Friday, May 17, 2019

You Could Get With This or You Could Get With That

Approaching the point in the evening where I've had enough to drink to make impulse purchase decisions, and I'm calling upon the assembled League of Gheorghies to crowdsource my choice.

In this corner, the primary Ardillas Voladoras logo cap:

And in this corner, the alternate:

Make your case in the comments.


  1. I’m not a fan of that style of hat but I’d go with the former. It’s no Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp though.

  2. i'm an old man. i can't wear these fancy newfangled snapback joints.

  3. I am also an old man. I choose tonwear new era fitteds save for a couple exceptions. I was forced to wear snapbacks in my baseball youth. I will never choose them.

    I can favor correctly adjusted flex fits. The hat from Butcher that I recommend to you. Between that and a similar hat from Brooklyn Bowl, my black hat rotation is in good shape.

  4. On top of that, trucker hats don’t work for bald guys. You may remember the MLB fitted post I had. That’s still how I roll.

  5. The former squirrel has what appears to be a giant dong hanging out there. Go with the latter.

  6. I wear form fitting mesh hats. Often with nothing else.

  7. I reduced my baseball hat collection to just three. They all have a sliding strap on the back. That’s the way to go.

  8. i have that hat from butcher. it sits a little high on my head, but it looks good worn backwards.

  9. Candidly, it probably doesn’t look good worn backwards.

  10. There are two LA Clippers nominated for sixth man of the year. By definition, that does not make sense.

  11. Rob, you should exclusively be wearing the Doc cowboy hat.

  12. I have become anti backwards hat. I’m not here to judge others but it’s not for me. The butcher hat has become higher in recent years and I understand Rob’s choice.

    You’ll catch me wearing MLB fitteds when I’m a couple days away from a head shave. Like,

  13. Even the MLB fitteds require a fair amount of massaging. I have white sox, giants and cardinals hats that fit me correctly-ish. All the rest (A’s, Braves, Blue Jays, Rays are still under construction).

  14. Zman is G:TBs Colin Cowherd. Sorry, Z.

  15. I remember when TR had a late 90’s mesh shirt phase. Notably, this was pre Mrs. TR.

    I concur with Zed, go with the latter.

  16. Is a butcher hat what Daniel Day Lewis wore in Gangs of New York?

  17. Or what Sam wore on The Brady Bunch?

  18. i've decided to reinstate the sentence of dave. too much weird stuff to report that isn't suited for long form.

  19. the doc hat, sadly, is too small for my big melon.

    sentence of dave is dead! long live sentence of dave!

  20. I mowed the lawn, trimmed the hedges and various trees, made two trips to the mulch pit, and I vacuumed all three cars including the interiors, trunks, and engine compartments. And I had sex with my wife last night. Very manly 12-15 hour stretch for me.

  21. uva lax just came from 5 goals down late in the 4th quarter to beat maryland in overtime in the ncaa semis. the goal that tied the game wasn't. shot from outside, hit the pipe so hard that it caromed to midfield. inexplicably, one of the refs called it a goal. gutting loss for the terps.

  22. My wife is out of town. I drank with my friend Vitas last night. Then I came home and hit dabs out of my new rig. I woke up today and went to the gym this morning, had a boozy lunch and then floated in my pool whilst listening to reggae for a couple hours. Then I took a nap. Not nearly as many as Z’s weekend but still quite enjoyable.

  23. early morning romance, cardboard to the recycling center, rollerbladed with dog, dishes, leaf blower action, rollerbladed without dog, biked with dog, went to randolph for a soccer game, my son got trampled multiple times but scored a goal-- which he really needed because he's taking a beating at this level-- forgot to remind my wife to take dog out for the peeing time, came home from soccer, dog peed on carpet, tried not to blame my wife for not taking dog out, walked dog, shaved my head and beard, and now drinking beer and off to a 50th birthday party. manly stuff (aside from the rollerblading)

  24. and zman, i'm requesting a comment so that sentence of dave feels normal again. thanks in advance.

  25. Write better sentences—sentences that provoke me to say something!

  26. Back from the islands. Still reeling.

    Headed to Seger on the east coast tonight with our friend Cricket. Tomorrow I’ll see Johnny Marr on the west coast. Rock and roll lifestyle.

  27. Whitney has soooo much more energy than me. Respect.

  28. Was just looking at that Johnny Marr tour. No east coast dates.

    Pro rugby debut in DC tmro. Get some

  29. Wait...your pro rugby debut? Mr KQ? As I understand it you’re older than me. By a bit. Respect to you too. You couldn’t pay me to play rugby (or football) in my 40s.

  30. Can I ask y'all for some travel help -- our family has terrific opportunity to go to Europe this summer for the month of July. We're flying out of Dulles on July 2nd and return on July 31st. Thing is, we need to figure out what to do with the car - long-term parking at the airport? At one of these more remote lots (hotel or otherwise)? Or will these hotels that advertise "free public parking" (no reservation needed) let you park there and not check that your car has sat there for a month, therefore leaving it for free?
    I realize these are dumb questions, but we don't travel like this regularly. Or hardly ever.
    My kids have never flown, in fact. Just trying to figure out how much $$ this part of the adventure is going to cost.
    So - whatever help with this, I'd appreciate it.
    Also if you have particular awesome suggestions for things you "must" do in London, Edinburgh, Paris, South of France, Geneva, Vienna, or areas of Germany - feel free to share!!

  31. i'm here for mr kq's pro rugby debut, but i think he's talking about old glory dc's first game as a franchise tomorrow.

    donna, i'd suck it up and do long-term parking at the airport. or park in my garage and take an uber.

  32. Chris Long retired tonight. That’s a good dude. And he named his kid Waylon. It’s not Zman and Kemba but it’s pretty damn good.

  33. Sorry for confusion Mark, def not playing! Rob has it correct. Old Glory - new DC franchise owned by a buddy I played with. They’re playing Shannon (Ireland) RFC. He just texted me The Shannon boys are raging tonight, prob at Dubliner. Good for Old Glory, but we know the Irish boys know how to drink.

  34. No apologies necessary, Mr KQ. I feel much better about the health of someone I’ve never met.

    I’ve had some drinks at The Dubliner before. Greg, natch. I also MET TJ, Whitney and Marls there. To say nothing of good times with Rob, Burr, Jerry and many others.

  35. Also, in shape Draymond is a basketball litmus test. You either get his immense value or you don’t. My man is is the best on the margins guy I’ve ever seen.

  36. Donna - you are welcome to park in my garage too. We are about a 25 min uber from Dulles.

  37. Does Larmar Odom have to special order a size appropriate drug test fake dong?

  38. Marls is a famous purveyor of fake dongs. Made to measure.

  39. I’m traveling and can’t watch GoT until Mon night, so no spoilers here pls!

    My proprietary theory is that Bran goes back in time and undoes Dany’s dirty dragon deeds. Zero chance it happens, but since he can make his presence known in the past, maybe he can go back and chg things up.

  40. Varner is allergic to the fairway. He’s melting away under the final pairing spotlight.

    I’m not a fan of Koepka’s outfit. Blue/black is not a good pairing. Nike let him down.

  41. The Nike hat he’s been rocking this weekend is awful.

  42. Koepka throwing up all over himself.
    DJ, aka "Dumb Dumb" making a move!

  43. That’s so nice of y’all to offer. Really! We’re trying to figure out what’s easiest, convenient, and not crazy $$.
    Will let you know if we need to consider it seriously. Thanks!
    It’s exciting planning for this, but it’s also lots of work. My husband is actually taking a 3-month sabbatical that starts in June. First one he’s ever taken in 19 years as FT pastor, so he’s due. It’ll be terrific.
