Tuesday, April 07, 2020

A Close Shave on Mill Mountain: A Very Special GTB Guestie

From the Star City comes a tale of heroism and facial topiary. Enjoy, and says thanks that our man Rootsy is still with us.

Those of you who have visited Roanoke may recall the large neon star that sits atop Mill Mountain, about 1000 feet above the city, just southeast of the city center. Having a mountain in the middle of town is pretty great. There is a great network of trails, some for hiking only, and others permit cycling as well. There are also two paved roads that can take you to the star. There’s the original ‘Old Road’ that switchbacks up the north face of the mountain and serves as vehicular access to a few homes along it, before becoming a pedestrian/cycle only path for the remainder of the ascent. There’s also the ‘New Road’, which goes around and up to a saddle, then makes a sharp turn back up to the top of the mountain.

As my fellow Virginians among the GTB readership know, our Governor has issued stay at home orders, but allows for outdoor exercise. Since my business is considered essential, we’ve continued operating with reduced staff and hours (and drastically reduced revenue). I spent last week reviewing the available small business assistance, completing applications and compiling documentation, along with doing actual work that I don’t typically have to do, so I was ready to spend some time alone outdoors on a beautiful spring weekend. After doing some work on Saturday morning, I decided to take my road bike out for a quick trip to the Mill Mountain Star and back before the Teej’s epic 44th bday z**m party (feat. Kato Kaelin).
I knew that effective last Friday morning, the City of Roanoke had closed the many miles of greenway paths located within the city limits. No problem, as I knew I could get to the old road and grind my sorry ass to the mountain top. Now, I also knew that the city had closed the new road where it turns up the mountain, but not until I approached the summit did I realize that they had closed the old road as well.  I’d planned to exit via the closed section of road anyhow, so I proceeded down the mountain on the closed road.  If you’ve ridden a skinny tired road bike down a mountain before, you know that it doesn’t take much effort to pick up speed, and that is just what I did. I rounded a curve, still gaining speed, then looked up and saw a closed brown gate, approaching rapidly against the black ashpalt. I pulled both brake levers harder than I ever have before and headed towards the gate in a barely controlled skid, and tried to aim for the approximately 14 inch center gap between the two sections of gate.

My mind raced with what would be the best part of my body to take the impact of a steel gate. I had on padded bike shorts, but aiming for the crotch seemed questionable. I kept squeezing the brakes, aiming for the tiny gap, and clipped my right shoe out of my pedal so I could try and slide through like a figure skater holding a pose. My bike mercifully came to a stop inches from the gate, and I gently laid it down.  Had I not stopped in time, here’s how much room I had to spare:

I got up, took a grateful breath, put my chain back in place and rode down the mountain and home with black greasy fingers. I hit the shower with some lava soap and scrubbed clean and joined many of you to wish the Doofus Overlord a happy birthday. If any of you noted the shit eating grin during the online meetup, it because was filled with gratitude that I survived that ordeal without an injury, in addition to seeing all of you.

On Sunday I rode back up the mountain (the legal way) with some materials to better mark the gate for scofflaws like me who could end up in the same situation. Fortunately in the intervening 24 hours, some yellow reflective tape applied to the gate. I surveyed the scene and retraced my skid marks – there were 81 feet of them, ending 3 feet from the gate, and lined up pretty well with the gap. I may have made it through unscathed, but I’m grateful that the brakes eventually did their job. Perhaps I’ll see if I can put some hydraulic disc brakes on my road bike, so future close shaves are a little more comfortable.

As a bonus, here’s a little collage of my facial hair journey from the previous weekend. What can I say? My life is full of excitement.


  1. Ali fights on ESPN2 all night

  2. The handlebars and John Waters looks suit you best. I’m glad you emerged unscathed from your close shave.

  3. Nice post Rootsy.
    Flippin between Ali and Tiger/Masters stuff. 1st year in about 23 not around Washimgton Road. Weird.
    When's the next gtb zoom happy hour? I have technology. I like people.

  4. John Prine lost his battle with the virus. We should all sing Dear Abby the next time we convene or Z.

  5. dear rootsy, dear rootsy
    you have no complaints
    you are what you are
    and you ain't what you ain't
    so listen up buster
    and listen up good
    stop wishin' for bad luck
    and knockin' on wood

    signed, dear abby

    rip, john prine

  6. As a man who has made bad decisions on a bike before, I commend your ability to act smart in a pinch! Lots of bad things could have happened there.

    I was about to pull the trigger on a front suspension mountain bike. Need to escort the kids on rides, and wanted to do some trail riding, given the downtime. Unfortunately, I believe the NJ Gov shut down all state/county parks today. Glad I got the clan out for a trail walk y/day. We saw a frog!

    In a somewhat related story, Juan Carlos went by my house on a bike today while my wife and I were enjoying quarantinis in our front yard. He and his family are doing well.

  7. Rootsy, I'm glad you survived. Yikes.

    And I like the 'stache you almost wrecked with. It may have been good luck.

  8. I was stacheless for the incident. Facial topiary was the prior weekend.

    John Prine news is a bummer. I hope he and Steve Goodman are hanging out somewhere singing ‘Souvenirs’.

  9. ...and “You Never Even Called Me By My Name,” their original treasure.

  10. A few years ago I overheard my oldest singing 'Don't Bury Me', which he heard from his middle school science teacher while on a field trip to explore nature. That one was a staple of Sizzler and I back in the Unit M third floor stairwell.

  11. Dear Gheorghies, Dear Gheorghies
    all stuck in the house
    With your wild restless kids
    and your overworked spouse

    So listen up busters
    and listen up good
    Stop angling for nooners
    Just tend your own wood

    Signed, Rootsminer

  12. Trivia question for you today. Who did Henry Rollins recently call “the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Of Rock And Roll?”

    Hint: Heavyweight is not literal.

  13. tr, you should take a look at the recruiting class chris norris just brought to williamsburg. it's pretty impressive. there are two kids (the one from switzerland and the local 'burg kid) who were being recruited by every top program in the nation. if norris can't win with this group, then i think it's reasonable to start looking for a replacement.

  14. Rootsy comes from a long fraternal lineage of people who have a keen interest in music and the men and women who make or made it. He’s right.

  15. I’ll give them fresh eyes this fall. More fun to be positive on the program.

    UVA’s recent success has been driven a lot by ex-pats. Makes sense Norris would follow suit.

  16. I did not consult the internet to confirm my guess. The source and hint made me feel pretty confident in my guess.

  17. Okay, people, our post pace has slowed. I’ll work on something, maybe do the same.

  18. Antoine Winfield's son is in this year's NFL draft? Good God I'm old.

  19. Watching the 2019 version of Pet Semetary w/ my boys. Big mistake. 100% chance they have sleeping problems tonight.

    Sharknado was much less of a concern.

  20. i will have something later. working on a list of why governor murphy should reconsider closing all the parks down. i'm so annoyed with him.

  21. the 'rona may be the reason I finally give up my College Game Day habit. Too many of these college football coaches are being selfish, myopic, willfully ignorant dicks about their season.

  22. To be honest, they're selfish, myopic, willfully ignorant dicks in general. Most of them, at least. Some are just more charismatic than others. But I hear your argument. They need to stay in their lane and not opine on this. Their hubris is such that they believe their opinions should carry weight on every topic.

  23. Dave - pls work on Murphy about the parks. I ordered a mountain bike that arrives tmrw. Will kill me to not be able to go on one trail for the next two months.

    I get that he's tightening the screws even more to keep folks from sliding back to normalcy too soon, but it has really messed with my leisure plans.

  24. Watch your mouth TR and Shlara. Senator Tubberville ain’t gonna take any of that sass.

  25. dabo thinks he's christ resurrected. just ask him.

  26. Nick Saban just learned how to text and email?

  27. Mike Gundy is bring the mullet and/or moronathons back.

  28. Bring, bringing, whatever. 4pm Z happy hours mean grammar is back seated.

  29. if those sissy german soccer players can get back on the field by may, mike gundy will be damned if his red-blooded american amateur athletes will be kept from god’s ordained training camp.

  30. These guys are control freaks who must be losing their shit, and I think it’s important to recognize the real victim: their assistants. You know some furloughed assistant still has the hc pestering the shit out of him.

  31. Deborah Birx’s scarve collection is impressive. She must have a huge closet. Reminds me of the scene from Best in Show when Michael McKean’s character brings nine kimonos for the weekend dog show.

    I like her and Fauci. And even Pence is coherent.

  32. I’m a man! I’m 50! I’m high risk! Come at me virus.
