Monday, May 20, 2019


The English FA, BBC, and Prince William have joined forces to make visible an issue that plagues many, yet is still so hard to talk about. From this partnership, a video entitled, 'A Royal Team Talk: Tackling Mental Health', follows. Featuring several noteworthy professional players, including Peter Crouch, Thierry Henry, and Danny Rose, as well as England manager Gareth Southgate, the video juxtaposes the image of successful athletes at the top of their game with the pressures, anxiety, and mental issues that come with so many aspects of modern life. The piece also features four 'regular' blokes who struggle with anxiety and depression. This clip details the meeting of the two groups.

Important work being done here by HRH and the FA. More sunlight on this issue, more disinfectant, and perhaps less toxicity. A man can only hope.


  1. No G.O.T. chatter? What gives?
    My opinion of the last episode bends to the positive. I didn't love it, but am satisfied with its ending. One beef though is specific to Dany's reborn affectation for Jon Jon when in the previous episode, I figured she might eventually have him beheaded.
    I wonder how the Greeks are feeling today, all these years taking credit for Democracy. Frauds.

  2. I aired my GoT grievances on SoD because TR asked for no spoilers (he's away) and I don't want to listen to him bellyache.

  3. Danimal, thanks for ruining all 8 seasons for me.

  4. I am typing this w/o seeing prior comments. I am traveling internationally and the HBO app only works in the US. So I’m f’d until Fri night unless I download the Sky app and find somebody here w/ a log-in they'll share.

  5. TR, here’s what happened. Jon Snow’s old flame from the first five seasons showed up, and he decided to move away with her, though he then changed his mind and came back. The Lannister family got caught mocking a fat Targaryen being robbed and were jailed. In the end, Daenerys rode away on a dragon and looked down and saw GOODBYE written in stones.

    Oh, and then the Hobbit woke up from a crazy dream about swords and undead armies and dragons and red weddings and a dwarf. Crazy!

    Sorry to ruin it, but I couldn’t hold it in. Great finale!

  6. Perfect provenance for Teedge.

  7. That top photo is amazing.

  8. I had a '77 Ford Granada that looked exactly like this car, except it was Irish green inside and out with a white fake pleather top. That thing steered like a boat with 3-4 inches of play in the steering wheel. It was a tank but had some giddy up to it. Doors felt like 70 pound weights, trying to open and close them.

  9. new post-rant up. moose should told you.

  10. Disappointed nobody commented (cheers or jeers) on my finale comment. Come on, people. Get cultured.
