Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Egg Man Egg Boy Egg Man Egg Boy

You made the mistake and judge a man by his race
You go through life with egg on your face

Australian Senator Fraser Anning made the mistake, judging a whole bunch of men and women by their race. In return, he went through a small portion of his life with egg on his face.

After the horrific (and really, that word means fuck all anymore when it comes to gun violence) and cowardly attack on the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, Anning released a public statement claiming that “the real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place.”

First off, go fuck yourself and your ilk, Senator.

Secondly, I want to be Will Connolly when I grow up. Connolly is a 17 year-old Australian who disagrees with Anning's hateful rhetoric. And so he did this:

The stones to do that in the first place are worth commending. But young Connolly also took two punches from a much larger dude and didn't seem to bat an eye. They grow 'em tough in Oz, it appears.

After the incident, Connolly was rueful, though not exactly contrite. He posted a video on Instragram in which he said, "Don’t egg a politician, you’ll tackled by 30 bogans at the same time, I learnt the hard way. Fuck”

There's a GoFund me page raising money to cover Connolly's legal fees. He's said that we won't take the money, but will donate to charities supporting the Christchurch victims instead. Good on you, mate.

We don't condone violence here in the Gheorgheverse (we're lovers, not fighters), but hatred must be confronted.

Look out the window, see his bald head, run to the fridge, pull out an egg. Metaphors, y'all.


  1. we need diversity in our caucus. glad to have you, tr.

  2. Not like the crack that you put in a pipe
    But crack on your forehead, here's a towel, now wipe

  3. https://elgurudelbasket.com/gheorghe-muresan-eleccion-numero-altura/

  4. I am addicted to Sriracha-dusted almonds. Turns out it’s really easy to eat over 1,000 calories’ worth of them in a sitting.

  5. TR is Panda? I always pegged him for Griz.


  6. Reached in his pocket, took all his cash
    Left my man standing with the egg mustache
    Suckers they come a dime a dozen
    When I say dozen you know what I'm talkin' about, boyeeeeeeeeeee

  7. The panda eats wasabi snacks despite the fact that they're too spicy but he just has to eat them. Like TR's sriracha-dusted almonds. We Bare Bears is the best kid show on TV.

  8. The Sriracha almonds are superior to the Wasabi and Soy almonds, IMO.

  9. You go tell Panda/Bobby that.

  10. Best kid show used to be the Wiggles.
    The worst was — and if it’s still on the air, is — Barney.

  11. I think you meant to say "ooh baby I like my almonds raw." RIP Dirty.

  12. shim shimmy yahh - i think of odb whenever i eat my almonds.
