Monday, June 03, 2019

Time Keeps on Slippin': Dadbrag Edition

Yesterday my daughter performed in her penultimate dance recital. She's been doing this since she was five years old. She's got one more to go. One more year of five-a-week rehearsals. One more year of competitions. One more round of recitals. I'm gonna be a mess this time next year.

It's been remarkable, in retrospect, to see her go from a little ballerina, bouncing in time to the music, to an accomplished artist. And truly, while I grumble at times about the checks we have to write to her dance studio, her dance has been a catalyst for growth in lots of other ways. To see her on stage, confident, joyful, kinda badass, really, fills my heart with joy.

And so, I'm gonna share some of that with you.

She's at the front of the formation in this one:

In this one, she's the female lead:

She starts at the front of this one, too:

You'll never figure out which one she is in this one, but it's cool to watch:


  1. When I first looked, I thought it said “Dirtbag Edition”.

    This is great stuff. You have every right to dadbrag and be a mess.

  2. THIS:

  3. Very cool Rob, and admittedly entertaining. They are solid...can't imagine the work and time that goes into choreographing and then syncing those routines. If I had a hat on, I would tip it now.

    Spent a coupla nights in Nashvegas this wkd for KLynch's bachelor party. He is giving marr8age another shot. Key difference this time is that his close pals aren't begging him to cancel. On the contrary. Had a ball, ate some bbq, took in some terrific tunes, and the like.

  4. nice. his new lady seems like kind of a stud.

  5. yes, she is. and the influence she has had on our little buddy is not insignificant.
    on the topic of their nuptials, clan danimal will be pulling into the nation's capital for a couple of nights beginning late tue the 18th, then off to the apple capital for a night or two, then to charm city for the wedding. will i get the chance to see any of our gtb dc brethren? doubtful, unless looking to tour around dc on that wed or thur with 3 little sh*tbirds and the mr and mrs.

  6. clarification - his "new" lady is anything but. that started immediately following the implosion of the first go around, roughly 15 years ago

  7. slide into the DMs when you know where you're staying...we can show your children how miserable office life is

  8. i'll be in salt lake city when you come to town, danimal. i'll slap a mormon for you.*

    *figure of speech. no actual mormons will be harmed.

  9. So his new old lady is really his old old lady?

  10. For those of you following the MLB draft, some interesting NJ stuff will happen in the first round. Two teammates from Delbarton, an elite sports factory private school near Zman and me, are expected to be 1st round picks (or close to it). Both committed to Vandy, but may go pro if a big enough signing bonus is dangled. One player is Anthony Volpe. He is a SS and that is the most NJ name ever. The second is Jack Leiter, the son of Al. The Leiter kid throws 94 mph. He is 8-1 with a 0.54 ERA and 88 Ks in 52 innings. Volpe is batting .500 with 11 HRs.

    And in an even more absurd turn of events, the team has another pitcher who is 6’ 5” and throws 87 mph. And he is a freshman. That, my friends, is a stacked team. The team is ranked #1 in the state. Only question is if teams ding the kids b/c they committed to college.

  11. They’re also the #1 team in the state in lacrosse, if you’re into that sort of thing.

  12. Leiter goes 34. Teams scared off by the signing bonus it will take to keep him out of college.

  13. Florida’s top commit went 5th. He’s gone.

  14. Turns out I was reading a mock draft earlier. Volpe went 30 to Yankees. Leiter undrafted. Dad wants him to go to college.

  15. World’s leading energy analyst!

  16. Well done by your girl Rob. My younger son is a ballet dancer, and I'm always amazed at the courage it takes to get up in front of people and risk falling on your ass.

    Singing, playing, and talking in front of people doesn't stress me out at all. Watching my kid dance brings forth a gamut of emotions unlike anything else.

  17. There was some Swiss on Swiss violence at Roland Garros today.

  18. I never like to see Wawrinka lose but at least we get another Nadal/Federer match on Friday. Aside from a weird hiccup in the third round in which he dropped a set, Nadal is crushing people. He was so pissed about that dropped set that he lost a total of 12 games over his next two matches. That's two games per set for you Area I majors. Meanwhile Djokovic has demoralized everyone so far, losing only 38 games in 12 sets.

  19. anyone here using cbd oil for anything? i hear it's a helpful sleep aid. please advise.

  20. I'm all-in on three-in-one oil and gauze pads.

  21. I’ve heard the same, Big D. Yet to try. Melatonin doesn’t do trick for me and NyQuil makes me feel terrible. My old doc used to give me cough syrup w/ codeine, which was great for getting mellow. I will occasionally use indica weed, but anything else keeps me from sleeping.

    Thx in advance for being our pharmaceutical guinea pig. Report back!

  22. I believe the technical name for “cough syrup with codeine” is “purple drank” or “sizzurp” but I defer to Mark on nomenclature. I find melatonin helpful for fighting jet lag.

  23. wow! some great choreography and dancing there, and also amazing video quality. i wish i had some good video of my kids playing sports.

  24. Rob - your girl is super talented! They all are! Yay for fierce, strong, powerful, graceful, elegant (all at the same time!) young women!!
