Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Culture Up Your Ass Wednesday

Alert your friends, and update your calendars accordingly, good people of Gheorghe, 'cause we're movin' right along on 7/25 and 7/30:


  1. Good heads up, Rob. My local (1/2 mile walk, now with a bar on site) theatre isn't showing it, but the megaplex at the mall is.

  2. Why are there so many songs about rainbows and what’s on the other side?

  3. is this a remake or the original? i wouldn't mind if pixar updated it digitally, with wilder special effects and more hip-hop.

  4. steph is either gonna try to get 60 tonight. succeed or fail, it’s gonna be fun to watch.

  5. I think there’s some grammar funk going on there

  6. BTW, rob and I caught up over beers this evening. We scored that your collective effort at GTB lately is somewhere between “crappy” and “super crappy”. Please do better.

  7. Dammit. I have to get up really early tmrw, but the intensity of this game is too good to miss.

  8. Following up on the last thread, try liquid melatonin. Not great for travel but works quicker than the pill form. Or go with the combo of CBD and melatonin in capsule form.

  9. CNN has a headline that Marcia Cross’s anal cancer is linked to her husband’s throat cancer. I don’t mean to trivialize cancer, but that headline triggered multiple odd and inappropriate thoughts in my demented head.

  10. Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell Randy Gonzalez!

  11. apparently barack obama follows me on twitter. that impressed my daughter quite a bit.

  12. Barry’s the shit. Good for you, Rob.

  13. hola gheorghies! just had a fun evening with mose and lecky, two illustrious fogtb . . .

  14. RIP Dr. John. A NOLA classic.

  15. Last night I buried the hatchet for 60 seconds with a former employer / worst person I've ever known / only person I've ever sued. I gave her a hug and told her that her children were beautiful. Might've been the margatinis talking, but it has served me well over the last 9 years to slowly let go of the anger, hatred, and pure venom in favor of a shrug and a deep exhale.

  16. 60 seconds too long if you ask me. But time does heal some wounds.

  17. I've been told that 60 seconds isn't long enough. Wait, "bury the hatchet" is a euphemism, right?

  18. Similarly, today is both National Doughnut Day and zwoman's birthday. I offered her some of my Long John but she said it's just a munchkin.

  19. axe body spray? everyone's got their kink, i guess. that's weird, though.
