Saturday, June 15, 2019

Barney and the North

It's winner celebration week here at G:TB, and apparently at 99% Invisible, as well.

The excellent design-focused podcast (featured not that long ago in this post) just re-ran an episode from a few years ago that celebrated the Raptors' first uniforms. These glorious togs right here (with bonus Oliver Miller!):

Enjoy the podcast here, and learn about the demented genius behind this look and the dozens of other mid-90s monstrosities you loved to hate.


  1. I feel like a few of us appear on “mid-90s monstrosities you love to hate” lists for several W&M coeds.

  2. Oh boy. OJ has joined Twitter.

  3. please tell me you guys were doing the Axl shoulder-slide/shuffle whilst singing "Patience" at the mid-town karaoke bar

  4. I don’t recall that Shlara, but TR had his eyes closed and a hand over his ear, like he was in the studio making sure the backing track was coming through. He took it all the way.

    Also, it was a private room sorta deal, where you only make an ass out of yourself in front of your friends, not a roomful of strangers. Sounds like TR brings it all out in either scenario!

  5. Oh TR brings it out. Dozens of women still have PTSD from Pledge Auction ‘93.

  6. fell into an isbell rabbit hole last night and watched a whole live show while drinking a couple of beers that i didn't need. played two hours of soccer hung over this morning. feeling pretty suboptimal now.

  7. I’m going to see Isbell in Richmond on 6/24 with Zman. Oh, wait, he’s bailing on me.

    Sorry, Z.

  8. i dislike the lakers, but i'm kinda excited to see lebron and the brow play together

  9. Spent the day drinking at a hotel pool. Came into the room to discover the AD trade. The lesson is that the Lakers will always fail up. No matter what.

  10. love that episode of 99 % invisible. i am still sweating beer from yesterday's staff picnic/corn-hole tourney. what happened to my metabolism?

  11. My wife was more overserved than I thought. Had to force her to wake up so we could head over City Walk. My kid is so happy to be in this tourist trap. I’m happy that she’s happy. Parenting is odd.

  12. The final DeBlasfest of all time was tonight. At least one of you has attended a DeBlasfest—the complex sold and the closing is in a few weeks. Still a lot of beer a lot of girls and a lot of cursing but vastly different from 25 years ago.
