me about getting all the meat you need and about being behind a woman looking for $500 worth of meat, you're going to get a keilbasa or Hungarian salami joke in response.

  29. If you send Zman a message from the butcher shop, you should really know what's coming next. It's not like he can walk around zhouse making those jokes to zfamily. That's why he stays in touch with all of us - so he can make his Hungarian salami jokes to a receptive audience.
