Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day Singalong

Audience participation time, Gheorghies. I'm gonna start by listing several songs that remind me of my Dad, or that remind of of being a Dad. And you're gonna add to the list. Because you're good people and you like music.

Here's a different version of the same song that I like even better, for obvious reasons.


  1. that "house of gold" video is disturbing.

  2. Dinner for One Please James

    Welcome to Earth (Pollywog)

    I’ll let you figure out which answer is responsive to which question.

  3. I kicked off Father’s Day by vomiting in my master bathroom at 12:15 AM. Instead of doing it in the toilet, I decided to do it in the sink that’s one foot away from the toilet, because drunk. Most of the delicious bone-in aged ribeye I grilled came up, as did all the wine and scotch that I guzzled earlier. No water came up b/c I forgot to drink any the whole night. So yeah, I’m still a moron.

    Apparently, steak chunks clog up drains. So I got that going for me. All my Father’s Day goodwill has been used up, and it ain’t even lunch yet.

  4. The Pelicans are gonna be fun. That’s a good haul for AD.

  5. I got puking wasted over Memorial Day weekend at another DeBlasfest! zwoman was not impressed. I got all the chunks of delicious in-house Barth’s weisswurst and bratwurst in the toilet though.

  6. I bet I am the only Gheorghie to get a Father’s Day card with a photo of their kid wearing a Wu-Tang Clan T-shirt.

  7. DeBlasFest! Where are all the Italian flag tattooed residents of Teaneck going to bathe now that the swim club is closed?

  8. Zman sent me a picture of Kemba’s Father’s Day card. He’s raising him right. Wu-Tang!

    As I mentioned last night, my wife got wrecked by the pool yesterday. Like really hammered. Apparently she was spiking her margaritas with more tequila. That result was predictable.

    She didn’t sober up until well into our time at City Walk. Between that and today being Fathers Day, I’m pretty much untouchable today.

  9. my father's day present is an 8 week-old black lab puppy. she's way cute, but i hope we can figure out how to get to stop pissing and shitting all over the place. in theory, we're fostering her for three weeks, but i don't see anyone in this house being willing to give her up.

  10. Crate training is useful. You’re gonna lose some sleep in the near future though.

  11. My wife took our puppy to weekly “puppy training” classes for 4-6 weeks. And crate that pup. They are comfortable with small spaces.

  12. Like I said, I wanna party w/that guy.

  13. Fostering = owning; good on you mate(s)
    My father's day was great...9 holes early followed by beach w/some fam friends. If my neighbor buddy and I had not run out of Crop's organic cucumber based vod the night before, it could have ended up like TR's. I'm glad it didn't, but I do recommend the vod. If you like cucumber flavored, this is the one.

  14. I've never heard of cucumber vodka, but I'm a big fan of a Pimm's Cup in the summer so I will investigate.

  15. I suffered under a muggy sun y/day, watching my 9 y/o lose his spring finals game in a game where my kid’s head coach and all the other assistants besides me had hissy fits about bad calls. They got the team emotional and out of sorts. Multiple kids cried and we lost. I had to yell at the coaches to get them to stop. Embarrassing. I then relaxed and dozed on the couch to prime time golf. I ate cheese for dinner. It was glorious to wake up today after 10 hours of 100% sober sleep.

  16. My kids are in the Galapagos Islands and my dad was in NYC, so my Father's Day wasn't anything. Did get some quality beach time this weekend and caught up with a vast array of friends, ones I first met in every decade since the 1970's. Drank Jameson, Maker's, Patron, Grey Goose, Jagermeister, Fireball, the three major domestic light beers, double-digits' worth of craft brands local and otherwise, and multiple brands of spiked seltzers. Et cetera. Spent time in the company of several old flames but made my music with just one lovely lady. I'm not saying she saw God, but she certainly seemed to be speaking with/at the Lord. Ate nothing worth remembering, and I'm now very hungry. Gheorghies, come spend some beach time with the Whitdog this summer. Virginia Beach, Sandbridge, or the Outer Banks. It's all waiting for you.

  17. What about Richmond? Isbell/FJM a week from today!

  18. I thought you couldn’t make it?

  19. SiriusXM Spectrum currently playing the Avetts’ Bonnaroo set. Good shit.

  20. Whitdog needs his own billboard.

    Does she know you ate nothing worth remembering?

  21. It was a (perhaps poorly made) joke Whit.

  22. Dammit, Z, I thought you were back in. Blast.

  23. i got a fancy growler for father's day-- it keeps the beer cold all day! i also got rained on while trying to grill skewers of shrimp, resulting in some really weird wet shrimp. just burned them off the grill.

  24. how did your kids get to the Galapagos Islands? that's the best place on earth. they're going to have a hell of a time . . .
