Friday, April 10, 2020

30 Years of Fear

Public Enemy released their masterpiece "Fear of a Black Planet" 30 years ago today. This makes me feel very old, and like posting some of the tracks that still hold up.

"Brothers Gonna Work it Out" and "Welcome to the Terrordome" still bang. Some of the hardest conscious hiphop ever.

I stupidly put this song on a Unit M party mix one time. The Burg wasn't ready for it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The Chemical Brothers, Prodigy and the rest of those late-90's electronic were just ripping off PE. They owe The Bomb Squad at least half of all the money they made.

I think "Fight the Power" is a little played out but it cannot be ignored when talking about "Fear of a Black Planet." The intro to this version is still relevant today, unfortunately.


  1. Yes! this was the first hip hop (besides the beastie boys) that I really got into. paul's boutique in '89 and this a year later. god I am old . . .

  2. Folks, clarabennet69 wants to know if we've considered getting our book into the hands of beta-readers?

  3. Just of the Master-beta sort

  4. There are vey few albums I’ve played more than this one. I remember cranking the cassette in my Sony Discman when training for varsity soccer after my junior year in high school. I still have some tracks on workout playlists on Apple Music.

    I can sing along to the whole thing. Burn Hollywood Burn is a monster.

    I love Can’t Do Nuttin’ For You Man as much as anybody, but don’t see that making any dance floor erupt. Wash your butt.

  5. Jeez, Clara is really hot to trot for Gheorghe: The Book!

  6. From time to time, Gheorghies ask me for car-buying advice. Car sales obviously screeched to a halt over the past month so there are some crazy deals out there.

    The Mazda CX-5 is an excellent five-passenger SUV. You can lease one for $239 right now.

    I've touted the Buick Regal TourX here before. Unfortunately no one listens to me and Buick discontinued the car because it doesn't sell. They're selling for about $7k below MSRP right now. Weenie has none in stock but 117 are still available nationally.

    Similarly, no one buys either of VW's Golf-based wagons so they are also discontinued. They have two versions of the wagon, Alltrack and and SportWagen, each available with at least two different engine and transmission options. Put another way, you can get one of these with a stick! Save the manuals! My local dealer has 12 wagons in stock including a few manuals. I'm seriously considering trading in zwoman's car for this one. Green wagons rock.

  7. I am about due to get a new truckster, but I have too many manual vehicles already. My wife really likes subarus, but perhaps I can get her interested in the buick.

  8. There’s an Instagram account for Birx’s scarves! 😀

  9. This is interesting as hell or deadly boring, depending on how your brain works.

  10. I forgot to add that the VeeDubs are selling for $4k to $5k below MSRP. Brand new all wheel drive German car for $27k is nothing to scoff at.

  11. My 12 y/o told me today “I saw the baskets in your car today, so I know the Easter Bunny is not real.” He said this to me and the 10 y/o. The little fucker never thought what an inconvenience it was for us to get him stuff. They both know it’s not real, but he decided to flex.

    I can’t wait to avoid putting the baskets out all day on Sunday. Will kill them. No bunny, no candy, no dice. Kids can be real dicks sometimes.

  12. Peoples instinctive travels and the paths of rhythm also came out April 10, 1990. And Phillip Pannell died.

  13. The dramatically increased amount of time we’re spending with our kids is quite the double edged sword. In the long run we’ll all (likely) appreciate each other more. Some rough times in the present though.

    My 18 year old’s Senior Night for LAX would’ve been last night. She was in a fucking MOOD all day yesterday and I was on the edge of ripping her. Luckily, I realized the significance of the day beforehand and the toll if had to be taking on her.

    She’s a good kid but a pretty moody and spoiled 18 year old girl. So, not a picnic. Giving her more of a wide berth these days because these kids are dealing with a lot. Probably more than we truly grasp.

  14. Completely unrelated: the mid 90s Knicks guards were trash. Greg Anthony/Charlie Ward running point and Starks/Hubert Davis at the 2. Any of those guys play for a good team in today’s NBA?

  15. It was really more Derek Harper and Doc Rivers in mid 90’s at PG. Starks was the 2 guard. But a lot of trash in the backcourt. Killed me that my favorite basketball player of all time (Ewing) was never surrounded w/ enough talent.

  16. Allan Houston would like a word.

  17. Hubert Davis was a career 44% shooter from three. Hubert Davis would’ve THRIVED in today’s NBA.

  18. You both make good points. Here are my counterpoints: Rivers and Harper we’re both over the hill by the time they reached NY. Still could run a team and play some decent D but nothing close t what they had been offensively.

    As for Hubert, he would’ve been a really good stretch the floor guy today but his lack of ability to attack a close out , create or defend multiple positions makes him a specialist at best.

    Again: the Knicks guards were trash.

  19. Also, TR...ever own a pair of Ewings? Some of the shittiest signature basketball shoes of all time.

  20. But Mark...Ron Harper will fight you in the stands

  21. our friend cliff was hubert’s backup in high school. cliff would struggle in the nba.

  22. Look at Teejus comin strong w hubert davis stats. Who knew?
    Didn't realize Cliffy played with Hubert.

  23. Quarantine stats, Danimal

    Who’s leading the Masters?

  24. I’m a huge young Ron Harper Stan. Cavs/Clippers era.

  25. Also: Not sure how many of you (guess is not many) are keeping up with the IG Live beat battles. Anywho: Rza vs. DJ Premier tomorrow night at 9.

    Pretty excited.

  26. Step Brothers is comedic genius.Run it back if you need to waste some dime.

  27. Was busy watching the original Footloose and more Parks and Rec w/ the fam. Lots to unpack:

    - Lori Singer (Bacon’s gf in Footloose) deserved a better career.

    - Derek Harper was a badass. He fit in w/ NY and scrapped a lot while a Knick.

    - Houston, Davis and Ward sucked. And the NFL was so racist about Ward. He could’ve contributed and maybe been an above-average QB. He was no Andre Ware.

    - I never had Ewing sneakers, but I had the infamous Madison Square Guardian poster.

  28. I watched Ward up close (my sisters were both FSU students at the time). He was ahead of his time (in terms of size and the offense FSU ran). He’d have made a real career in present day NFL.

    His NBA prospects would’ve been less fortunate. But Cassell and Sura would do better than they did. That was a talented perimeter triumvirate FSU had.

  29. Just watched the pilot of Cheers on Netflix. Danson’s hair is spectacular. Shelley Long is unattractive.

    Step Brothers is as good as it gets. I need to go to bed.

  30. my favorite knick from that era-- and I loved the knicks back then-- the guy who perfectly encapsulated them, was gerald Wilkins. really athletic, ersatz version of his brother. made loads of incredibly bad decisions. often launched himself at the basket with no path up (or down).

    i also loved mark jackson's slow back-in and hook shot. wow did they bring it over center court slowly . . .

  31. Gerald Wilkins was one of the meaner and most accurate coed nicknames doled out by the brothers of Lambda Chi.

  32. gheorghies, if we had a GTB zoom gathering later today would folks like that? hmmmmm, wouldya?

  33. btw, I love that the 90s Knicks spurred more conversation in the GTB comments than we've had in a long time

  34. We’re doing a social distancing happy hour with Vitas and his wife on our front porch today at 4. If a G:TB Zoom Happy Hour occurred during this window we’d all be game, I’m sure.

  35. Game 5 of the Knicks-Celtics series from 1990 was on y/day. Boston’s legends were on their last legs and Ewing was approaching his prime. I remember watching that and being very excited about the team’s future. That went well for me.

    I too have a happy hour planned w/ the neighbors. 3-4 couples chat at a distance w/ a drink and 3-4 couples walk by on their afternoon jaunt and give us the stink eye.

  36. VW has 0% financing for 72 months. Jeep and a bunch of others have 0% for 84 months. Good gravy.

  37. Gheorghe: The Blog Editorial Meeting planned for 4:30

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