Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Bada Bing! Carmine Persico is Dead.

Love them or hate them, respect them or loathe them, the true wiseguys from our parents' generation were memorable. Last week's murder of acting Gambino crime boss Frank Cali in Staten Island reminded us that the mob is still alive and (sorta) well, living in a murky world of extortion and loansharking.

But there was a mafia death a couple weeks ago that fell under the radar, caught between some Trumpian craziness, Women's Day (when did that become thing?) and the Manafort sentencing.

The wiseguy was Carmine Persico. He passed away at the age of 85, an impressive run for a long-time mafia member, even if most of the last 40+ years were spent in the clink. But it's a memorable life, if the world of organized crime and thuggery is of interest to you. So let's quickly recap the highlights of Mr. Persico's career.

In his early teens, he was the leader of a street gang in Brooklyn. He was arrested for fatally beating a kid in Prospect Park when he was 17, but avoided charges. He joined the Colombo crime family after that and worked his way up the ladder. He was implicated in the famed Park Sheraton Hotel barber shop murder in 1957, but was never formally linked to the slaying.

Persico's dirty deeds and mob slang became canon for the Godfather movies. He hung out with Mario Puzo and the cast as the movie was being filmed. The scene where Caan says "bada bing, all over your nice Ivy league suit" was an ad lib that was pulled from something Caan heard Persico say. And remember that murder scene from Godfather II where they try to whack Frankie Pants with a garrote? That was pulled from a hit Persico attempted in a Brooklyn bar that got interrupted by a cop.

Persico's run was fiercely, savagely successful, but it did not last. He took over the Colombo crime family in 1973 after another famous murder, the assassination of rival gangster Joey Gallo at Umberto's Clam House in Little Italy in 1972. But problems with the law came up immediately thereafter and he was imprisoned for most of the rest of his life for hijacking, loansharking, attempting to bribe a federal agent, racketeering and other fun stuff.

He spent most of the rest of his life in prison. Hopefully he knew to slice the garlic thin and not put too many onions in the sauce. Crazy, violent life led by Persico.



  1. I really hoped A&J's Fleetwood Delicatessen would make its way into the story.

  2. And the next time you use the Wrath of Caan tag include this:


  3. I could’ve done more with this last night, but scotch.

  4. Heading to session 1 tomorrow here in the 904.
    Line 1 = Yale +7.5 vs the LSU
    Line 2 = Belmont + 3.5 vs MD
    If anything to note from the college hoopsters out there, let it be known.

  5. belmont's gonna win that game outright, danimal. for what it's worth.

  6. Mark Turgeon resembles that accusation.

  7. i'm in a traditional bracket pool and then i'm in one that is brilliant: you pick eight teams and every time one of your teams wins, you get the number of points of their seed. so picking a one seed doesn't do much. i think i figured out a secret formula for the win. i will keep y'all posted.

  8. Strong use of the word y'all by the guy from jersey.

    I retired from brackets after picking Rumeal Robinson and Michigan in 89.

  9. carbon leaf at the tally ho on saturday night, nova peeps

  10. chase audige and matt milon transferring from w&m. some scorched earth shit going on right now. such a fucking stupid and unnecessary move to fire shaver.

  11. Wow. Now the question becomes how many years she set the program back with a single ambition-bests-understanding move.

  12. somewhere between 6 and 9, if we're lucky.

  13. Matt Milon already transferred once, from BC. He needs to pipe down and stay put.

    Audige is "entering the portal" (sounds gross, huh?), but is keeping W&M open as a target, pending the hire of a coach. But I bet he gets scooped. He has game and can do better than our broke-dick college. No offense.
