Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Twelve days of Gheorghemas: Day 10

On the tenth day of Gheorghemas, Big Gheorghe gave to me:

Ten fingers and ten toes

Nine (ten, actually) Gheorghemas albums
Eight Bud Lites with Andy
Seven Book Categories for Reading
Six Cylinders for Shlara
Five Givings of Thanks
Four Badass Women
Three(+) Decades of Love’s Labor
Two Things You’re Needing
And a Fat Guy in a Sweet T

For the past few years, it seems like things in the real world have been kinda crappy for a lot of us around these parts.  Maybe not crappy all the time, but crappy more often than in the past.  Sometimes it's politics, sometimes it's work, sometimes it's family, sometimes it's health.  Perhaps that is just part of getting older...jobs get harder, loved ones age and need our help, politicians just seem to keep getting worse, the Tribe still misses the Big Dance.  As others have noted this Gheorgehmas, I am so thankful for this part of the electronic world that allows me to connect with friends and relieve a little bit of stress when necessary--the exact things that Rob discussed on day two.

While I have always known the importance of (but was sometimes terrible at achieving) having meaningful relationships and being able to limit stress, it was not until this year that the true meaning hit home.   As some of you know, Mrs. Marls & I I were blessed this year with a new addition to the family.  In early April, after 3 years of waiting, we were notified that a birth mother had selected us as adoptive parents.  Within four weeks, we were in the hospital as the parents of a 45 minute old newborn baby girl.  (Given the short amount of lead time, I think we may be on Jeff Bezos' Christmas card list with the number of deliveries from Amazon.)  I'm not sure how to explain the range of emotions you go through when something like this happens, but all I know is that noting is quite like the arrival of a newborn child.   Maybe Danimal can explain it because of his extensive experience.  It goes without saying that I think Lil' Marls is the most beautiful, special, unique, smart child to walk the earth.  When she could lift her head the night she was born, I tried to get Mrs. Marls to begin filling out the Harvard early admission application.   I attribute all of this to not having to share my DNA.   

Needless to say, our world has changed.   This little girl has turned our world upside down and inside out.  I feel like an old man.  What I can say is that child rearing is a young person's game.  Sleep deprivation, constantly being covered in a sheen of baby spit-up, plus baby weighted squats every time you stand up is not something my body was ready for. And I'm lucky because Mrs. Marls does most of the heavy lifting (literally and figuratively).  We would not trade a moment of it for anything in this world.  The last 7 months have been the most rewarding of our lives.     

On top of all that, the members of this little community stepped up in ways that it is hard to put my gratitude into words.    TJ and his wonderful bride threw us a shower.  Whit  & Rob were there from almost day one.  Shlara has been sending books and getting her ready to lead the woman's march in 2040.  TR, Zman, Mark & Mrs. Mark, and Mr. Fairbank sent supportive messages to a dad in the midst of an unfinalized adoption that meant more than you could ever know.   I can't thank you enough, though we will try.   We love you all.         

We are still maintaining a social media blackout so there will be no names and photos of Lil' Marls here, but feel free to call or text, as she's my favorite subject to talk about.  I can also send you a great picture of her and Whitney dressed as Abe Lincoln before the Memorial Day parade.

So on this Gheorgehmas, as always, I am thankful for the denizens of this site, whether it be for the wit and insight you bring to your posts and your comments, or just the sheer buffoonery that makes this place special.   But this year I am especially thankful for the newest addition to our family who has taught me a lesson about the power of unconditional love and the power of the friends here that make life special. 

I finish this while wearing matching Santa pajamas with my wife and little girl on her first Christmas morning.  Life is full of surprises - thanks for being part of the crazy ride.


  1. this post makes an already terrific gheorghemas even more special. lovely effort, marls. merry gheorghemas, one and all.

  2. the true meaning of christmas!

    but just wait until she can ask for stuff . . .

  3. Holy cow. Where have I been? Marls -apologies, but I was not in the know on this. This is exceptional! Very happy for you and the Mrs. Enjoy this extra special Christmas as I'm sure you will.

    Well, after a 30-min run/walk with the dog, a S, Shave, and Shower, this cat is rebooted...it's time for either a bloody or a Fireball & Egg Nog.

    Air fryer was a gift for moi. Anyone have one? I'm a little skeptical if I'm being honest. Wish I had some honest. What say you?

  4. "honest"??? that is supposed to read, "oysters"

  5. Danimal - no apologies necessary. We played this pretty close to the vest.

  6. my family got me 'boom town' for christmas. so i can knock off one of the books on dave's list. and i read 'ask the dust' earlier in the year. making progress.

  7. Marls...it got a little dusty in my living room just now. So happy for you and your family.

    I also got an air fryer for Xmas. I’m excited to use it. I got a nap today for the first time in I don’t know when on xmas.

    Working on a smoked prime rib right now and ready to eat, drink and be merry with both sides of my family. 20+ at the in laws for lobster, prime rib, clams, eggplant and much much more.

  8. Love the baby Marls story. She’s the very cutest.

    I had a lovely Pennsylvania Christmas morning. My dad had a very nice first Christmas without his missus since 1979, mainly because my kid sister went all out. I flew back to Norfolk on the 1pm puddle jumper and was picked up by my girls. There’s no better welcome that I could have conjured.

    Headed to Sarasota tomorrow AM. I expect to lounge about in warm weather with family and beverages for 4 days. Truth be told, it’s my first holiday season without a significant other to share it with since GHWB was in office, so being immersed in fam time has been a good thing.

  9. Boston/Philly was fun.

    Being a dad on Christmas is fun too.

  10. Baby Marls is one of the best things to happen in 2018.
    Cheers to her and all of the Gheorghies this Christmas

  11. Boston/Philly was indeed fun. I am beyond stuffed on meat, seafood, pasta and cheese. Back home and not yet drunk but I’m working on it as I settle in for the 4th quarter of Warriors-Lakers. Christmas when my entire family is in town is exhausting...but worth it.

  12. We got roped into dog sitting for a week. So double the odds of dog puke/poop/piss in our house until 2019. Very excited to be working the next three days to get away from the chaos.
