Monday, December 24, 2018

Gheorghemas Filler Before rob's Gheorghemas Interlude

Over the course of our lives, we have been bombarded with holiday-themed television specials and movies. Some we love, some we hate, some cannot be stopped (that goddamn Grinch franchise). But the one that randomly stays with me despite being below the hard deck is the cartoon mouse vehicle 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, a 1974 tale of holiday hope from animation powerhouse Rankin/Bass (once we get that GTB intern a longer post needs to happen on RB). I believe I've written about 'Twas in this space before, but wanted to check in once more on this Christmas Eve to say, folks, this tune is a holiday banger:


  1. The Rankin/Bass version of The Hobbit changed my life.

  2. Too much Jamo last night. I woke up in Pennsylvania.
    Which is where I drove yesterday to see my sister, so it makes sense, but the hangovers are bad here.

  3. The Washington football team, last seen hiring a domestic abuser and not interviewing Colin Kaepernick, released one of their best defensive players because he questioned the DC’s playcalling last game in a radio interview. Unreal.

    He should’ve known better. Snyder is a Trump gnome. Free speech is verboten. I hope the Eagles pick him up and play him next week.

  4. How much Jamo is “too much Jamo”?

  5. In other football news, my Pats* fan friends are in full the-sky-is-falling mode, convinced that the dynasty is over. Note that the Pats* will be the 2 seed if they beat the Jest, and they could get the 1 seed in some scenarios. Bostonians are spoiled.

  6. there's a house just down the street that's decorated a wooden cross with lights for the season. it's a lovely sentiment, but the cross is away from any other lighting in their yard, and they've chosen red, yellow, and white lights for it. so it looks more than a little like the klan put a burning cross in the yard. good times.

  7. They should get Kendall’s Kountry Kitchen to cater their holiday party.

  8. And you will never know how much is too much Jamo. Because the point at which you’ve officially had too much is the same point at which your memory clicks off. And you spend all morning wondering if a family member is going to take you aside for a little talk about what you said or did the night prior.

    Fortunately I didn’t get that talk yet.

  9. So you’re saying David Duke moved to Loudon County.

  10. I went to church with the fam this afternoon. Prayed for some peeps who need it. Wished some strangers a merry Christmas. Felt good.

    Sang some hymns. Reigning favorite is still, after many years, What Child Is This. Those high notes give me the chills something fierce.

    Merry Christmas, gheorghies.

  11. I held off until 445 for my first scotch pour. Playing ZZ Top’s Tres Hombres on vinyl. Wife is less than thrilled w/ my sonic decisions.

    The house is clean as hell and we have shrimp/scallop scampi, meat fondue and a million appetizers. Gonna eat my fill tonight.

  12. Couldn’t find a beer I wanted in my sister's icebox so I made my peace with John Jameson & Son. First sip was a winner. We’re back.

  13. i have a plethora of high-octane brews chilling in the fridge. friends coming over at 6. it will take a lot of willpower to not be a mess by the time i go to bed. i predict a(nother) christmas morning hangover.

    what child is this is a fine tune, for certain. my favorite is angels we have heard on high. i'm a sucker for in excelsis deo.

  14. The new Grinch movie is good btw. Yearly church obligation is taken care of. Now it’s time for a little Xmas eve drinking. Merry Christmas, Gheorghies.

  15. My oldest son and the youngest (who is daughter) played an instrumental, brass on french horn and baritone, of "what child is this" at the church I serve yesterday during morning worship. Beautiful!
    Today, we have two Christmas Eve services - one at each church husband and I each serve - and my husband woke up barely able to walk...called my cousin's husband who is orthopedic surgeon and over the phone, he's diagnosing a torn meniscus! WTF!
    Husband was going to preach service, sitting, last I understood - but I had to leave before they went there b/c my service was earlier. Oh the life of pastor people. And I had to do hospital visitation with very sick people, too, which is tough anytime, but especially Christmas! OY!
    And our Christmas Eve dinner this year is hamburgers!
    We did have a lovely Christmas dessert open house with 70, give or take, of our closest friends and church-going people over yesterday afternoon! My daughter made miniature cheesecakes that were incredible.
    So - happy Christmas folks. The waiting is just about over.
    Oh - and we haven't wrapped - well, hardly anything.
    And my oldest - the Pats fan - thinks the dynasty is over, too. We keep telling him to relax.
    Merry, merry, folks!! We'll be glad when morning comes b/c we're on vacation for a week!!

  16. Do You Hear What I Hear?

    But I may just love that tune because it’s playing in the background as Billy’s mom microwaves and blends some Gremlins.

  17. my kids and their friends just had a conversation about whether eating ass is vegan. christmas eve is certainly different these days.

    merry christmas, you magnificent bastards.

  18. It’s my understanding that you aren’t supposed to actually eat the ass so it’s clearly vegan, right?

  19. Jesus, Rob.

    My nephew has NBA 2k on Xbox. I told him to be the All-Time Wizards (and Bullets) as I watched. Gheorghe is on the team! He scored 5 points and looked slow but good. Rex Chapman and John Wall lit it up.

  20. Merry Christmas people. You mean a lot. Started day w Ronnie. Ending day w Ronnie.And a metric ton of appreciation in between.

  21. that's my interpretation, z. my 68 year-old aunt was either bemused or mortified by the conversation. hard to say. my kids are irreverent little assholes. you may feel free to question my parenting. but not my parentage.

  22. My 17 year old worked at the family restaurant tonight. She got home around 11 and helped us put the presents under the tree. It was a different but special sort of Xmas eve moment. She was engaged and appreciative. Merry Christmas, y’all.

  23. hello gheorghies!

    despite being 13 and 14, my kids still get up early on xmas morning. they are watching "parks and rec" and eating candy. i was driver last night so i have no hangover and my wife is sleeping it off. while i complain that the italian side of my family is too fucking loud, they are musical and a bunch of them can really sing. they do xmas carols like no other people i've heard, in tune but so so loud. my ears are still ringing. then my cousin and i did rolling stones songs, him on piano and me on guitar. his band is playing the saint on feb 2, if anyone wants to go. pretty fun xmas eve, despite the hour drive and decibel level.

    merry xmas!

  24. My living room is awash with mermaids and dinosaurs.

  25. I did multiple shots of irish Mist liqueur with FOG:TB Sammy the Bull last night. Chased them with Irish coffees. Went about as well as you would think.

    Bummer about last night is no leftover scampi or dip. Kids all ate and tore thru gifts and are buried in electronics. I want a nap.
